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                                                                                                           local Tuesday 9 May 2023
            According to the law,

            the Three Rivers projects

            has a suspended

            construction permit

            (Oranjestad)—It    was   in
            November  2019  when  the  However,  the  minister  had
            minister of Tourism, Dangui  rejected  the  objection  on
            Oduber,  announced  the  March  9th,  2021  and  the
            “groundbreaking”  Secrets  citizens  have  subsequently
            Baby Beach Resort in Baby  filed an appeal against this
            Beach,  a  project  that  in-  on April 16th, 2021. They in-
            cluded  the  construction  of  formed  that  the  court  has
            an  all-inclusive  hotel  with  stated  in  its  first  sentence
            600  rooms,  according  to  that as long as the minister
            ROPV.                        in charge does not respond
                                         to the objection of the citi-
            Last  Saturday,  a  group  of  zens, the construction must
            residents  from  Sero  Colo-  be put on hold.
            rado  informed  through  a                                The  petition  at  Lar  was  to   been  poor  attention  paid  Finally, the judge conclud-
            press  release  that  by  law,  The  government  has  stat-  suspend  the  construction   to  the  4-meter  space  un-  ed  that  article  59  means
            the Three Rivers project has  ed,  based  on  the  decree  permit.  Because  this  was   derground, which is at the  that  the  construction  per-
            a suspended constructions  of  March  9th  2021,  that  it  not  suspended  based  on   level of the cliff.         mit  of  Three  Rivers  is  sus-
            permit and because of this,  does  not  consider  the  ob-  article  59  of  Building  and                          pended. As such, they are
            there is no authorization for  jection  admissible,  which  Housing  Ordinance,  the   Moreover,  the  residents  not  allowed  to  continue
            continuing to construct the  resulted in the citizens to file  court  has  considered  the   have  argued  that  the  with  the  construction.  The
            ‘Secrets’ Hotel.             an appeal at the Adminis-    protested  have  complied    “construction plan”, based  fact that this is already 45%
                                         trative Court on April 15th,  with all requirements of the   on its locations or system of  complete is their argument
            It  has  been  indicated  in  2021.  The  judge  stated  in  appeal.                   construction, will be a huge  that  the  inhabitants  have
            the  press  release  that  the  his  sentence  that  he  does                          hindrance  to  the  environ-  no  urgent  reason  to  be
            judge of the Administrative  consider  the  residents  to  The government and Three    ment.  Furthermore,  they  against the plans.
            Court  Lar,  Mr.  W.C.E.  Win-  have a valid reason in two  Rivers  have  also  argued   have  argued  that  after
            field  considered  the  peti-  of their arguments and has  that  there  is  no  urgent  in-  construction,  considering  The minister of Territorial Or-
            tion made by the residents  instructed the government  terest  with  their  appeal,    its location and its forms or  dinance and Infrastructure
            for Lar to order the govern-  to make a decision on the  seeing  as  they  knew  since   system of construction, will  was  represented  by  the
            ment  to  suspend  the  con-  objection  within  a  three-  May  2022  that  the  com-  affect the view and priva-  Minister  of  Judicial  Affairs,
            struction permit not neces-  week time span.              pany, with the approval of   cy of the inhabitants of the  and Three Rivers was repre-
            sary,  because  in  article  59                           the  government,  has  con-  area.  The  plans  show  that  sented by Mr. Reinkemeyer
            of the Building and Housing  However,  the  government  tinued  with  the  construc-   the  building  is  too  close  and Mr. Ruiz.
            Ordinance, it states that the  and Three Rivers have both  tion,  which  at  this  point  is   to  their  plots  and  that  the
            moment there is an appeal  appealed  this  sentence  already 45% complete.             building  is  more  than  one  Before  construction  even
            for this permit, construction  and  the  court  has  yet  to                           story  high.  In  other  words,  began, the residents near-
            must  be  put  on  hold  until  give another on May 24th,  They have denied that the   this will be a very big struc-  by  have  asked  for  more
            further notice.              2023. Furthermore, the gov-  plan does not comply with    ture.                        information on this project,
                                         ernment  has  decided  on  all  its  requirements  and                                 but  they  have  received
            As  such,  the  fact  that  the  may 5th 2022 that the ob-  they reject the notion that   The  most  plausible  argu-  transparency   from   the
            government  decided  to  jections considered as val-      according to article 59, the   ment was the fact that proj-  company or government’s
            allow  this  construction  to  id by Lar had no basis.    construction  permit  is  sus-  ect goes against the ROPV  end.  In  their  opinion,  the
            continue,  without  attend-                               pended.                      law  and  the  construction  developer must be careful
            ing to the objections of the  Through letters, the citizens                            plan indicates a project of  with the traffic that this ho-
            residents  nearby  is  against  have protested against this  The  residents  have  said   600 all-inclusive rooms, plus  tel will bring in the area. The
            the law and therefore also  decision  by  the  govern-    that a part of the building   an additional 300 standard  ROPV  also  states  that  dur-
            create  unnecessary  finan-  ment and in doing so, has  does not match with near-      rooms. This brings the total  ing  construction  time,  the
            cial risks for the community  brought  attention  to  the  by houses and overall am-   to  900  rooms,  while  ROPV  developer must be mindful
            of Aruba as well as the de-  authorities  that  they  must  bience.  The  construction   states that the hotel is only  of the constant noises that
            velopers.                    take the right steps so that  also affects the air and light   permitted  a  maximum  of  can become a nuisance to
                                         this  project  does  not  con-  quality for the residents and   600  rooms  at  this  specific  the residents and visitors of
            A total of ten citizens, rep-  tradict the law. This means  that  it  is  against  the  ROPV   location.            Sero Colorado.q
            resented  then  by  Maritza  that  they  must  halt  con-  law (Planning Territorial Or-
            Boyce, turned up at Lar af-  struction  while  the  appeal  dinance), in which it is only
            ter the minister of Territorial  of  the  citizens  are  being  allowed a maximum of 600
            Developments,  Infrastruc-   processed, particularly be-  rooms and not 900.
            ture  and  the  Environment  cause not at any moment
            at  that  time  turned  in  the  has  the  government  actu-  At  that  time,  Ms.  Maritza
            permit for the construction  ally  entered  in  dialogue  Boyce  has  stated  that  the
            of the hotel. This permit was  with the citizens.         construction  plans  do  not
            granted on May 28th, 2020  Lastly, the citizens have sig-  comply  with  the  reason-
            and the citizens have sub-   naled that they have once  able  insistence  of  “suc-
            mitted  their  objections  to  again  appealed  to  the  cess”,  and  that  the  build-
            the  permit  on  the  21st  of  Court on April 19th, 2023.   ing  surpasses  its  maximum
            October 2020.                                             height,  because  there  has
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