P. 15

                                                                                               CLASSIFIED Monday 9 october 2017
            Indigenous Peoples Day?                                                                                                dOCTOR ON dUTY

            Italians say stick with Christopher Columbus                                                                                 Dr. Sneek
                  Continued from Page 4                                                                                                  Tel. 587 7100
                                                                                                                                           San Nicolas
            Activists calling for the city                                                                                               Dr. Luchmun
            to  change  the  parade’s                                                              TIME SHARE FOR SALE                   Tel. 584 0299
                                                                                                   Divi  Phoenix Resort
            name  also  are  expected                                                                                              EMERGENCIA 911
            to hold a demonstration.                                                               1 bdrm Unit # 633 sleeps up to 6
                                                                                                   peoples week 1 and 2. Have 37
            On Sunday, three demon-
            strators  briefly  interrupted                                                         weeks left. deed
                                                                                                   Price $37,000 for 2 weeks.
            a wreath-laying ceremony
            at  the  Columbus  statue  in                                                              POLICE           100
                                                                                                   215 9067397
            Columbus  Circle.  The  pro-                                                                                        ORANJESTAD     527-3140
            testers, two dressed in fake                                                           _________________________________208098  NOORD       527-3200
            chains and one wearing a                                                               TIME SHARE FOR SALE          STA. CRUZ        527-2900
            hooded white sheet, spoke                                                              Divi Village                 SAN NICOLAS     584-5000
                                                                                                                                POLICE TIPLINE    11141
            out before being escorted                                                              one bedroom $6,500           FIRE DEPT.       115
            away. Police said one per-                                                             for details                  FIRE DEPT.       582-1108
            son was arrested.                                                                      email:          HOSPITAL         527-4000
            Mayor  Bill  de  Blasio,  a   In this Oct. 14, 1996 photo, a model of the “Santa Maria,” one of   _________________________________208180  DENTAL CLINIC    587-9850
                                         Christopher Columbus’ three ships, is pulled up New York’s Fifth
            Democrat,       appointed    Avenue in front of St. Patrick’s Cathedral during the 56th Colum-  TIME SHARE FOR RENT  AMBULANCE       582-1234
            a  committee  to  evalu-     bus Day Parade.                                           Divi Dutch Village           IMSAN            524-8833
                                                                                                                                RED CROSS
            ate  whether  monuments                                  (AP Photo/Marty Lederhandler)  one bedroom plus also a Studio
            to  certain  historical  fig-                                                          starting 10/7 to 12/16. also   Women in Difficulties
            ures  should  be  removed,   they  would  keep  Colum-    tion  of  Italian  heritage.  It’s   locations from Interval   PHARMACY
            prompting a backlash from    bus  Day  but  celebrate  In-  very  similar  to  other  days   Local # 565 9394 or 508 0016 or  Oranjestad:
            fellow    Italian-Americans   digenous  Peoples  Day  on  throughout  the  year  that       Paradera Tel. 588 6638
            who vowed to defend the      the  same  day.In  Akron,  a  we  celebrate  for  many    ________________________________208194  San Nicolas
            Columbus  statue,  which     city with few Native Ameri-  other  cultures.”States  and   TIME SHARE FOR SALE        San NicolasTel. 584 5712
            has  stood  over  Columbus   cans  and  a  large  Italian-  municipalities aren’t legally   Divi Golf
            Circle for more than a cen-  American  community,  an  bound to recognize federal      one bedroom plus  a Studio
            tury.Many  Italians  who  mi-  attempt  to  rename  Co-   holidays,  though  most  do.   (luxury units) starting 10/7 to   INFORMATION   118
            grated  to  the  U.S.  initially   lumbus  Day  as  Indigenous  Columbus  Day  is  already   12/16. below mkt       TAXI-TAS      587-5900
            had a rough time. In 1891,   Peoples  Day  on  Sept.  11  one  of  the  most  inconsis-  Local # 565 9394 or 508 0016 or  PROF. TAXI   588-0035
                                                                                                                                TAXI D.T.S.
            11  Italians  were  lynched   split  the  all-Democrat  city  tently  celebrated.  Places   SERVICE AUA   583-3232
            in New Orleans by a mob      council  along  racial  lines.  that  choose  to  replace  it   ________________________________208194  A1 TAXI SERVICES 587-8850
            that held them responsible   Five black members voted  with  Indigenous  Peoples       TIME SHARE FOR SALE                             280-2828
            for  the  death  of  a  police   to  rename  the  holiday,  Day  may  give  their  own   Divi Phoenix                   crUISe SHIP
            official.At  the  end  of  the   and  eight  white  members  workers  or  schoolchildren   one bedroom unit # 633 sleeps
            1800s, Italians began to link   voted  against  it,  following  a day off, teach in schools   up to 6 people week 1 and 2
            themselves  more  with  Co-  a  debate  that  devolved  about  Native  Americans       have 37 weeks left price $37000
            lumbus.   Italian-American   into shouting.“The first voy-  instead of Columbus, issue   for 2 weeks
            businessman and newspa-      age  of  Columbus  to  the  proclamations or mark it in
            per owner Generoso Pope      Americas    initiated   the  other ways.There is no ques-  or call 215 9067397 Mrs Lydia        October 9
            was  among  those  who       trans-Atlantic slave trade. It  tion that Columbus’ arrival    ________________________________208196  norwegian Pearl/ coral Princess
            worked  to  get  Columbus    would lead to the kidnap-    in  the  New  World  under   TIME SHARE FOR RENT
            Day  recognized  as  a  fed-  ping,  deaths  and  slavery  the  sponsorship  of  Spain   Divi Phoenix               Aruba Airport   524-2424
            eral holiday in 1937.        of  tens  of  millions  of  Afri-  was bad for the indigenous   one bedroom 2 full bath room #   American Airlines 582-2700
            “It  was  one  of  the  things   can  people,”  said  Coun-  people  of  Hispaniola,  the   633 price $4500 for 2 weeks   Aruba Airlines  583-8300
            that  would  allow  them     cilman  Russel  Neal,  who  is  island  he  colonized  that   call or text 215 9067397   Jet Blue    588-2244
            to   become     Americans    black.But  Councilman  Jeff  is  now  split  between  Haiti   e-mail   Surinam       582-7896
            symbolically,”  said  Fred   Fusco, who is Italian-Amer-  and the Dominican Repub-      ________________________________208196  Venezolana   583-7674
            Gardaphe,  a  professor  of   ican,  said,  “It’s  a  celebra-  lic.                                                Aruba Foundation
            Italian-American studies at                                                                                         For those Visually Incapasitated
                                                                                                                                Tel. 582-5051
            Queens College.
            Indigenous  Peoples  Day                                                                                            AL-ANON group
            began  to  gel  as  an  idea                                                                                        Sabana Liber #8, Noord
                                                                                                                                Tel. 736-2952 or 593-7081
            before  the  500th  anniver-
            sary of Columbus’ first voy-                                                                                        FUNDACIONS
            age to the Americas.                                                                                                Respetami
                                                                                                                                Tel. 582-4433
            South  Dakota  began  cel-
            ebrating  Native  American                                                                                          Centro Diabetic Arubano
            Day  on  the  second  Mon-                                                                                          Tel. 524-8888
            day  of  October  in  1990.
            Berkeley, California, got rid                                                                                       Narcotics Anonymous
                                                                                                                                Tel. 583-8989
            of  Columbus  Day  in  favor
            of Indigenous Peoples Day                                                                                           QUOTA Club
            in  1992.Many  places  that                                                                                         Tel. 525-2672
            have  adopted  Indigenous
            Peoples  Day  since  then,                                                                                          Women in Difficulties
            including   Alaska,   have                                                                                          Tel. 583-5400
            sizable  Native  American
            populations.A  few  cities                                                                                          Bloodbank Aruba
            have  compromised.  Salt                                                                                            Tel. 587-0002
            Lake City officials declared
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