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LOCALThursday 3 September 2015

Good News for Tourists: Travel to Colombia Is Cheaper Than Ever

--According to Thomson           shopping to adventure        only US$66.                   tors, who are travelling      below $500 all year round.
Reuters: Travel to Colom-        and lodging can be expe-     Now, more than ever, trav-    largely to Bogota, Carta-     Even during the holidays,
bia is roughly36% cheaper        rienced with a smaller bud-  elers can up their game       gena, Medellin and Santa      Americans can escape the
than a year ago; Savvy           get. As an example, last     and experience a more         Marta.                        cold at these prices with a
travelers take notice.                                                                      Air connectivity has been     non-stop flight from New
                                 year, travelers could ex-    sophisticated, top-tier Co-   a big priority for Colom-     York City (JFK) to Cartage-
BOGOTA, Colombia, Au-            pect to pay approximately    lombian lifestyle with any    bia these past few years.     na (CTG) over Thanksgiving
gust 28, 2015 – Over the         US$51 (or $97,500 Colom-     and all hotels, tours and     Currently there are 247 di-   for US$484.
last decade, Colombia has        bian pesos) for a three      attractions that are priced   rect weekly flights from the  Additionally, from the 7th
remarkably and steadily          course meal in Cartagena.    in pesos (which is most of    United States, connecting     until the 16th of September,
grown as a popular tourist       Today, you could have the    them).                        nine U.S. cities (Miami, Los  Avianca and Procolombia
destination, and it shows no     same meal for approxi-       While the bigger value        Angeles, New York, Atlan-     will promote 25 cities in Co-
signs of slowing down. The       mately US$20 less at US$32.  the US dollar carries in Co-  ta, Houston, Washington       lombia with discounts in
country’s close proximity to     In the same vein, a design-  lombia right now certainly    D.C., Orlando, Dallas and     airplane tickets from 15%
the U.S. (2.5 hours from Mi-     er women’s swimsuit would    helps, the addition of new    Fort Lauderdale) with six     to 50% off. This campaign,
ami to Cartagena), its at-       retail for approximately     direct flight paths and a     Colombian cities (Carta-      with the name “Colombia is
tractive no season climate,      US$105 in 2014, whereas      booming hotel infrastruc-     gena, Bogota, Medellin,       Magical Realism” will ben-
lack of Visa requirements        today, you’d be able to      ture has attracted a huge     Barranquilla, Armenia and     efit 22 different countries.
and a variety of activities      purchase that same suit for  increase in American visi-    Cali). Most recent new        From the USA cities such as
ranging from white sand                                                                     routes include an Ameri-      Miami, New York, Washing-
beaches to adventures                                                                       can Airlines route from Mi-   ton, Fort Lauderdale, Or-
places full of historical, cul-                                                             ami to Barranquilla, which    lando, San Francisco, Chi-
tural and magical experi-                                                                   launched in June of 2015      cago, Dallas, LA and Hous-
ences, all make this coun-                                                                  and an Avianca route from     ton will have great deals to
try a top-notch destination                                                                 Los Angeles to Bogota. This   visit Colombia.
in Latin America. And now,                                                                  December, Delta will also     As for hotels, Colombia has
travel to and operation                                                                     begin connections from        worked to provide an ex-
within the country can be                                                                   Atlanta to Cartagena and      pansive offering of hotels
done at essentially a forty                                                                 Medellin, which will likely   across the board to better
percent discount, due to                                                                    help boost higher-end trav-   accommodate the influx of
the recent devaluation of                                                                   el to Colombia. And what’s    airline passengers.
the Colombian peso.                                                                         more, these non-stop flights
Everything from cuisine and                                                                 are affordable, averaging        Continued on Page 27
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