Page 8 - Minister Mike De Meza
P. 8
Many girls between
the ages of 12 to 19
with alcohol
on this subject at numerous celebrations. become alcoholics or develop difficulty
The survey also revealed that more learning.
radio stations and television than half of teens between the ages of In the United States the legal age
12 to 19 that have experimented with to consume alcohol is 21 years old
channels, they chose the alcohol are girls. which is so much better than here in
Aruba where it’s 18 years old. FADA is
vacation season because The Public Health Department working on an awareness project for
surveyed the young ones because they parents regarding alcohol abuse and
a lot of parties are held are Aruba’s future. The FADA social drug use and their consequences.
worker mentioned that many strange
during this period so things were mentioned in this survey, This project will not tell parents to stop
for example some kindergarten kids drinking but rather give them tips on
they want to inform told them that they have already used where and when to drink, for example
alcohol. never drink when in company of their
kids and the entire children.
This mostly happens at new years
Aruban community eve celebrations when kids are given FADA also organizes informative
alcoholic beverages to taste by their activities for kids starting with
on how to use alcohol parents or in some cases kids enter the kindergarten kids. The goal of these
bar and take alcohol at family parties projects is to inform them more about
more consciously. This where most family members are drunk the effects of alcohol.
and don’t even notice.
is extremely important The school is responsible for informing
The FADA social worker mentioned that parents that such talks or activities
especially because when kids start drinking from a young are being held at their child’s school
age it could present a lot of problems because some parents don’t want their
alcohol use is a part of the in the future, because these kids could kids to participate in these activities.
Aruban culture and there is
IN alcohol at almost all events.
press These institutions are going to focus
conference more on the youth because according
Sobella Solognier FADA social worker to studies conducted excessive alcohol
announced that FADA along with The use amongst kids that are younger than
Public Health Department declare this 24 years old can have negative effects
week as Alcohol Use and Alcohol Abuse on the still developing brain.
Awareness Week. Figures from a survey conducted
show that kids under the age of 10 are
FADA and Public Health Department already experimenting with alcohol
Representatives will be elaborating at family parties or at new years’ eve
Eindhoven EINDHOVEN city council officials are ‘extremely worried’ about plans by holiday
council worried company Arke to offer trips to Aruba and Curacao via Eindhoven airport later this
about Aruba year. Such flights will bring ‘major drugs-related safety risks’ to the region, Eindhoven
mayor Rob van Gijzel has told Justice Minister Ard van der Steur.
Van Gijzel, who wrote to the minister on the request of the city council, said officials
risk expect all passengers on these flights and their luggage to be checked. This will take
up police capacity and must not have an impact on their current activities, the mayor
4 LOCAL said. In addition, flights to the islands are not of ‘economic importance’ to the region,
he said.
In May, television current affairs show Nieuwsuur said civil servants from three
different ministries are pressuring the cabinet to stop Arke from offering the flights.
The officials say in a confidential report that the cost of checking passengers for
drugs will run into tens of millions of euros. In addition, the equipment needed to
carry out ‘100% checks’ will not be ready in time for the first flights.
People flying between the former Dutch colonies and the Netherlands currently
undergo major body checks at Schiphol airport to ensure they are not smuggling
cocaine. Arke plans to run two flights a week to Aruba and Curacao from November.
Thursday, July 23 2015 - ARUBA TRAVELLER