Page 5 - UTILITIES 14 SEPT 2015
P. 5

AWEMainta Dialuna, 14 September 2015                                                                                                                7

Mike Eman tin 6 aña caba ta
fiesta cu placa di WEB y ELMAR

Y awor atrobe
ta preparando
pa aumenta
prijs di coriente

PARTIDO MEP ta puntra       coriente?                                                    coriente?                     florin, segun partido MEP.   logicamente cu coopera-
                            No mester lubida aki tam-                                    Ya caba na 2014 a au-                                      cion di Utilities N.V.
con por ta posibel cu WEB   be e debacle di 300 miyon                                    menta e prijs di coriente cu  Fiesta y mas fiesta          A base di e reglanan di
N.V. y Elmar N.V. ta hinca  florin di hedging!                                           15%. Cu esaki nan a haya      Na 2013 a bende na cori-     “Good Governance” mes-
miyones di florin den con-                                                               70 miyon florin extra caba.   ente 324 miyon florin,       ter pone tur e comisarion-
ferencianan green, paga     Unda tur e placa a bay?                                      Unda tur e placa aki a bay?   unda e promedio entre        an personalmente respon-
Al Gore, companianan        MEP ta sigui puntra con                                      WEB N.V. a gana 16 miyon      e 42210 consumidor ta        sabel pa coopera y pa yuda
amigo di relacionnan pu-    por ta posibel cu Elmar a                                    florin durante 2012-2013.     18671 Kwh, anto e en-        amigonan, companianan
blico, luznan LED (12.2     gana netto na 2011 mas cu                                    Pues den total, WEB y El-     trada di Elmar lo a subi     sponsor chica WEB y El-
miyon florin na Phillips),  11 miyon florin y na 2012                                    mar a gana 40 miyon flo-      cu por lo menos 70 miyon     mar y awor ta cla pa suta
yena e empresanan cu        un suma di 12.9 miyon                                        rin, anto mester aumenta      florin cu e aumento di 15%   pueblo cu otro aumento.
activistanan di AVP, paga   florin, pues den 2 aña casi                                  awor e prijs di coriente?     na 2014.                     Nada no por keda scondi
director 300 mil florin pa  24 miyon florin, anto awor                                   Prijs di crudo ta 60 pa                                    mas pa publica kendenan
core cune, anto awor ta     ta cla pa bolbe suta nos cu                                  70% mas barata cu tempo       WEB a masacra na 2012-       a caba cu WEB y Elmar,
cla pa suta pueblo atrobe   otro aumento di prijs di                                     di Gabinete Oduber, plus      2013 un suma di 7 miyon      mientras prijs di fuel oil ta
cu aumento di prijs di                                                                   a baha e consumo di fuel      florin na Consultancy fees,  varia entre 40 y 50 dollar
                                                                                         oil cu 40%. No lubida e       800 mil florin na Public     pa bari.
            EMPLOYMENT                                                                   10 molinanan di biento,       Relations, na 2012 a cera    “No por, no por!” Anto
           OPPORTUNITY!                                                                  e 4 plantanan di Wärtsila     un contract di 3 aña cu      segun Goldman & Sachs e
                                                                                         di Finlandia, e planta di     Kuzeta Aruba N.V.(?) pa      prijs di fuel oil lo por baha
  General Air Services N.V. is established in Aruba for over 43 years and operates as a  awa Seawater Reverse          7.2 miyon florin.            te na 20 dollar.
    major airline ground handling company at the Queen Beatrix Intl Airport. We proud    Osmosis di 8000 ton, tur e    Tambe a lease 44 auto        Ki dia ta bin un investiga-
    ourselves as a dynamic, progressive and caring organization where working is fun.    inversionnan aki di Gabi-     desde 1 di juni 2010 pa      cion rib’e hedging y tambe
                                                                                         nete Oduber a reduci e        4 aña pa un suma di 2.2      e contract cu ECO Gas,
                    We are now accepting applications for the position of an             consumo di fuel oil di 6000   miyon florin. A paga pa      unda tin 2 comisario cu
                                                                                         bari pa dia cu 2494 bari,     “Transportation (?)” un      conflicto di interes?
                       Administrative Assistant                                          cu ta 40% menos fuel oil -    suma di 1.8 miyon florin.    Cuanto WEB a paga p’e in-
                                                                                         equivalente na 160 miyon      Mescos mester publica tur    frastructura di e proyecto
The responsibilities and job description include:                                        florin – y cu logicamente     e fiestanan na compani-      ey y unda e dos contract-
• Answer and direct phone calls                                                          a baha e gastonan di pro-     anan di amigonan di AVP.     nan di hedging y Eco Gas
• Organize and schedule meetings, trainings and appointments                             duccion di awa y coriente     Cuanto nan tambe a cobra     ta?
• Produce and distribute correspondence memos, letters, faxes and forms                  drasticamente.                na Elmar N.V.? Cuanto
• Assist in the preparation of regularly scheduled overall reports                       Cu Gabinete Eman a yena       “friends , family and lov-   Ki dia parlamento y pueblo
• Preparation of daily and weekly planning                                               WEB y Elmar cu pata pata      ers” a pak eyden?            ta haya esakinan pa mira?
• Develop special programs, project and assignments                                      di activista di AVP, esey                                  Finalmente, sigui cera
• Develop and maintain a filing system                                                    nan mes mester carga e        Comisarionan ta              Arubianonan balente cu a
• Order supplies                                                                         consecuencianan. Si bo        responsabel                  lucha pa nan pais debi na
• Provide general support to visitors and employees                                      conta e 40 miyon florin       MEP ta adverti keda pen-     un paar di bentana kibra,
• Willingness to develop work and thinking on HBO/Bachelor Level                         di ganashi y e 160 miyon      diente pa nan mustra         anto e ‘white collar crime’
                                                                                         florin menos na fuel oil, ta  pueblo con Mike Eman a       mes mester keda scondi
Candidate must have following background:                                                un espacio di 200 miyon       plunder WEB y Elmar y        atrobe, MEP ta conclui.
• Methodical, accurate, efficient, process and solution oriented
• Flexible and can work under pressure

• Inquisitive, moral integrity, discreet, caring, determined, service oriented

• Strong organizational and planning skills
• Attention to detail and problem solving skills
• Team player
• Excellent time management skills and ability to multi-task and prioritize work
• Excellent written and verbal communication skills
• Proficiency in MS Office, Word, Power Point, Excel
• Fluent in English, Dutch and Spanish

• High School diploma (Havo/EPI or equivalent)
• Selection include Veiligheidsdienst Aruba screening and psychological testing

                                         Interested candidates;
                         please send your resume and motivation letter to

                                      Mrs. Brenda Mardenborough
                                tel 582 3192 by September 20, 2015.
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