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                                                                                                           LOCAL Saturday 16 June 2018

            Love for Each Other & Aruba

            PALM  BEACH  —  The  editorial  de-
            partment of Aruba Today received
            a wonderful request at the end of
            April  this  year.  Mr.  Wilbur  Arnold
            wrote  a  very  special  message
            about love.

            “My wife and I are celebrating our
            40th wedding anniversary in Aruba
            on June 17, 2018, I want to surprise
            her  by  having  a  photo  of  us  and
            short  text  placed  in  the  newspa-
            per,” Wilbur wrote. The lovely cou-
            ple has been coming to Aruba for
            many  years  and  once  again  will
            stay at the Hilton Resort. “We have
            been married for 40 years, we have
            four married sons with nine grand-
            children, two sons came to Aruba
            for  their  honeymoon  and  a  third
            son is coming in July for their 10th
            wedding anniversary. We have vis-
            ited  Aruba  ten�  times  and  enjoy
            staying  at  the  Hilton  and  having
            drinks at the Bugaloe Bar.”

            Dear  Beth  and  Wilbur  Arnold  of
            Pittsburgh,  Pa.,  on  behalf  of  the
            entire  Aruba  Today  team:  Con-
            gratulations and we welcome you
            to many more years to our Happy
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