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                                                                                                                                                                        Wednesday 16 March 2016

Sony buys Michael Jackson’s
stake in music catalog for $750M

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Mi-          debts through a mixture of                             recordings or songs that he     In this March 5, 2009 file photo, US singer Michael Jackson an-
chael Jackson’s estate has      new music and movie ven-                               wrote, and the singer’s es-     nounces that he is set to play ten live concerts at the London O2
agreed to sell its remaining    tures and re-releases of the                           tate will continue to have a    Arena in July, which he announced at a press conference at the
stake in a lucrative music      singer’s most popular mu-                              stake in EMI Publishing, Inc.   London O2 Arena. 
catalog to Sony Corp. for       sic. Jackson’s estate ben-                             “This transaction further al-
$750 million, the entities an-  efits his mother and three                             lows us to continue our ef-                                                                         Associated Press
nounced Monday.                 children, known as Prince,                             forts of maximizing the val-
The agreement for Jack-         Paris and Blanket.                                     ue of Michael’s Estate for      at age 50, though by that     The deal for Jackson’s half
son’s half-share of the         “This agreement further                                the benefit of his children,”   point Jackson was hun-        of the Sony/ATV catalog is
Sony/ATV Music Publishing       demonstrates Sony’s com-                               the co-executors of Jack-       dreds of millions of dollars  expected to close by the
catalog will give the com-      mitment to the  entertain-                             son’s estate, attorney John     in debt.                      end of March.q
pany sole ownership of          ment  businesses and our                               Branca and music execu-
works by The Beatles, Bob       firm belief that these busi-                           tive John McClain, wrote in
Dylan and other hit making      nesses will continue to con-                           a statement. “It also further
musicians, including Emi-       tribute to our success for                             validates Michael’s fore-
nem and Taylor Swift.           years to come,” Sony Corp.                             sight and genius in invest-
The deal is another posthu-     president and CEO Kazuo                                ing in music publishing.”
mous blockbuster deal for       Hirai wrote in a statement.                            Jackson purchased the
Jackson, whose estate has       The sale does not include                              ATV portion of the cata-
erased the singer’s massive     rights to Jackson’s master                             log in 1985 for $41.5 million,
                                                                                       and he later merged it with
Fox News’ Megyn                                                                        Sony. It remained his most
                                                                                       lucrative asset at the time
Kelly gets a                                                                           of his death in June 2009

broadcast special

In this Jan. 28, 2016 file photo, moderator Megyn Kelly talks
during a Republican presidential primary debate in Des Moines,

                                                                    Associated Press 

NEW YORK (AP) — Fox             television executive Bill
News Channel’s Megyn            Geddie, formerly Barbara
Kelly is graduating to the      Walters’ right-hand man at
Fox broadcast network —         “The View,” to produce the
at least for one night.         special.
Fox announced Tuesday           It’s not hard to imagine
that Kelly will host a          Kelly getting more such
prime-time special in           opportunities if the May
May, featuring celebrity        23 special goes well. With
interviews from politics        Walters’ retirement, no one
and  entertainment. One         has inherited her mantle as
of Fox News’ biggest stars      a go-to person for celebrity
has increased her profile       television interviews
in recent months with her       For one night at least, the
no-holds-barred debate          special will put Kelly in
moderating performances.        direct competition with Fox
The network said it has hired   News’ Bill O’Reilly.q
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