Page 5 - ATD 04Nov15
P. 5

                                                                                                                                                                   Wednesday 4 November

Many Bush backers in New Hampshire have ‘moved on’ from Jeb 

KATHLEEN RONAYNE                turns to New Hampshire for      Former Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown prepares his barn for
Associated Press                a three-day swing on his        a campaign event before the expected arrival of Republican
CONCORD, New Hamp-              “Jeb Can Fix It” tour and       presidential candidate, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Tuesday,
shire (AP) — Jeb Bush           shifts staff up from his Miami  Nov. 3, 2015, in Rye, N.H.
sought to revive a sagging      headquarters, some promi-
campaign for president in       nent Bush family support-                                                              (AP Photo/Steven Senne)
New Hampshire on Tues-          ers say the campaign still
day, committing anew to         hasn’t contacted them.          haven’t helped persuade     and what not, maybe that
a state with deep ties to       John Stabile, a four-time       them otherwise.             will make people forget
his family. He’ll start from a  state Republican Party          “Maybe if Jeb continues     the debate a little bit and
position of weakness that       chairman who served             to do a lot of appearanc-   they’ll give him a second
some family loyalists say is    as finance chairman for         es and a lot of town halls  look,” Vincent said.q
of his own making.              George H.W. Bush’s presi-
Eager to distinguish him-       dential bids, said he’s not
self from his family legacy     alone among Bush advo-
at the outset of his 2016       cates who expected to get
bid, Bush failed to tap the     a call from Jeb Bush — and
support of many longtime        have not.
friends in the state. Many in   “It’s been mind-boggling
the old Bush network now        to me that the people we
say they’ve picked anoth-       worked with for a long time
er candidate to support or      never heard from any-
are staying out of the pri-     body,” said Stabile, who’s
mary process altogether.        unsure if he’ll endorse
“Folks who had historically     any candidate this time
been with his father and        around.
his brother and were look-      Rich Killion, Bush’s senior
ing to maybe participate        New Hampshire adviser,
in his campaign were basi-      says the campaign is go-
cally ignored,” said former     ing after “every vote and
New Hampshire Sen. Judd         everybody,” and will be
Gregg, who endorsed Bush        well-positioned to turn out
last week and is now a top      supporters on Election Day.
backer of his campaign.         Bush has a dozen paid staff
“A lot of those people          in New Hampshire, more
moved on,” Gregg said.          than any other state, and
Having started the 2016         plans to add more. His
campaign as the early           campaign and an allied
Republican front-runner,        super political action com-
Bush has tumbled in prefer-     mittee plan to spend at
ence polls as voters flock to   least $28 million on adver-
political outsiders such as     tising there — almost triple
real estate mogul Donald        their budget for any other
Trump and retired neuro-        early state, according to
surgeon Ben Carson. Bush        data provided by Kantar
is battling his one-time pro-   Media’s CMAG advertising
tege, Florida Sen. Marco        tracker.
Rubio for support within the    Those resources alone
party establishment.            haven’t yet won over long-
After a lackluster perfor-      time Bush loyalists, either
mance in the last Repub-        because they were ig-
lican presidential debate,      nored early — or just think
Bush shook up his cam-          it’s time for someone with a
paign and refocused on          different last name.
New Hampshire, which            Among them are former
holds the first primary on      New Hampshire attorney
the campaign calendar           general Tom Rath and for-
next February. Aides have       mer U.S. Senator John E. Su-
said this week’s bus tour will  nunu, both past Bush-family
be the first of long-stretches  supporters who are now
of time in the state, where     backing Ohio Gov. John
Bush plans to keep holding      Kasich.
town hall-style meetings        Mark Vincent, chairman
while adding more informal      of the Hillsborough County
“retail” stops where he can     Republican Party, said par-
chat at length with small       ty activists are worried that
groups of voters.               nominating Bush would put
“I do think he’s running a      the party in a weak posi-
classic New Hampshire           tion to take on Democratic
campaign, which is exactly      front-runner Hillary Rodham
what’s going to benefit him     Clinton in the general elec-
the most,” Gregg said.          tion — and Bush’s lacklus-
But even now, as Bush re-       ter debate performances
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