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LOCALWednesday 3 February
MIAMI, Fla. – January 14, lored to patients’ individual Molecular Genetics Labo-
2016 – Jeff Boyd, Ph.D., a needs. ratory and the Gynecology
renowned expert in can- and Breast Research Labo-
cer research and genetic Dr. Boyd was most recently ratory at Memorial Sloan-
testing, joins the executive senior vice president for Kettering Cancer Center in
leadership of Miami Cancer Molecular Medicine, ex- New York.
Institute at Baptist Health ecutive director of the
South Florida as director of Cancer Genome Institute “We are extremely fortu-
translational research and and the Robert C. Young, nate to have someone
genomic medicine. In this M.D., Chair in Cancer Re- of Dr. Boyd’s caliber join
capacity, Dr. Boyd will play search at Fox Chase Can- our program,” said Leon-
a critical role in positioning cer Center in Philadelphia, ard Kalman, M.D., deputy
Miami Cancer Institute’s where he also maintained director and chief clini-
Center for Genomic Medi- a research laboratory. cal officer of the Institute.
cine as an international Previously, he served as “With his experience at two
leader for highly personal- attending biologist and National Cancer Institute-
ized genetic analyses tai- director of the Diagnostic designated centers and his
reputation as an innovator cer Institute, designed to
in his field, Dr. Boyd will help be a world-class clinical
us establish a world-class center and research des-
program in genomic medi- tination, will move into its
cine. He will foster impor- new spectacular facility in
tant relationships with our 2016.
academic alliance part-
ner, as well as with other Miami Cancer Institute is
leaders in genomic medi- part of Baptist Health South
cine.” Florida, the largest health-
care organization in the re-
Dr. Boyd is professor and gion, with seven hospitals
chairman of the Depart- (Baptist Hospital, Baptist
ment of Human and Mo- Children’s Hospital, Doc-
lecular Genetics at Florida tors Hospital, Homestead
International University’s Hospital, Mariners Hospi-
Herbert Wertheim College tal, South Miami Hospital
of Medicine. He serves and West Kendall Bap-
on the editorial board of tist Hospital) and nearly
the American Journal of 50 outpatient and urgent
Pathology and has held care facilities spanning
faculty positions at Memo- three counties. The not-
rial Sloan-Kettering Cancer for-profit, faith-based Bap-
Center, the University of tist Health has more than
Pennsylvania and the Na- 16,000 employees and
tional Institutes of Health. 2,200 affiliated physicians
and also includes Baptist
A native of Chapel Hill, Health Medical Group,
North Carolina, Dr. Boyd Baptist Health Quality Net-
received his bachelor’s work, Baptist Outpatient
degree from Duke Univer- Services and internation-
sity, and his master’s and ally renowned centers of
doctorate degree in toxi- excellence. Baptist Health
cology/biochemistry from Foundation, the organiza-
North Carolina State Uni- tion’s fundraising arm, sup-
versity in Raleigh. ports services at all hospi-
tals and facilities. Baptist
About Miami Cancer Insti- Health is listed by Fortune
tute magazine as one of the
Miami Cancer Institute of- 100 Best Companies to
fers comprehensive can- Work For in America (#23
cer services and is expand- in the nation) and has re-
ing its clinical services, mained on the list for 15
clinical trials and state-of- years. It was also recog-
the-art technology, includ- nized as one of the World’s
ing offering the first proton Most Ethical Companies
therapy treatment in South for the fourth year in a row
Florida, Latin America and by the Ethisphere Institute.
the Caribbean. The Can- Visit