P. 10
CLASSIFIED Wednesday 23 august 2017
Glam shot gets ugly: Mnuchin Dr. Vogel
wife touts style and slams critic Tel. 582 2991
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By CATHERINE LUCEY to brag about her outland- divi aruba Phoenix TIME SHARE FOR SALE Dr. Every
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was a glam shot that got deplorable.” stu WK 34 1 Beds, 1 Bath 2 bedroom unit , any week of
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The drama began Mon- people in high-level gov- Divi Phoenix
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responded from Oregon: In a Cabinet with plenty of Phone 5083098782 (565 9394) Jet Blue 588-2244
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your little getaway. #de- the richest members. q _________________________________208065 Venezolana 583-7674
plorable.” Aruba Foundation
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Linton shot back, defend- Tel. 582-5051
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She went on to call Miller’s Narcotics Anonymous
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sive” and “nasty” before
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suggestion that Miller “go
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new game of thrones.” Foundation
Miller told CNN she found Tel. 583-5400
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credibly offensive,” saying Bloodbank Aruba
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Linton went to a state with
high poverty and “chose