Page 17 - AHATA
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Diaranson, 18 April 2018                                       AWEMainta                                                                    13

       cu awendia Aruba t’asina bon conoci den e

       continente di Europa.
       Tambe el a refleha riba e hecho cu awor bue-

       lonan ta sali diariamente for di Hulanda cu                                                AUCTION

       –te ainda- t’e ‘main hub’ pa tur biaheronan
                                                                                                   ex. 3:268 Civil Code of Aruba
       Europeo. El a añadi tambe cu TuiFly tin 4

       buelo semanal pa Aruba.                                                  THURSDAY MAY 31, 2018

                                                                             On Thursday May 31, 2018, at 11 AM, at the Conference Room of the Chamber
       CEO di A.T.A., Ronella Tjin Asjoe-Croes a                             of Commerce, Irausquin Boulevard 10, Aruba, will be auctioned in public:

       comparti durante su discurso cu “Europa ta
                                                                             1.  A residential house locally known as:
       un mercado cu a anota resultadonan tremen-

       do pa nos  industria turistico durante e ul-                                          SERO PRETO z/n

       timo añanan y p’e prome tres luna di 2018,
                                                                                standing on a parcel of full  ownership land,  ca. 467 m2 in size,  situated
       unda cu tur mercado e crece y unda e region a                            at   Paradera in Aruba,  being part  of  the parcel  locally recorded as  First
                                                                                Department Section R number 333, index D 11893. This property includes a
       crece cu 6% den e asina yama bishitantenan                               1/44  undivided share in parcel 1-R-333 to be used as a road (“mandelige
                                                                                Starting bid: AFL. 120.000,--

       Mercadeo progresivo y efectivo, esfuersonan                           2. A residential house locally known as:
       den desaroyo di e producto turistico, combi-

       na cu cooperacion estrecho y lazonan fuerte                                           SERO PATRISHI 163

       entre socionan di Aruba y Europa a contribui                             standing on full ownership land,  ca. 153 m2 size,  situated at Sero Patrishi in
       n’e logronan aki durante e ultimo añanan.                                Aruba, locally recorded as First Division Section P number 2976, index D 6576

       No obstante e resultadonan positivo aki,                                 Starting bid: AFL. 134.000,--

       Aruba no ta para keto y ta sigui continua na
                                                                             3. A residential house locally known as:
       fortalece desaroyonan den esfuersonan di

       mercadeo y den desaroyo di e destino.                                        NOORD CURA CABAI 108-B

                                                                                standing on 2 parcels of public land, 382 m2 and 48 m2 in size, situated in
       E region  Caribense  ta  sigui crece,  primari-                          Noord Cura Cabai in Aruba, locally recorded as Fourth Division  Section
                                                                                E numbers  1006 and 2052. The lease rights expire on December 3, 2023.
       amente pa hotelnan nobo cu ta wordo con-
       strui den e region. Den e caso di Aruba, man-                            Starting bid: AFL. 220.000,--

       teniendo  su posicion  como  un  destinacion                          4. A residential house locally known as:
       lider den turismo -den e region- di acuerdo

       cu e vision di Aruba su turismo ta basa riba;                                               PARAMIRA 50

       aumenta  den  entrada  pa  medio  di  turismo
                                                                                standing on full ownership land ca. 345 m2 size, situated at Paramira in Aruba,
       proporcionalmente mas cu aumenta den vol-                                being a part of the parcel locally recorded as First division Section P number
                                                                                2802, index D 9335.
       umen di bishitante.”
                                                                                Starting bid: AFL. 214.050,--

       Minister di Turismo, y CEO di A.T.A. a gradi-                      Auction notary: mr. T.R. Johnson

       ci tur participante pa nan aporte continuo.
                                                                          •        The auction  is subject  to the general conditions for  foreclosure
       Durante e anochi aki por a nota varios op-                                  auctions and special auction conditions which will be determined by
       erador nobo, cu ta nifica negoshi potencial                        •        civil law notary T.R. Johnson.
                                                                                   Each bidder must be able to submit  a bankguarantee  issued by a
       nobo pa Aruba. Tambe presente ta socionan                                   reputable bank in Aruba to the amount of the highest bid increased
                                                                                   with an amount equal to the auction costs.
       fiel cu aña aden aña afo ta respalda nos pro-                      •        A private written bid can be submitted until May 16, 2018, 5 PM.

       ducto den diferente pais Europeo.

       Mas cu claro socionan clave local tambe a                                                             For more information:

       forma parti di e evento di bon-bini.                                        WWW.JOHNSONNOTARY.COM/AUCTIONS

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