Page 14 - Min.TTC 8 January 2015
P. 14
Thursday 8 January 2015

Island Visitors Honored for Their Loyalty to Aruba!

PALM BEACH - Recently Aruba because the island the absolute feeling of
Aruba Tourism Authority is like a second home to safety everywhere/any-
had the great pleasure of them. They have all been time, the unending selec-
honoring a large group visiting the island for the tion of restaurants, and
of devoted visitors as Dis- past years with much de- the abundance of shop-
tinguished Visitors and votion and warm feelings. ping from flea markets to
Goodwill Ambassadors of They all enjoy the warm elegance!
Aruba. inviting sun, the gracious Congratulations to the
The symbolic honorary treatment from everyone, Happy Families!q
titles are presented in the
name of the Minister of
Tourism as a token of ap-
preciation to guests who
visit Aruba for between 10-
to-19 and 20-or-more con-
secutive years.
Ms. Darline S. de Cuba rep-
resenting Aruba Tourism
Authority, together with
Mr. Reginald Amaya of
the Paradise Beach Villas
honored the special island
guests with well-deserved
plaques and certificates.
The honorees include
Family Griffith of Canada,
Family Sechrist of Penn-
sylvania, Family Baranyai,
also of Canada, and Fam-
ily Truhon of New York.
They all love returning to
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