P. 7
Thursday 10 augusT 2017
US expels 2 Cuban diplomats over incidents US oil industry pushes back
By MATTHEW LEE Some of the diplomats’ had been involved. The FBI on sanctions on Venezuela
M. WEISSENSTEIN symptoms were so severe and Diplomatic Security
Associated Press that they were forced to Service are investigating. By JOSHUA GOODMAN
WASHINGTON (AP) — The cancel their tours early and Cuba employs a massive ALEXANDRA OLSON
two-year-old U.S. diplomat- return to the United States, state security apparatus Associated Press
ic relationship with Cuba officials said. After months that keeps hundreds and CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — The Trump administra-
tion’s decision on Wednesday to slap sanctions on
eight members of Venezuela’s all-powerful constitu-
tional assembly brings to 30 the number of government
loyalists targeted for human rights abuses and viola-
tions of democratic norms since anti-government pro-
tests began in April.
But even as the list of targeted individuals grows longer,
promised economic sanctions have yet to materialize
amid an outcry by the U.S. oil industry that a potential
ban on petroleum imports from Venezuela — the third-
largest supplier to the U.S. — would hurt U.S. jobs and
drive up gas costs.
The sanctions announced Wednesday focused on
current or former Venezuelan government officials ac-
cused by the U.S. of supporting President Nicolas Mad-
uro’s creation of a special assembly charged with re-
writing Venezuela’s constitution — a move the U.S. says
is an attempt by Maduro to shore up his grip on power.
Since its election last month, the 545-member assem-
bly has declared itself superior to all other government
institutions and ousted Venezuela’s chief prosecutor, a
vocal critic of Maduro.
The U.S. Treasury Department took the unusual step of
In this 2015 photo, a member of the Cuban honor guard stands next to a new plaque at the front sanctioning Maduro himself last month, freezing any
door of the newly reopened Cuban embassy in Washington. The State Department has expelled assets he may have in the U.S. and blocking Americans
two diplomats from Cuba’s Embassy in Washington following a series of unexplained incidents in from doing business with him.
Cuba that left U.S. officials there with physical symptoms. The newest additions on Wednesday include Adan
(AP Photo/Andrew Harnik) Chavez, the older brother of Hugo Chavez, who is
credited with introducing the late president to Marxist
was roiled Wednesday by of investigation, U.S. offi- possibly thousands of peo- ideology in the 1970s, and a national guard colonel
what U.S. officials believe cials concluded that the ple under constant surveil- lionized by the government after he physically shoved
was a string of bizarre at- diplomats had been at- lance. U.S. diplomats are congress President Julio Borges during a heated ex-
tacks on a group of Ameri- tacked with an advanced among the most closely change caught on video.
can diplomats in Havana sonic weapon that operat- monitored people on the Former Foreign Minister Delcy Rodriguez, who is lead-
with a covert sonic weap- ed outside the range of au- island. It would be virtu- ing the assembly but has so far escaped being sanc-
on that left the victims with dible sound and had been ally impossible for anyone tioned, said the latest U.S. action seeks to “spread fear”
severe hearing loss. deployed either inside or to take action against an among delegates and please government opponents
In the fall of 2016, a series of outside their residences. American diplomat without she described as “criminals” and “unpatriotic.”
U.S. diplomats began suf- The U.S. retaliated by ex- an element of the Cuban While most Venezuelan officials wear U.S. sanctions as
fering unexplained losses of pelling two Cuban diplo- state being aware. Like all a badge of honor — and are frequently rewarded with
hearing, according to offi- mats from their embassy foreign diplomats in Cuba, promotions as a result — Maduro faces a far greater
cials with knowledge of the in Washington on May 23, the victims of the attacks threat if Trump follows through on economic sanctions
investigation into the case. State Department spokes- lived in housing owned and against the OPEC nation.
Several of the diplomats woman Heather Nauert maintained by the Cuban For all of Maduro’s anti-capitalist rhetoric, Venezuela,
were recent arrivals at the said. government. which sits atop the world’s largest oil reserves, remains
embassy, which reopened U.S. officials told The As- The U.S. officials weren’t highly dependent on oil exports to the U.S., especially
in 2015 as part of former sociated Press that about authorized to discuss the for importing food and medicine — items in short sup-
President Barack Obama’s five diplomats, several with investigation publicly and ply as crude prices have fallen and triple-digit inflation
reestablishment of diplo- spouses, had been affect- spoke on condition of wreaks havoc on the economy.
matic relations with Cuba. ed and that no children anonymity.q The Trump administration warned last month that
it would take “strong and swift economic actions”
Russian plane creates buzz in Washington against Maduro if he went ahead with plans to seat
the constitutional assembly.
By DEB RIECHMANN The flight, which was filmed mistrust or misunderstand- But since the election last month, no such action has
Associated Press by The Associated Press, ings and help monitor arms materialized, leading some of Maduro’s opponents to
WASHINGTON (AP) — A was permitted under the control and other agree- wonder whether the U.S. president has lost his nerve.
low-flying Russian airplane Open Skies Treaty. ments. The prospect of an import ban has alarmed U.S. oil
created a buzz in the na- Russia and the United Dan Gaffney, a spokesman companies that rely on Venezuelan crude.
tion’s capital on Wednes- States are signatories to for the Pentagon, said he Nine companies, including Chevron, Valero, Citgo and
day, but it turns out the the treaty, which allows un- could not confirm the path Phillips 66, currently process Venezuelan crude in more
surveillance flight over the armed observation flights of the plane until its mission than 20 U.S. refineries, most of them located along the
Capitol, Pentagon and over the entire territory was over. Gulf Coast, according to data from the U.S. Energy In-
other sites was cleared by of all 34 member nations. “A typical mission has sev- formation Administration. Many of these refineries are
the U.S. government un- The flights are intended to eral segments (flights) tak- designed for the type of heavy crude that Venezuela
der a long-standing global foster transparency about ing place over a few days,” exports and replacing those supplies would be disrup-
treaty. military activity, reduce Gaffney said.q tive and costly.q