P. 26

Pagina 26                                                                                                                  Diasabra 15 Augustus 2015

 Solo di Pueblo... Local

Datapanik & Fellow Pool Party Album Release

Geographically speaking,      what Datapanik pledged         you see Michael Lampe         According to Michael            at Bula, Local Store &
Aruba is still the same                                      speaking to some of the       Lampe "this album is            Veneta Cucine for 75 Awg
size, however, when it        to be all about, which was     elders of Arubian Folkore     going to be a little different  & for VIP Tickets which
comes to everything else                                     music like the Master of      due to the concepts being       are at 150 Awg you can
coming from Aruba as far      giving birth to a new type     Tambu himself Vicente         far more universal than         call 7440964 before they
as culture & arts, there has                                 Ras and showing us where      just creative inspiration,      run out! The dresscode
been a massive growth         of sound. The traditional      he got his inspiration from.  with this album Datapanik       is Island Chic swimwear
seen in the last decade                                                                    wants to share with you         or dress and there will
making Aruba not only         sound of Aruba known as        After their succesful         their personal stories &        be a welcome drink of
a perfect vacation spot,                                     release of ''Fuente'' ,       deeper concepts of the          champagne for everyone!
but also an island which      ''Cah'i Orgel'' which has      Datapanik is back at it       experience of life. The         So make sure you come
is producing incredible                                      again with a brand new        album will be available         out and support these
talent in all areas of        been around since the          single titled ''Contento''    on CD Baby, Amazon,             guys who have been really
entertainment. A perfect                                     featuring the 4 year old      itunes & all other big digital  putting in work to both
example of this expansion     19th Century, experienced      Xavi Croes who has been       platforms."                     preserve and transform
of innovation comes                                          an artist ever since he was                                   Arubian culture. It's going
from the popular group        another historical phase       born and by the looks of it   This time alongside Moet        to be an awesome party
''DataPanik'' brought up                                     probably even before that!    & Chandon Ice Imperial,         so don't let your friends
by Producer, DJ & overall     of evolution due to the        One day he began to sing      Datapanik & Fellow will be      tell you how good it was,
Musician Michael Lampe                                       a song of joy to Michael      having a pool party release     come on by and see it for
also known as 'Fellow'.       combined efforts & initiative  and this became the           on August 22 at Villa           yourself!
                                                             inspiration behind the new    Royale Aruba. It's going
It was the year 1999 and      of DataPanik becoming a        song ''Contento'' which       to be one big party at an       Contact Info:
the world was getting ready                                  means ''Happy''. This is      amazing location with one
for the new millenium while   modern interpretation of       Datapanik's first single      of Aruba's biggest private      Cell: 7440964
rumors about a cyber                                         from the new upcoming         pools and the purpose of
crash leading to a panic      the sounds of the Aruban       6th studio album titled       having fun and celebrating      ht t p: // w w w.
of information or data had                                   ''Surpasa'' of which they     the new music with a  
everybody pondering on        identity. With Derrick         are recently finishing off    lineup including Ataniro,
the possible end of the                                      the last details before the   Nutzbeatz, DJ Yeimy, Top        ht t p s: // w w w.f a c e b o o k .
world again. It was the       Huntington on the drums,       official release very soon    Rankin, Daniville & MC          com/datapanikofficial
end of the old world so we                                   together with a special       Oscar Booy. The party
could welcome the new         Jair Britten on percussion     release of a ''Fellow''       begins at 3Pm until 12Am
one, and this is exactly                                     EP titled ''Island Driven''.  and tickets are available       datapanikofficial
                              & Edmar Rincones on

                              guitars, together they take

                              the rhytms & melodies of

                              traditional crioyo music

                              and hit the refresh button

                              on them by adding hip-

                              swiveling electronic beats

                              & as it was written in the

                              2014 article by Alexis

                              Stephens: ''Datapanik gets

                              booties shaking, but is

                              happy to let the roots take

                              center stage'' . On YouTube

                              you will find a beautiful

                              short film titled ''Fuente

                              Di Inspiracion - Datapanik

                              Documentary''  where
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