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Djaluna 16 Yüli 2018                                                                           11

      As of December 31, 2017                            Year ended December 31, 2017
      Amounts expressed in BBD $000      2017      2016  Amounts expressed in BBD $000              2017      2016
      ASSETS                                             REVENUE
        Investment property             161,629   161,323  Premium revenue                       1,440,229  1,322,898
        Property, plant and equipment  320,190   324,197   Reinsurance premium expense            (122,404)  (143,753)
        Associates and Joint Ventures  194,450   174,586   Net premium revenue                    1,317,825  1,179,145
        Intangible assets               153,520  158,647   Net investment income                   634,621  608,741
        Financial investments          7,981,552  7,803,245  Fees and other revenue               194,900   200,908
        Reinsurance assets               75,101   85,355   Gain arising on disposal                 4,521       -
        Income tax assets               79,958    119,154  Total revenue                          2,151,867  1,988,794
        Miscellaneous assets and receivables  483,669  373,424
        Cash resources                  676,217  533,046  BENEFITS
        Total assets                 10,126,286  9,732,977  Policy benefits and change in actuarial liabilities  1,034,940  877,906
                                                           Policy benefits and change in actuarial liabilities
      LIABILITIES                                          reinsured                               (43,291)  (37,196)
        Actuarial liabilities         3,182,250  2,965,204  Net policy benefits and change in actuarial liabilities  991,649  840,710
        Other insurance liabilities    381,334   349,436   Interest expense                       105,608    117,187
        Investment contract liabilities  695,785  690,509  Total benefits                          1,097,257  957,897
        Total policy liabilities      4,259,369  4,005,149
        Notes and loans payable         32,980        -  EXPENSES
        Deposit and security liabilities  2,821,294  2,978,005  Administrative expenses           446,645   414,790
        Provisions                      141,806  187,262   Commissions and related compensation    169,279  167,829
        Income tax liabilities          13,049    35,920   Premium and asset taxes                 25,214    19,500
        Accounts payable and accrued liabilities  432,466  326,452  Finance cost                    2,177       -
        Total liabilities             7,700,964  7,532,788  Depreciation and amortisation          38,437    39,207
                                                           Total expenses                          681,752  641,326
        Share capital                  532,300   529,507  INCOME BEFORE TAXES                     372,858   389,571
        Reserves                       (107,842)  (133,113)  Income taxes                          (65,362)  (70,783)
        Retained earnings             1,382,944  1,285,258
        Total shareholder’s equity    1,807,402  1,681,652  NET INCOME FOR THE YEAR               307,496   318,788
        Participating accounts           1,732     2,581
        Minority interest in subsidiaries  616,188  515,956  NET INCOME ATTRIBUTABLE TO:
        Total equity                  2,425,322  2,200,189  Shareholder                           221,403   223,512
                                                           Participating policyholders             (2,087)     220
      Total equity and liabilities   10,126,286  9,732,977  Non-controlling interests              88,180    95,056
                                                                                                  307,496   318,788
      These financial statements have been approved for issue by the Board of
      Directors on April 4, 2018.

              Director                   Director

                                       CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME
                         Year ended December 31, 2017
                                                                                  2017     2016
                         Amounts expressed in BBD $000
                         NET INCOME FOR THE YEAR                                307,496   318,788
                         OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME
                         Items net of tax that may be reclassified subsequently to income:
                         Available for sale financial assets:
                          Unrealised (losses)/gains arising on revaluation       65,873   59,229
                          (Gains)/losses transferred to income                  (25,316)    (152)
                         Net change in actuarial liabilities                     2,025     (9,372)
                         Retranslation of foreign currency operations            19,442   (56,962)
                                                                                 62,024    (7,257)
                         Items net of tax that will not be reclassified subsequently to income:
                         Unrealised (losses)/gains arising on revaluation of owner occupied property  (3,518)  10,289
                         Gains/(losses) arising on defined benefit plans           45,153   (24,993)
                         Other items                                                -       (255)
                                                                                 41,635   (14,959)
                         Other comprehensive income / (loss) for the year       103,659   (22,216)
                         TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME                             411,155  296,572

                          Common Shareholder                                    265,014   197,544
                          Participating policyholders                             (418)     263
                          Minority interest                                     146,559   98,765
                                                                                 411,155  296,572
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