Page 14 - ATD 04Nov15
P. 14


LOCALWednesday 4 November
Halloween at Paseo Herencia was Spooktacular!

PALM BEACH - Since they          recognition for three de-      holiday time is when they
first opened their mall, Pas-    lightful minions that stole    truly show their community
eo Herencia in Palm Beach        the show.                      spirit with great activities
has been a center for fab-       The evening finished with      and programs. “Halloween
ulous holiday celebrations.      a flourish as Aruba’s #1       in particularly is as much
A family favorite is their an-   Michael Jackson imitator       fun for us as the kids,” com-
nual Halloween bash, with        channeled the King of Pop      mented Candy Rasmijn,
great fun for all ages. Every    for a soul-shaking rendition   “we can’t imagine letting
shop was ready with a big        of - what else? - “Thriller,”  this festive occasion go by
basket of sweets for trick or    which absolutely rocked        without doing something
treaters, and the costumes       the house and the Plaza        special. Each year, the re-
get more innovative and          Padu. Paseo Herencia           sponse and participation
entertaining every year.         offers nightly family enter-   grows in numbers and en-
Paseo Herencia Marketing         tainment, but when it is       thusiasm.” q
Manager Candy Rasmijn
and her crew were ready
with 1,000 free goodie
bags for the youngsters to
collect their booty, and
every single one was de-
The annual “Not so Scary”
Halloween had activities
galore to keep everyone
busy. A highpoint was the
awarding of prizes for The
Cutest, Most Original, Most
Creative and Most Envi-
ronmentally Correct Cos-
tumes for both boys and
girls divisions, with a special
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