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sports Wednesday 26 January 2022
Hector wins final World Cup giant slalom before Olympics
SAN VIGILIO DI MAREBBE, important is to really feel
Italy (AP) — After waiting I can focus. I’m
seven years for a second easily wound up and then
World Cup win, Sara Hector I’m having problems,” Hec-
now has three more victo- tor said.
ries in giant slalom — and “It took me a long time to
they could not have come understand what I need.
at a better time with the Now I know much more
Winter Olympics starting about what I need and
next week. that’s been cool to find
Hector won the final World out.”
Cup GS on Tuesday before The giant slalom opens the
the Beijing Olympics, with women’s skiing program in
2018 gold medalist Mikaela China on Feb. 7.
Shiffrin in fifth. Shiffrin also lost ground in
Hector was second after the overall standings. The
the opening run but over- American skier’s lead over
took defending overall Vlhova was cut to only 17
champion Petra Vlhova points.
for her second straight GS “When you are first after
victory, and her third this the first run you want to
season. Her only previous win,” said Vlhova. “But it’s
World Cup win had been in Sweden’s Sara Hector celebrates at the finish area of an alpine ski, women’s World Cup giant really difficult to beat Sara
December 2014. slalom, in Kronplatz, Italy, Tuesday, Jan. 25, 2022. because she’s really strong
The Swedish skier let out a Associated Press this year.”
scream after crossing the that fast when I came to Tessa Worley of France was Hector leads the stand- The women’s World Cup
line 0.15 seconds ahead of the finish. Incredible,” Hec- third, 0.52 behind Hector ings ahead of Worley by 95 circuit moves this weekend
Vlhova on a clear and cold tor said. “There are so many and just ahead of Federica points. The 29-year-old puts to Garmisch-Partenkirchen,
day at Kronplatz mountain good skiers I’m definitely Brignone. Shiffrin was 0.81 her improvement down to Germany — where a down-
in the Dolomites. not unbeatable. But now slower than Hector and developing a better under- hill and super-G are sched-
“Crazy! I couldn’t believe I’ve been fast so that’s re- slipped to third in the giant standing of her needs. uled — before a pause for
my eyes when I saw I was ally, really cool.” slalom standings. “I think for me the most the Olympics.q
Sean Payton resigns as coach of New
Orleans Saints
By BRETT MARTEL stunning turnaround in the nificant franchise passing
AP Sports Writer franchise’s first season back record. Under Payton, the
NEW ORLEANS (AP) — New in New Orleans following Saints became a perennial
Orleans Saints coach Sean Hurricane Katrina. The club contender, and they beat
Payton, whose 15-year ten- had been displaced from Peyton Manning and India-
ure with the club included the city during the entire napolis 31-17 to win their
its only Super Bowl cham- 2005 season, going 3-13. lone Super Bowl. They also
pionship and also a one- The Saints went 10-6 and lost the 2018 conference
season suspension stem- advanced to the NFC title game to the Rams af-
ming from the NFL’s bounty championship game in ter a blown officiating call
investigation, is retiring from Payton’s first season. He that led to a temporary NFL New Orleans Saints head coach Sean Payton is shown during
coaching. Payton informed has coached the Saints to rules change. the second half of an NFL football game against the New York
the team on Tuesday that the postseason eight other Payton was a member Jets, Sunday, Dec. 12, 2021, in East Rutherford, N.J.
he is leaving his first and times in his 15 seasons since. of the league’s powerful Associated Press
only NFL head coaching New Orleans narrowly competition committee a replacement player for tion found the Saints had
job with a 152-89 regular- missed the playoffs this from 2017 until leaving that the Bears during the 1987 a performance pool offer-
season record — and nine season, going 9-8 in its first position last November. strike. ing cash rewards for key
playoff appearances — in campaign since the retire- A valued offensive assistant He missed the 2012 season plays, including big hits. The
15 seasons. The Saints won ment of Drew Brees. Payton for the Eagles, Giants and when the NFL suspended player suspensions eventu-
the NFL title in 2009. had lured the quarterback Cowboys before landing Payton, assistant coach ally were overturned by for-
The Saints made Payton to New Orleans as a free the head coaching job in Joe Vitt, general manager mer NFL Commissioner Paul
a first-time head coach in agent in 2006 and Brees New Orleans, Payton actu- Mickey Loomis and four Tagliabue, and Payton was
2006, when he oversaw a went on to set every sig- ally played in the NFL — as players after an investiga- reinstated early in 2013. q