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                                                                                                                            Tuesday 8 March 2016

How Matt Damon may kickstart China’s global movie ambitions 

RYAN NAKASHIMA                  In this July 2, 2015, file photo, movie director Zhang Yimou, right, speaks next to actor Matt Damon                                 according to Rhodium
AP Business Writer             during a news conference of their latest movie “The Great Wall” held at a hotel in Beijing. If all                                    Group. That pace then
LOS ANGELES (AP) — China       goes according to plan, the film could be China’s first international blockbuster, one that might                                     skyrocketed in January
has a new ally in its cam-     presage a wave of similar films intended to present a new face of China to the world.                                                 with Wanda’s purchase of
paign to turn itself into a                                                                                                                                          Legendary, which almost
global cultural superpow-                                                                                                                          Associated Press  doubled that total by itself.
er: Matt Damon. And, be-                                                                                                                                             Chinese studios and in-
hind him, a good chunk of      not made any secret of             a research firm focused         nearly 50 percent from a                                           vestors have pledged an-
Hollywood as well.             their desire to spread and         on global trade flows and       year earlier. At that pace,                                        other several hundred mil-
Chinese leaders have long      to encourage and to de-            government policies.            China could eclipse the                                            lion dollars for Hollywood
sought international cul-      velop soft power,” says            Of course, plenty could         U.S. as the world’s largest                                        film slates. Warner Bros.,
tural influence, aka “soft     Rance Pow, president of            still go wrong. There’s no      film market as early as next                                       DreamWorks Animation
power,” commensurate           Artisan Gateway, a Shang-          guarantee that either “The      year.                                                              and Universal have linked
with the nation’s econom-      hai-based research firm            Great Wall” or another half-    But tapping that market                                            up with state-owned en-
ic might. That’s brought       that tracks the Chinese box        dozen or so would-be Chi-       has been a challenge. Chi-                                         terprises and private com-
us official Confucian in-      office. Regaling the world         nese blockbusters will wow      nese regulators allow no                                           panies such as electronics
stitutes scattered across      with made-in-China block-          either Chinese or global        more than 34 foreign films                                         maker LeEco and Internet
the world, billions of dol-    busters, he says, is one way       audiences. Some previous        to screen in China every                                           giants Alibaba and Ten-
lars in development aid        to do so.                          efforts along these lines       year — far fewer than film-                                        cent.
and awe-inspiring Olympic      Hollywood naturally wel-           have been global flops.         makers release in the U.S.                                         That flood of Chinese
ceremonies. But China’s        comes Chinese investment           This time, both Chinese         every month — and im-                                              cash makes possible epic
own film industry remains a    to help fuel its voracious         and American movie ex-          pose multiple “blackout”                                           films like “The Great Wall,”
mere flicker on the global     movie-making machine.              ecutives think they’ve got      periods during which none                                          helmed by internationally
screen.                        One Chinese company —              the formula right. The most     at all can be shown. Regu-                                         acclaimed director Zhang
Which is where Damon           conglomerate Dalian Wan-           successful attempt so far is    lators vary the length of the                                      Yimou and filmed at a
comes in. Early next year,     da Group — snapped up              “Kung Fu Panda 3,” which        blackouts so that Chinese-                                         multi-billion-dollar produc-
the star of “The Martian”      an entire Hollywood studio,        has pulled in $314 million,     made films eke out a ma-                                           tion facility still under con-
will headline “The Great       Legendary  Entertainment,          including an outsized $149      jority of the market every                                         struction in Qingdao on
Wall,” a historical epic       for $3.5 billion. Legend-          million in China. Unlike its    year, Artisan Gateway’s                                            China’s eastern seaboard.
filmed in China with Chi-      ary just happens to be the         predecessors, the third         Pow says.                                                          Legendary plans eight
nese and American stars,       studio behind “The Great           movie in the series was pro-    Films like “Kung Fu Panda 3”                                       more Chinese-themed
a famous Chinese director,     Wall.”                             duced by a joint venture        and “The Great Wall,” how-                                         projects with similar bud-
a cast and crew of roughly     Working with Chinese part-         between the series’ original    ever, get ushered to the                                           gets, says Peter Loehr,
1,300, a $150 million bud-     ners also offers a shortcut        studio, DreamWorks Anima-       front of the line. Because of                                      CEO of Legendary’s wholly
get and some nasty mon-        past rules that limit the distri-  tion and Chinese investors,     their Chinese backers, the                                         owned subsidiary Legend-
sters. (Not to mention the     bution of foreign movies in        including state-backed          films qualify for prime re-                                        ary East.
support of the Chinese         China’s booming film mar-          China Media Capital.            lease dates. Their backers                                         “We’re hoping this is a
government.) If all goes       ket. That could open up            The biggest draw for Tinsel-    also get to keep a bigger                                          model that works and that
according to plan, the film    a vast new territory to U.S.       town is China’s huge and        share of the box office than                                       we can recreate it often,”
could be China’s first in-     studios — at least so long as      expanding film market.          they ordinarily would.                                             he says.
ternational blockbuster —      they play by China’s rules.        Cinema attendance in the        So Hollywood has eagerly                                           But the Western appetite
one that might presage a       “For U.S. industry, these          U.S. and Canada has been        welcomed Chinese part-                                             for China-centric films re-
wave of similar films intend-  concessions are really             flat for a decade, but Chi-     ners. From 2000 to 2015,                                           mains uncertain. Consider
ed to present a new face       about market access,” says         nese moviegoers are on a        Chinese direct investment                                          “The Flowers of War,” a
of China to the world.         Thilo Hanemann, an econ-           tear, snapping up tickets       in U.S.  entertainment  firms                                      2011 film about the Japa-
That’s a lot to expect from    omist with Rhodium Group,          worth $6.8 billion in 2015, up  amounted to $4 billion,                                            nese army’s vicious 1937
a decidedly unusual action                                                                                                                                           sack of Nanking. Despite
flick. In “The Great Wall,”                                                                                                                                          star Christian Bale and a
Damon plays a wander-                                                                                                                                                $94 million budget, the
ing European mercenary                                                                                                                                               movie pulled in less than
in the pre-gunpowder era                                                                                                                                             $500,000 in the U.S., ac-
who stumbles across the                                                                                                                                              cording to Box Office Mojo.
titular structure and learns                                                                                                                                         The brutality portrayed in
what it’s really for. (Hint:                                                                                                                                         the film turned off foreign
Those monsters might be                                                                                                                                              audiences as a “kind of
involved.)                                                                                                                                                           propaganda,” says Peter
But film-industry types on                                                                                                                                           Li, managing director of
both sides of the Pacific                                                                                                                                            CMC Capital Partners, a
believe this kind of joint                                                                                                                                           unit of China Media Capi-
venture could open huge                                                                                                                                              tal.
new opportunities for all                                                                                                                                            Foreign co-productions
sides. For Hollywood, it’s                                                                                                                                           could suffer a similar fate
about expanding markets                                                                                                                                              if they grow too heavy
and investment; for the                                                                                                                                              handed in an attempt to
Chinese government and                                                                                                                                               satisfy Chinese censors,
private companies alike,                                                                                                                                             who oversee all films re-
it’s about harnessing Amer-                                                                                                                                          leased domestically. “If
ican stars and storytelling                                                                                                                                          you promote socialist core
to help movies based on                                                                                                                                              values, you’re not going to
Chinese history, myths and                                                                                                                                           succeed overseas,” says
cultural icons break out                                                                                                                                             Stan Rosen, a University of
onto a global stage.                                                                                                                                                 Southern California politi-
Chinese authorities “have                                                                                                                                            cal scientist.q
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