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CLASSIFIED Monday 21 august 2017
Incentives offered for agents at remote border crossings dOCTOR ON dUTY
Dr. Pieterse M
The hiring effort, which be- Tel. 583 3330
gan spring 2015, is sepa- San Nicolas
rate from President Donald Dr. Britt Croes
Trump’s executive order Tel. 584 1984
issued shortly after he took EMERGENCIA 911
office to hire 5,000 new
border patrol agents and
other security personnel.
Many ports now help fill
staffing shortages with lots POLICE 100
of overtime for the officers, ORANJESTAD 527-3140
but that can only go so far, NOORD 527-3200
Owen said. SAN NICOLAS 584-5000
“You need the staffing to POLICE TIPLINE 11141
be healthy so that there FIRE DEPT. 115
is that balance, you have FIRE DEPT. 582-1108
fresh officers and the of- HOSPITAL 527-4000
ficers also have quality of DENTAL CLINIC 587-9850
life,” he said. IMSAN 524-8833
Even though the officers RED CROSS 582-2219
might appear to be work-
ing in areas where there is Women in Difficulties
little to do, they have to be PHARMACY
as ready to detect threats Oranjestad:
In this Dec. 1, 2016 photo provided by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, a moose stands at as officers working at larg- Central Tel. 585 8077
the border crossing station between the U.S. and Canada at Norton, Vt., manned by agent Mario er, busier points of entry. San Nicolas
Marquis, left. The agency is offering financial incentives for people willing to work at 21 remote Seroe Preto Tel. 584 4833
border crossings across the country, including Norton. Therese Herr, now a border
(U.S. Customs and Border Protection via AP) patrol supervisor in Beecher
Falls, where Vermont, New
By WILSON RING Protection Assistant Com- mistake,” Marquis said of Hampshire and Quebec INFORMATION 118
Associated Press missioner Todd Owen. some outsiders who come meet, was called in one TAXI-TAS 587-5900
NORTON, Vt. (AP) — It Mario Marquis, a Norton to work the port. “They are night in December 1999 TAXI D.T.S. 587-2300
can be slow at the U.S.- agent for 15 years, said like a fish out of water, like when a Montreal woman SERVICE AUA 583-3232
Canadian border cross- he’d like to have more co- I am when I go to Boston.” was arrested trying to bring A1 TAXI SERVICES 587-8850
ing between Norton, Ver- workers. There are 328 ports of entry a Moroccan man into the 280-2828
mont, and Stanhope, Que- “The pool of people that to the United States across country illegally. CRuIsE sHIP
bec, where agents have you would pick from have the country, including land, “The tough things for these
watched moose amble probably left the area to sea and airports. Customs guys and gals — there’s a
through while waiting for look for work somewhere and Border Protection is danger of somebody be-
people and cargo. else,” said Marquis, who currently working to hire coming complacent, but
But the port is still open 24/7 greets border-crossers in 1,300 officers nationwide — I’m going to say this for the
and needs to be staffed both English and French. 1,150 at about 30 officially people who work here: I August 23
around the clock. Howev- New officers do come to recognized hard-to-fill lo- don’t see that happen- adventure of the seas
er, the U.S. Government is work in Norton, but it’s hard cations. ing,” said Herr, who acts as Zenith
having a hard time finding for many who feel isolated Of those, new hires at 21 a local recruiter. Aruba Airport 524-2424
American Airlines 582-2700
employees. in the rural region where locations, including Norton, “They are always on top. Avianca 588-0059
As part of a nationwide even a trip to Walmart is an are eligible for a three-year We’re very fortunate to Aruba Airlines 583-8300
effort to increase staff at all-day event. 25 percent bonus on top have a good group of Jet Blue 588-2244
some of its most remote “They come here and of a base pay of about people, but it would be Surinam 582-7896
border crossings, Customs they soon realize it was a $32,000. nice to have more.”q Venezolana 583-7674
and Border Protection is Aruba Foundation
now offering hiring bo- For those Visually Incapasitated
Tel. 582-5051
nuses and job security for
people willing to make the AL-ANON group
Sabana Liber #8, Noord
move to remote spots in Tel. 736-2952 or 593-7081
Vermont, Maine, North Da-
kota, Texas and other loca- FUNDACIONS
tions on both the northern Respetami
Tel. 582-4433
and southern borders.
While the hours of opera- Centro Diabetic Arubano
tion of some remote cross- Tel. 524-8888
ings are being reduced, Narcotics Anonymous
in the post 9/11 era, secu- Tel. 583-8989
rity procedures require that
crossings be staffed by QUOTA Club
at least two officers at all Tel. 525-2672
times. Women in Difficulties
“There are midnight shifts in Foundation
many locations where the Tel. 583-5400
volume is minimal, yet the
community still expects to Bloodbank Aruba
have that level of service,” Tel. 587-0002
said Customs and Border