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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 6 september
             American Living:

             Women’s colleges more welcoming to transgender students

                                                                                                   outside  scrutiny.  At  Mills,  8  opposed  the  admissions
                                                                                                   percent  of  more  than  700  change,  saying  it  under-
                                                                                                   undergraduates identify as  mines  the  institutional  mis-
                                                                                                   trans women.                 sion  to  empower  women.
                                                                                                   “I  think  that’s  something  Leaders  at  some  schools
                                                                                                   they  don’t  want  to  draw  counter that women’s col-
                                                                                                   to  their  students,”  Martin  leges  were  founded  to
                                                                                                   said.  “Ultimately  the  at-  educate  those  who  have
                                                                                                   tention  is  drawn  to  them,  been   marginalized   be-
                                                                                                   and that can be negative  cause of their gender.
                                                                                                   attention.”Colleges  of  all  “That’s  always  been  the
                                                                                                   types  have  faced  increas-  historic  role  of  women’s
                                                                                                   ing  pressure  to  meet  the  colleges,” Martin said. “The
                                                                                                   needs  of  trans  men  and  definition  of  gender  and
                                                                                                   women,  who  make  up  an  gender identity has broad-
                                                                                                   estimated  0.7  percent  of  ened,  and  yet  it’s  still  very
                                                                                                   the  nation’s  youths.  Some  much that mission.”
                                                                                                   schools  have  responded  Some schools have resisted
                                                                                                   by  offering  gender-neutral  widening their gender poli-
                                                                                                   bathrooms  and  medical  cies. At Hollins University, a
                                                                                                   insurance  that  covers  hor-  private school of about 800
            In this Wednesday, Aug. 30, 2017 photo, Ninotska Love, who has been accepted at Wellesley   mone treatments, or by let-  in  Virginia,  trans  women
            College, opens the door to her dorm room at the school in Wellesley, Mass. A growing number of   ting students pick their gen-  can  be  accepted  only  if
            women’s colleges are welcoming transgender women on campus after refusing to admit them for   der pronouns .        they have completed a le-
            years. Two trans women, including Ninotska, attending Wellesley this fall are believed to be the
            first at the school since it decided to start allowing trans women in 2015.            Still,  alumnae  of  some  gal  and  surgical  transition
                                                                          (AP Photo/Steven Senne)  women’s  colleges  have  from male to femaleq
            By COLLIN BINKLEY            leges have moved to allow
            Associated Press             trans women since 2014, at,
            WELLESLEY,  Mass.  (AP)  —  starting with Mills College in
            Until  last  year,  Ninotska  Oakland,  California.  Join-
            Love  would  have  been  ing  Wellesley  in  2015  were
            barred    from   attending  Smith, Bryn Mawr and Bar-
            Wellesley College. She’s an  nard  colleges,  the  last  of
            accomplished student who  the  so-called  Seven  Sisters
            has  persevered  through  women’s colleges to make
            hardship,  but  under  long-  the  change.  Advocates
            standing rules, the college  say others have likely done
            would have rejected her.     so without advertising it.
            Now     the   rules   have  “I think it’s a step forward,
            changed.  This  week,  Love  one  that’s  long  overdue,”
            will  become  one  of  the  said Genny Beemyn, direc-
            first  transgender  women  tor of the Stonewall Center
            to  attend  Wellesley  in  the  at  the  University  of  Massa-
            school’s 147-year history.   chusetts  at  Amherst,  a  re-
            “For me to be accepted to  source  group  for  lesbian,
            one of the best colleges for  gay,  bisexual  and  trans-
            women in the nation, it is a  gender people. “If they say
            big validation of the person  they’re  women,  then  say-
            that I have become. At first  ing that they can’t attend
            I  couldn’t  believe  it,”  said  is  denying  their  identities
            Love,  28,  who  was  born  and marginalizing them.”
            in  Ecuador  but  fled  to  the  Just how many trans wom-
            U.S. in 2009 after being kid-  en are attending women’s
            napped  and  threatened  colleges remains unknown.
            because  of  her  gender  Many schools that now ac-
            identity. “I’m so thankful to  cept  them  won’t  say  how
            be here.”                    many  they  enroll,  if  any,
            Her  arrival  on  campus  citing  privacy  concerns.
            reflects  a  quiet  but  mo-  Schools  including  Smith
            mentous  shift  that’s  taking  and Mount Holyoke colleg-
            place  at  a  wave  of  wom-  es say they don’t track the
            en’s colleges that have be-  gender  identities  of  their
            gun allowing trans women.  students.
            But  even  as  many  schools  Chicora  Martin,  vice  presi-
            embrace  shifting  views  on  dent  of  student  life  and
            gender,  some  have  been  dean  of  students  at  Mills
            reluctant  to  change  amid  College,  said  some  fear
            lingering  differences  over  backlash  from  alumni  or
            the  role  of  women’s  col-  donors  who  don’t  support
            leges.                       the change, and they want
            At least eight women’s col-  to  protect  students  from
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