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A4   U.S. NEWS
              Wednesday 2 december 2020

            Study: Students falling behind in math during pandemic

            By CAROLYN THOMPSON                                                                                                 before schools closed and
            Associated Press                                                                                                    those given this fall.
            A  disproportionately  large                                                                                        Both  measures  indicated
            number  of  poor  and  mi-                                                                                          that  students  are  advanc-
            nority  students  were  not  in                                                                                     ing  in  math,  but  not  as
            schools for assessments this                                                                                        rapidly as in a typical year.
            fall, complicating efforts to                                                                                       The findings confirm expec-
            measure  the  pandemic’s                                                                                            tations  that  students  are
            effects on some of the most                                                                                         losing  ground  during  the
            vulnerable students, a not-                                                                                         pandemic, but show those
            for-profit company that ad-                                                                                         losses  are  not  as  great  as
            ministers standardized test-                                                                                        projections made in spring
            ing said Tuesday.                                                                                                   that  were  based  in  part
            Overall, NWEA’s fall assess-                                                                                        on  typical  “summer  slide”
            ments  showed  elementary                                                                                           learning losses.
            and middle school students                                                                                          A November report by Re-
            have fallen measurably be-                                                                                          naissance  Learning  Inc.,
            hind  in  math,  while  most                                                                                        based on its own standard-
            appear  to  be  progressing                                                                                         ized testing, similarly found
            at a normal pace in read-                                                                                           troubling  setbacks  in  math
            ing  since  schools  were                                                                                           and lesser reading losses.
            forced to abruptly close in                                                                                         The  Renaissance  Learning
            March and pickup online.                                                                                            analysis  looked  at  results
            The  analysis  of  data  from   In this Nov. 14, 2020 file photo, students demonstrate during a rally to call on New York Mayor Bill   from  5  million  students  in
            nearly  4.4  million  U.S.  stu-  de Blasio to keep schools open.                                  Associated Press  grades  1-8  who  took  Star
            dents  in  grades  3-8  repre-                                                                                      Early  Literacy  reading  or
            sents one of the first signifi-  but were missing from 2020  Kuhfeld said on a call with  where one year’s skills — or  math  assessments  in  fall
            cant measures of the pan-    testing.                     reporters.                   deficits  —  carry  over  into  2019  and  2020.  It  found
            demic’s  impacts  on  learn-  NWEA said they may have  The  NWEA  findings  show  the next year.                    students of all grades were
            ing.                         opted  out  of  the  assess-  that,  compared  to  last  “The    challenge   around  performing  below  expec-
            But  researchers  at  NWEA,  ments,  which  were  given  year,  students  scored  an  mathematics  is  an  acute  tations  in  math  at  the  be-
            whose  MAP  Growth  as-      in-person and remotely, be-  average of 5 to 10 percen-   one,  and  it’s  something  ginning of the school year,
            sessments  are  meant  to  cause they lacked reliable  tile  points  lower  in  math,  we’re  going  to  be  deal-  with  some  grades  12  or
            measure     student   profi-  technology or stopped go-   with  students  in  grades  ing with even after we get  more weeks behind.
            ciency,  caution  they  may  ing to school.               three, four and five experi-  back in school,” he said.   Black,   Hispanic,   Ameri-
            be underestimating the ef-   “Given  we’ve  also  seen  encing the largest drops.      NWEA  compared  grade-       can  Indian  and  students
            fects on minority and eco-   school  district  reports  of  English   language   arts  level  performance  on  the  in  schools  serving  largely
            nomically  disadvantaged  higher  levels  of  absentee-   scores  were  largely  the  2019 and 2020 tests. It also  low-income  families  fared
            groups.   Those    students  ism in many different school  same as last year.          analyzed  student  growth  worse but the pandemic so
            made up a significant por-   districts,  this  is  something  NWEA Chief Executive Chris  over  time,  based  on  how  far hasn’t widened existing
            tion  of  the  roughly  1  in  4  to  really  be  concerned  Minnich pointed to the se-  individual  students  did  on  achievement gaps, the Re-
            students who tested in 2019  about,” researcher Megan  quential  nature  of  math,  assessments  given  shortly  naissance report said.q

            2017 ban on local LGBT ordinances ends in North Carolina

                                                                      “bathroom  bill”  that  Re-  atorium  had  barred  new  server of Raleigh.
                                                                      publicans had approved a  local ordinances related to  Although  the  legislature
                                                                      year earlier.                private employment, hotels  that  convenes  in  January
                                                                      A  key  disputed  section  of  and restaurants.           will still be controlled by Re-
                                                                      House Bill  2 directed trans-  “We can finally begin writ-  publicans,  the  party  lacks
                                                                      gender people to use pub-    ing a new chapter for LG-    a  veto-proof  majority  and
                                                                      lic  bathrooms  matching  BTQ North Carolinians, one  will have limited options to
                                                                      their biological sex instead  where  no  one  is  left  vul-  cancel any local ordinanc-
                                                                      of the gender they identify  nerable  to  discrimination  es  that  might  be  passed.
                                                                      with.  It  drew  national  con-  based  on  who  they  are  Cooper  was  reelected  in
                                                                      demnation  and  prompted  or  who  they  love,”  Allison  November.  The  GOP  has
                                                                      several  large  corporations  Scott,  policy  director  for  shown little interest in pass-
                                                                      and  sports  teams  to  relo-  the Campaign for Southern  ing  statewide  protections
                                                                      cate events to other states  Equality, said in a news re-  for the LGBT community.q
                                                                      or reconsider expanding in  lease.
                                                                      North Carolina.              Beau Mills, executive direc-
            In this May 12, 2016, file photo, gender free sign hangs outside a
            restroom at 21c Museum Hotel in Durham, N.C.              As  the  moratorium  ended,  tor  of  the  North  Carolina
                                                     Associated Press  leaders  of  Equality  North  Metro  Mayors  Coalition,
                                                                      Carolina  and  the  Cam-     said  before  the  ban  end-
            RALEIGH,  N.C.  (AP)  —  A  3  of such measures now.      paign  for  Southern  Equal-  ed  that  he  wasn’t  aware
            1/2-year ban on new local  Democratic Gov. Roy Coo-       ity on Tuesday urged North  of  any  city  planning  to
            ordinances  aimed  at  pro-  per agreed to the morato-    Carolina  residents  to  con-  pass  new  ordinances  right
            tecting LGBT rights in North  rium  in  March  2017  in  ex-  tact  leaders  of  cities  and  away.  “I  am  aware  that
            Carolina    expired   Tues-  change  for  GOP  lawmak-    urge them to expand anti-    cities,  some  municipalities,
            day,  prompting  gay  rights  ers  agreeing  to  do  away   discrimination  laws  for  the  are certainly looking at it,”
            groups to urge the passage  with  several  portions  of  a   LGBT community. The mor-  Mills told  The News & Ob-
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