Page 11 - MIN TTC - MAY 21,2015
P. 11

                                                                                                                                                                        Thursday 21 May 2015

Loyal Visitors of Aruba Honored at the Marriott Ocean Club

PALM BEACH - Recently          in the name of the Minister    reen Glynn from Quiney,          home, the employees at        nest Giel representing the
the Aruba Tourism Authority    of Tourism as a token of ap-   Mass. The honorees are           the Marriott are like a fam-  Aruba Tourism Authority to-
had the great pleasure of      preciation to guests who       loyal guests of the Marriott     ily to them and the Resort    gether with staff members
honoring a group of loyal      visit Aruba for 10-to-19 and   Ocean Club and they love         is their home away from       and management of the
and friendly visitors of Aru-  20-or-more consecutive         Aruba very much because          home!  The certificates       Marriott Resort and Stellaris
ba at the Marriott Ocean       years.                         of the friendly people, the      were presented by Mr. Er-     Casino.q
Club, as Distinguished Visi-   The honorees were Mr. Rich-    climate, beaches, restau-
tors and Ambassadors of        ard and Mrs. Judy Heming-      rants, and the multi-lin-
Goodwill. The symbolic         way from Hull, Mass, and       gual experience! They say
honorary title is presented    Mr. Frank and Mrs. Mau-        Aruba feels like a second

Royal Academy of Dance Exams for Aruba’s CDM Students

ORANJESTAD - Club di           They allow students to de-     ams. The RAD teachers are
Movimiento (CDM) Aru-          velop musicality and artist-   highly trained professionals
ba is proud to inform the      ry, rewarding hard work and    who develop their teach-
community that upcom-          setting goals to which stu-    ing through an annual pro-
ing weekend a total of         dents can inspire. Creativity  gram Continuing Profes-
49 ballet students will be     is at the heart of RAD sylla-  sional Development (CPD).
examined by the Royal          bus. Rad exams let students    For the first time Club di
Academy of Dance (RAD),        explore movement and           Movimiento has entries for
England. This is the second    expression, building self-     the Advance Foundation,
year of examination for the    esteem and confidence,         Pre-Professional Classical
CDM students. Exams will       culminating in an examina-     Ballet vocational level that
take place this week on        tion as performance. If stu-   requires a very high level
Thursday May 21st, Friday      dents plan to embark on a      of technical dancing skills.
May 22nd and Saturday          dance career, RAD exams        There are a total of 5 Pre-
May 23rd starting from the     are recognized measure of      Professional Classical Bal-
Primary Level (6 years old)    achievement and perfor-        let vocational levels, and
up to Classical Ballet voca-   mance in the dance world.      CDM is already working on
tional level of Advanced       Candidates and their par-      the 3rd level, meaning that
Foundation (15 years and       ents can rest assure of the    in 2 years from now CDM
up, Pre-Professional level).   quality of the examinations    will complete the RAD Clas-
The Royal Academy of           are taken very seriously.      sical Ballet curriculum for all
Dance (RAD) exams are          Only RAD teachers can en-      levels.q
recognized worldwide.          ter candidates for the ex-
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