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   FEATUREFriday 1 April 2016

High-intensity workout injuries spawn cottage industry 

KELLI KENNEDY                    In this March 17, 2016 photo, stretching techniques are demonstrated in at Stretch Zone in Boca                                            CrossFit is known for var-
Associated Press                 Raton, Fla. Some chiropractors and trainers say they’re treating more injured clients as the high                                          ied workouts that include
MIAMI (AP) — After a few         intensity interval training and hybrid-workout movement has exploded. Most CrossFit and similar                                            gymnastics-style moves
weeks of working out at          high intensity workouts are not meant for average gym-goers, said Jorden Gold, who founded                                                 like handstands and pull-
CrossFit, Charles Banfield       Stretch Zone. During the 30-minute sessions, therapists use bolsters and belts to stretch clients on                                       ups, weightlifting, burpees,
says his back hurt con-          a table from angles that are nearly impossible to stretch on one’s own.                                                                    running and jumping onto
stantly and his joints felt                                                                                                                                                 platforms, performed at
terrible. The 47-year-old’s                                                                                                                          Associated Press       relatively high intensity.
aches and pains were so                                                                                                                                                     “There’s this view in the fit-
bad, he initially blamed his     at delivering lower-impact                           In this March 17, 2016 photo, Stretch Zone practitioner Morrida                       ness industry that they treat
bed and purchased a new          exercise or to help those                            Chhan, left, demonstrates stretching techniques on front desk                         safety as the golden calf,
mattress.                        recovering from injuries to                          manager Priya Rajkumar, as Jorden Gold, second from left,                             that the most important
After feeling a searing          continue breaking a sweat                            founder and CSO of Stretch Zone, works on Neill Broome, right,                        variable in training is safety
pain during a particularly       but without exacerbating                             vice president of operations for the company, in Boca Raton,                          and that’s just honestly not
grueling exercise, the Los       their problems.                                      Fla.                                                                                  true. CrossFit is relatively
Angeles-based CEO of an          Many people who do the                                                                                                                     safe and is as safe as any-
event planning company           high-intensity workouts                                                                                                  Associated Press  thing else you could be do-
learned he’d torn his Achil-     aren’t adequately con-                                                                                                                     ing,” he said.
les tendon.                      ditioned for such rigorous                                                                                                                 Although strength training
“You miss one step and           workouts, or have back                                                                                                                     while injured may seem
you could really hurt your-      and spine conditions that                                                                                                                  counterintuitive, experts
self,” Banfield said.            could worsen, said Marc                                                                                                                    say it’s the best way to
Though there have not            Umlas, chief of orthope-                                                                                                                   heal. “Stretching can be
yet been in-depth stud-          dic surgery at Mount Sinai                                                                                                                 complementary to a rehab
ies, some chiropractors,         Medical Center in Miami,                                                                                                                   program, but the focus is
doctors and trainers say         who said his office has                                                                                                                    usually on the strengthen-
stories like Banfield’s have     seen an increase in injuries                                                                                                               ing. Often what we’re try-
become more frequent             from workouts at CrossFit                                                                                                                  ing to do is create a bal-
with the increasing popu-        and similar programs.                                                                                                                      ance between strength
larity of high-intensity inter-  “They plunge headfirst into                                                                                                                and flexibility,” said Dr. Kelly
val training espoused by                                                                                                                                                    McInnis, a  sports  medicine
CrossFit and other similar                                                                                                                                                  physiatrist at Massachu-
hybrid workout gyms.                                                                                                                                                        setts General Hospital who
Such workouts include                                                                                                                                                       is a consultant for the New
high-impact moves like                                                                                                                                                      England Patriots and the
jumping onto platforms                                                                                                                                                      Boston Red Sox.
and are performed during                                                                                                                                                    Most CrossFit and similar
a shorter period of time,                                                                                                                                                   high intensity workouts
often without a break to                                                                                                                                                    are not meant for aver-
maximize benefits, but                                                                                                                                                      age gym-goers, said Jor-
some experts say they                                                                                                                                                       den Gold, who founded
strain participants’ bod-                                                                                                                                                   Stretch Zone, which has
ies beyond what they’re                                                                                                                                                     33 locations in Florida and
meant to endure as they                                                                                                                                                     three other states. Dur-
sling sledgehammers over                                                                                                                                                    ing the 30-minute sessions,
their shoulders and perfect                                                                                                                                                 therapists use bolsters and
headstand pushups.                                                                                                                                                          belts to stretch clients on a
The notion that people are                                                                                                                                                  table from angles that are
overdoing it has spawned                                                                                                                                                    nearly impossible to stretch
an offshoot industry aimed                                                                                                                                                  on one’s own. Unlike mas-
                                                                                                                                                                            sage, clients are clothed
In this March 17, 2016 photo, Jorden Gold, right, founder and                         a high intensity workout       mon.                                                   and are stretched in a
CSO of Stretch Zone, demonstrates stretching techniques on                            and they get injured,” Um-     “I’ve got a guy in here                                room with several others.
Neill Broome, vice president of operations for the company in                         las said.                      who needs his shoulder re-                             “The majority have no busi-
Boca Raton, Fla.                                                                      Torn tendons and liga-         paired, a girl who keeps                               ness being there in the first
                                                                                      ments are a common re-         throwing her back out re-                              place. ... It’s Olympic train-
                                                                    Associated Press  sult, he added.                peatedly. It’s always some-                            ing,” said Gold. “It’s prob-
                                                                                      “Every CrossFit athlete that   thing with them,” he said.                             ably only (suitable for) a
                                                                                      I see as patients, they have   A spokesman for CrossFit                               very, very small percent
                                                                                      something going on as a        says its likely more doctors                           that go.”
                                                                                      result of being in CrossFit,”  are seeing injured CrossFit-                           Los Angeles-based trainer
                                                                                      said Dr. Tyler Kallenbach,     ters but only because so                               Lauren Roxburgh has cre-
                                                                                      a Los Angeles-based chi-       many people are doing                                  ated an entire workout
                                                                                      ropractor who noted knee       CrossFit — not because it’s                            around the foam roller,
                                                                                      and shoulder injuries like     a more dangerous work-                                 a narrow tube often rel-
                                                                                      torn rotator cuffs are com-    out. The brand has over                                egated to post-workout
                                                                                      mon. He estimated 60 per-      13,000 locations worldwide.                            stretching, which she says
                                                                                      cent of his patients at one    A training program that’s                              can smooth out connec-
                                                                                      point were seeking treat-      completely safe would                                  tive tissue, stimulate the
                                                                                      ment from CrossFit work-       be ineffective, company                                lymphatic system and de-
                                                                                      outs, where Kallenbach         spokesman Russell Berger                               liver highly effective core
                                                                                      says overtraining is com-      said.                                                  strengthening.
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