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Wednesday 27 september 2017
‘CALA Camina’ on September 30:
Aruba Marriott Joins Marriott International’s Regional 5k Walk and Run
PALM BEACH - “CALA Cam- riott Vacation Club, Ritz-
ina” is a 5k family walk and Carlton Aruba and Re-
run that is being organized naissance Aruba Resort &
by all the Marriott Interna- Casino to host the “CALA
tional and Starwood Hotels Camina” regional 5k walk
& Resorts properties within and run on Saturday, Sep-
the Caribbean and Latin tember 30th, 2017 where
America region in order associates together with
to celebrate the one year their friends and families
anniversary of the Marriott will gather at the Fisher-
and Starwood integration man’s Hut at 5pm to kick-
as well as to reinforce the off the event. Contribution
commitment of the associ- to participate is 10 florins
ates to the TakeCare Well- and each participant will
being Program. receive a t-shirt of which
all the proceeds will go to
With the addition of Star- “Fundacion Ban Uni Man
wood’s portfolio, the new Pa Cria Nos Muchanan”.
Marriott now has 30 brands The Red Cross Foundation
with more than 5,700 ho- will also be present with
tels around the world, donation boxes to collect
which amounts to 1.1 mil- funds to support the com-
lion rooms in more than 110 munity of Sint Maarten im-
countries, making Marriott pacted by hurricane Irma.
the largest and most di- The associates are very en-
verse hotel company in the
world. Guests now have
access to the best hotels
and resorts wherever they
travel. Marriott Internation-
al’s portfolio now includes
a series of quintessential
luxury and lifestyle names.
The Ritz-Carlton, St. Regis,
Bulgari Hotels & Resorts, JW
Marriott, The Luxury Col-
lection, W Hotels and EDI-
TION define a new era of
luxury travel, with dynamic
brands such as Westin, Re-
naissance and Autograph
Collection occupying an for business and leisure wherever they are in the Ocean Club y Aruba Mar- thusiastic for the event and
evolving lifestyle category. travel. And new, fun, ac- world. riott Surf Club in 2014. As look forward to serving the
Premium brands like Mar- cessible experiences at Along with the journey of part of TakeCare, the Aru- community of Aruba and
riott Hotels and Sheraton Moxy Hotels, AC Hotels the Marriott and Starwood ba Marriott is continuously the island of Sint Maarten
anchor the portfolio and and Aloft add to the port- coming together as one working on launching new through the “CALA Cami-
provide a broad array of folio, ensuring our guests company, Marriott con- initiatives to help its associ- na”.
choices around the world have whatever they want, tinues to reinforce its core ate focus on their personal Aruba Marriott Resort &
value of Putting People wellbeing such as is joining Stellaris Casino opened
First through the TakeCare “CALA Camina, provid- its door in 1995 with 411
Wellbeing Program, which ing complimentary work- guestrooms. In 1999 the
began in the U.S. and Can- out classes in the mornings Marriott’s Aruba Ocean
ada in 2010 as a wellness and afternoons, organizing Club opened its door with
program focused on help- walks with the Executive 311 guestrooms and in
ing associates take bet- Team, offering nutritional 2004 Marriott’s Aruba Surf
ter care of their personal and wellness workshops, Club was opened with 900
health. Since then, TakeC- activating weight loss pro- guestrooms. The Aruba
are has become a global grams with professional Marriott family consists of
platform for promoting guidance and much more. about 1100 associates. The
associate wellbeing and The Aruba Marriott Resort Aruba Marriott Complex is
company culture and was & Stellaris Casino, Marri- the largest in the Caribbe-
introduced at the Aruba ott’s Aruba Ocean Club an in terms of total guest-
Marriott Resort & Stellaris and Marriott’s Aruba Surf rooms as well total employ-
Casino, Aruba Marriott Club teamed up with Mar- ees. q