Page 21 - Minister Otmar Oduber Apri 7,2015
P. 21


    LOCALTuesday 7 April 2015

  Aruba Marriott Resort & Stellaris Casino Supports Earth Hour 2015

PALM BEACH - Earth Hour
is held once per year to
inspire communities and
businesses to turn off their
non-essential lights for one
hour, brining attention to
sustainability issues and
showing their commitment
to protecting the earth.
Therefore, for five years in
a row, the Aruba Marriott
Resort & Stellaris Casino
was pleased to participate
once more with this global
event showing its commit-

ment to the planet by turn-    ment green initiatives and
ing off all the lights in the  global conservation ef-
resort’s parking lot from      forts such as LED lightning,
8:30 pm to 9:30 pm on Sat-     low limit temperature pro-
urday, 28 March 2015.          grammable thermostats in
In addition to the partici-    rooms and using cooking
pation to Earth Hour, Aru-     oil to create bio-diesel to
ba Marriott is continuously    create a more sustainable
identifying ways to imple-     environment.q
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