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Wednesday 26 January 2022 locAl

            The Kitchen Table enters seventh year of gastronomy with raving reviews:

            “The devil is in the details; we are in praise.”

                                                                                                                         dessert:  Mango  popsicle  and
             EAGLE BEACH — While in Aruba                                                                                a  Three-layered  Cheesecake
             do  yourself  a  favor  and  expe-                                                                          together  with  a  Portuguese  Os-
             rience  a  night  at  The  Kitchen                                                                          borne Port. We asked a couple
             Table. This is an elegant, classy,                                                                          from  New  York  how  they  liked
             intimate,  high-quality  restau-                                                                            the  experience:  “The  devil  is  in
             rant  with  an  exceptional  dining                                                                         the details; every tiny part here
             set-up. Dining here is an experi-                                                                           is  balanced,  and  savors  are
             ence, a kind of sitting- at your-                                                                           matched in an unmatched way.
             best- friend’s or family’s kitchen                                                                          We are in praise.”
             table  where  you  feel  and  taste
             that the food contains love. The                                                                            The secret formula
             extra  mile  the  owners  and  staff                                                                        The  Peruvian-born  Roxanna  Sa-
             go  has  everything  to  do  with                                                                           linas  and  her  husband  Jan  van
             running this lovely restaurant in a                                                                         Nes  are  the  secret  formula  be-
             sincere, authentic way. In Span-    the  beautiful  dishes  that  will  be   tion, and origins of the dishes in   hind The Kitchen Table’s success.
             ish they say: ‘Mi casa es tu casa’   presented to you. Get ready to     turns, it is truly an interesting and   You can tell making the custom-
             meaning my house is your house      dive  into  the  tastebuds  tickling   exciting  presentation.  The  Pe-  ers  happy  is  their  main  priority.
             and that describes exactly what     journey  to  the  Caribbean,  Pe-   ruvian  Red  Snapper  Casserole     The couple takes a personal ap-
             you will feel during a night at The   ruvian and international cuisine.   is a surprising, wonderful tasting   proach  to  what  they  do,  this  is
             Kitchen Table.                      To  pair  the  perfect  wines  three   and  in  complete  balance  with   not about running a business as
                                                 sommeliers were invited to make     the USA Cline Viognier from So-     usual.  This  is  more  about  mak-
             The  8-course  ecstatic  food  trip   the selection.                    noma  Coast.  My  American-Ec-      ing  you  feel  welcomed  home,
             starts  with  a  warm  welcome                                          uadorian  neighbor  was  thrilled   as  well  as  being  pampered.
             and sparkling wine at the patio     Table full foodies                  with this dish and who would be     They bring top hospitality, expe-
             of  The  Kitchen  Table’s  new  lo-  The  restaurant  just  got  its  new   a better judge than she, after all   rience  and  authenticity  to  the
             cation  at  Paradise  Beach  Villas   menu  out,  so  this  is  the  time  to   she is from the region. The guests   table.  Within  this  gourmet  din-
             as  of  6.00PM.  The  chef’s  table   reserve your spot at the table. A   are clearly having a good time    ner  concept  the  two  blended
             concept  is  happening  on  the     Caribbean  Peruvian  Snack  Trio    and  we  are  in  awe  so  far.  The   the Peruvian culinary art of Rox-
             second floor of the owners ‘res-    is  the  enchanting  first  appetizer   Kitchen Table builds this evening   anna’s  top  kitchen  team  and
             taurant  Asi  Es  Mi  Peru,  another   existing  of  a  Chicken  Empana-  in an upward trend, and we pro-   Jan’s expertise from The Kitchen
             highly  recommended  establish-     da,  Crab  &  Shrimp  Eggroll  and   ceed with Scallops and Shrimps     Table.  The  result  is  one  big  trip
             ment.  But  we  are  here  now  to   a Cucumber & Tuna Nikkei. This     within  a  Risotto  of  green  Peas   of  delight,  indulge  and  tickling
             guide you through the concept       is paired with a delicate Ruffino   Puree  with  a  foam  of  Coconut   of  your  taste  buds.  The  Kitchen
             of The Kitchen Table, so let’s go.  Ovieto (Italy), just perfect. Taking   Milk Sauce. A mouth-melting ex-  Table  welcomes  you  with  open
             Taking  you  upstairs  is  literally   us to the next round we are pre-  perience and added to the cu-      arms every Tuesday to Saturday.
             taking  you  into  an  ambiance     sented a Mahi Mahi Tartare, de-     linary joy is a USA wine from Yolo   An evening at The Kitchen Table
             of  warmth,  coziness,  classic  el-  licious  and  combined  with  the   County,  Phantom  Chardonnay.     will be noted as unforgettable in
             egance, and intimacy. You are       Spanish  Santiago  Ruiz  Albarino,   From  the  Caribbean,  Peru  we    your  book  of  vacation  memo-
             treated  like  queen  and  king     we are in heaven.  What follows is   travel  to  Argentina  presented   ries, as it stands out from the reg-
             while sitting in noble chairs at a   a personal favorite, the Beef Tat-  to us with a Veal in her Jus and   ular island dinners.
             huge table. Owners Roxanna Sa-      aki  with  Quinoa  accompanied      paired  with  a  beautiful  Lunta
             linas and Jan van Nes are warm      by La Fage, Miraflores Rose wine    Malbec.  There  is  no  great  din-  The  Kitchen  Table  is  open  from
             and welcoming hosts and Chef        from France. This is an amazing     ner  without  a  sweet  goodbye     Tuesday  to  Saturday.  Have  a
             David Lizano and Sous-Chef Xal-     dish.  In  between  the  courses    and  The  Kitchen  Table  makes     peak  on  their  website  www.
             sky  Schwengle  enthusiastically    the  owner  and  chef  explain      sure that you will not forget them  or
             share  their  deep  knowledge  of   about the ingredients, prepara-     by  signing  off  with  a  fantastic   call them at +297-280 7117.q
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