P. 17

                                                                                               CLASSIFIED Monday 28 May 2018
            The winners (by a nose) in top                                                                                        dOCTOR ON dUTY
            U.S. sniffer dogs competition                                                                                                Dr.  Trigt
                                                                                                                                         Tel. 582 2991
                                                                                                                                           San Nicolas
                                                                                                   Timeshares For Sale/Rent..
            By WAYNE PARRY                                                                         Divi Vill. wk 17 studio rm 3205,
            Associated Press                                                                       2775.$                          EMERGENCIA 911
            GALLOWAY,  N.J.  (AP)  —                                                               Casa del Mar Ambass.
            One of America’s best law                                                              week 21 ,5/26 1335 rm
            enforcement  officers  at                                                              1600.$    wk 29 Casa del Mar
            sniffing  out  hidden  explo-                                                          Ambass. , rm1326, 2450$ wk 47
            sives is 8 years old, already                                                          Aruba Beach Club Studio      POLICE            100
            going gray and loves noth-                                                             11/24.1600.$                 ORANJESTAD     527-3140
            ing  more  than  chewing                                                               local 565 9394, us 508 651   NOORD             527-3200
                                                                                                                                STA. CRUZ
            vigorously  on  a  white  cot-                                                   SAN NICOLAS     584-5000
            ton towel to unwind.                                                                   ________________________________209583  POLICE TIPLINE    11141
            Hemi,  a  chocolate  Labra-                                                                                         FIRE DEPT.        115
            dor  assigned  to  the  cam-                                                                                        FIRE DEPT.        582-1108
            pus  police  force  at  New                                                                                         HOSPITAL          527-4000
            Jersey’s Stockton University                                                                                        DENTAL CLINIC    587-9850
            near  Atlantic  City,  won  a                                                                                       IMSAN             524-8833
            nationwide     competition   In  this  May  23,  2018,  photo,  Sgt.  Tracy  Stuart,  of  the  Stockton             RED CROSS         582-2219
            last  week  for  police  dogs   University  Police  Department  in  New  Jersey,  plays  with  her
            trained  to  sniff  out  explo-  police  dog,  Hemi,  who  won  a  national  competition  among                     Women in Difficulties
            sives.                       explosive-sniffing dogs, in Galloway, N.J.                                                  PHARMACY
            Another  New  Jersey  dog                                             Associated Press                              Oranjestad:
            took  top  honors  for  dogs   what  Hemi  did  during  a  ous  Hemi  would  succeed;                               Central Tel. 585 8077
            trained  to  find  hidden    demonstration  Stuart  con-  the unit was nearly airtight,                             San Nicolas
            drugs.  Luna,  a  5-year-old   ducted  for  reporters  after  and  if  even  the  smallest                          Seroe Preto Tel. 584 4833
            Belgian  Malinois  assigned   the dog had competed.       particles of explosives can’t
            to the Passaic County Sher-  He  sniffed  several  metal  emerge from the container                                 INFORMATION   118
            iff’s Department, bested all   cans, arranged in a circle,  and get into the air, “then                             TAXI-TAS       587-5900
            comers in sniffing out drugs.  for  traces  of  explosives.  the dog has no chance.”             Editor             PROF. TAXI     588-0035
            The  United  States  Police   Only  a  few  had  any;  oth-  But he sniffed around, “and   Caribbean Speed Printers N.V.  TAXI D.T.S.   587-2300
                                                                                                    Aruba Bank N.V. Acc. #332668
            Canine  Association  held    ers  held  substances  de-   all of a sudden he snapped   Caribbean Mercantile Bank N.V.    SERVICE AUA   583-3232
            the  Detector  Dog  com-     signed to throw him off the  back and sat,” she said, in-       Acc. #23951903         A1 TAXI SERVICES 587-8850
            petition,  which  featured   scent. Hemi, who will turn 9  dicating that he detected   RBC Royal Bank Acc. #1330772                     280-2828
            more  than  100  dogs  from   on June 22, quickly sniffed  explosives. Police obtained                                  CRUISE SHIP
            across  the  country.  Police   and  scorned  several  cans  a  search  warrant  and        Assistant Director
            dogs from New York, New      until plopping down in front  found “lots of drugs and a          Xiomara Arends
            Jersey, Pennsylvania, Iowa,   of  one  that  had  explosive  couple  of  weapons,  hid-       Editor in Chief
            North Carolina, South Car-   residue  inside.  Stuart  took  den way in the back, under
            olina,  Missouri,  Maryland,   out  his  favorite  towel  and  a lot of junk,” Stuart said.   Linda Reijnders                 May 28
            Virginia,  Florida,  Tennes-  let him chew on it and fling  Luna  has  sniffed  out  nu-  (      Pacific Princess
                                                                                                                                          May 30
            see and Washington, D.C.     it around as a reward.       merous  drug  stashes  in              Editor               Monarch / Freedom of the Seas
            competed,  as  did  dogs     He had a real-life moment  his  northern  New  Jersey                                  Aruba Airport   524-2424
            from the FBI and CIA. There   during the New Year’s holi-  neighborhood,  and  once            Richard Brooks       American Airlines 582-2700
            even was a dog from Mex-     day when a police agency  even helped police catch                                     Avianca        588-0059
            ico’s  Fiscalia  General,  the   was  after  someone  it  sus-  a  peeping  Tom  who  had         Sales             Aruba Airlines  583-8300
            national  prosecutor’s  of-  pected had weapons hid-      fled  from  officers,  accord-      Linda Reijnders       Jet Blue       588-2244
            fice.                        den  in  a  commercial  stor-  ing to his handler, Cpl. Tony   (  Surinam   582-7896
            Sgt.  Tracy  Stuart,  Hemi’s   age  unit.  Stuart  was  dubi-  Testino.q                       Marijke Croes        Venezolana     583-7674
                                                                                                                                Aruba Foundation
            handler at Stockton, which                                                                    Mary-Ann Oduber       For those Visually Incapasitated
            hosted  this  year’s  compe-                                                                   Classifieds          Tel. 582-5051
            tition,  said  it’s  considered                                                                Rachelle Danje       AL-ANON group
            the  Super  Bowl  for  sniffer                                                           (  Sabana Liber #8, Noord
            dogs. And Hemi was quick                                                                                            Tel. 736-2952 or 593-7081
            as a flash in sniffing out hid-                                                         Distribution and Collection
            den traces of explosives.                                                            FUNDACIONS
            “He crushed it,” she said. “It                                                                                      Tel. 582-4433
            makes a momma proud!”                                                                        Social / Website
            The dogs are trained from                                                                                           Centro Diabetic Arubano
            a  young  age  by  exposing                                                                   Jeancarlo Trinidad    Tel. 524-8888
            them to the scent of what-                                                                     Weststraat 22        Narcotics Anonymous
            ever  it  is  they  will  search                                                                T: 528-7800         Tel. 583-8989
            for,  which  might  be  vari-                                                              E:   QUOTA Club
            ous  narcotics,  explosives,                                                               W:    Tel. 525-2672
            or even dead bodies. The                                                                       @arubatoday
            one  cadaver  dog  that                                                                                             Women in Difficulties
            competed was literally in a                                                                                         Tel. 583-5400
            class by himself.                                                                                                   Bloodbank Aruba
            Many  dogs  are  trained  to                                                                                        Tel. 587-0002
            sit  still  directly  in  front  of
            what  they’ve  found  until                                                                                         Mobility Equipment Hire
            their handler arrives. That’s                                                                                       Tel. 568-5165
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