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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 28 February 2018
            Mobster linked to art heist sentenced in gun case

            HARTFORD,  Conn.  (AP)  —                                                              the  1950s,  had  been  con-
            A  mobster  who  authorities                                                           victed  of  several  charges,
            believe  is  the  last  surviving                                                      including  selling  a  loaded
            person  of  interest  in  the                                                          handgun  to  a  convicted
            largest  art  heist  in  history                                                       murderer  who  was  coop-
            has  been  sentenced  to  4                                                            erating  with  the  FBI  and  il-
            ½ years in prison in an unre-                                                          legally  possessing  firearms
            lated weapons case.                                                                    as a felon. He has been in
            Robert Gentile, 81, was sen-                                                           prison awaiting sentencing
            tenced  Tuesday  in  federal                                                           for almost three years.
            court in Hartford, Connecti-                                                           Federal  agents  found  the
            cut.  He  was  given  credit                                                           guns that led to the weap-
            for  time  already  served,                                                            ons  charge  while  search-
            and  is  expected  to  spend                                                           ing Gentile's home in what
            about 11 more months be-                                                               defense  attorney  A.  Ryan
            hind bars. Federal prosecu-                                                            McGuigan  has  said  were
            tors have said they believe                                                            attempts  to  find  some  of
            Gentile  has  information                                                              the stolen paintings, or evi-
            about    the   still-unsolved                                                          dence  connected  to  the
            1990  heist  at  the  Isabella   Robert Gentile, 81, arrives at federal court in Hartford, Conn., on   heist.  In  2013,  Gentile  was
                                         Tuesday, Feb. 27, 2018.
            Stewart  Gardner  Museum                        (Patrick Raycraft/Hartford Courant via AP)  sentenced  to  2½  years  in
            in  Boston.  Thieves  stole                                                            prison  in  another  weap-
            an  estimated  $500  million  denied  knowing  anything  stint in prison as horrifying.  ons and prescription drugs
            worth of artwork, including  about  it.  He  asked  the  "Anybody else would have  case that first revealed fed-
            works  by  Rembrandt  and  judge Tuesday to consider  killed themselves," he said.     eral  authorities'  belief  that
            Johannes  Vermeer.  Gen-     letting him go home to his  Gentile,  who  has  a  crimi-  he  knew  something  about
            tile,  of  Manchester,  has  wife,  describing  his  latest  nal  record  that  dates  to  the heist.q

            Court releases more search warrants in Vegas attack

            By KEN RITTER                from  his  room  in  a  high-  FBI  spokeswoman  Sandra  releasing any new informa-
            LAS  VEGAS  (AP)  —  The  FBI  rise hotel on the Las Vegas  Breault  declined  Tuesday  tion about the case, Officer
            searched email and social  Strip,  killing  58  people  and  to  comment  about  the  Laura  Meltzer  said.  Danley
            media  accounts  of  the  injuring  hundreds  more  at  documents  in  what  she  was in the Philippines at the
            gunman  who  carried  out  an  open-air  concert  be-     called  an  ongoing  investi-  time  of  the  shooting  and
            the  deadliest  mass  shoot-  low.  Paddock  then  killed  gation.                     has not been charged with
            ing  in  modern  U.S.  history,  himself.                 Las Vegas police were not  a crime.q
            but  court  documents  re-
            leased  Tuesday  provided
            little new insight about the
            investigation in Las Vegas.
            Among  more  than  500
            pages  of  search  warrants
            are   hand-written   notes
            saying  whether  investiga-
            tors  received  information
            about online accounts be-
            longing  to  Stephen  Pad-
            dock  and  his  girlfriend,
            Marilou  Danley.  The  newly
            released documents didn't
            describe  what  the  emails
            or  social  media  revealed
            or  what  investigators  may
            have  learned  from  a  Fitbit
            device,  USB  drive,  com-
            pact  disc  and  four  note-
            pads  seized  in  an  Oct.  22
            search of Paddock's home
            in  Mesquite,  Nevada.They
            also  didn't  provide  clues
            on a motive for the Oct. 1
            shooting.  The  documents
            were unsealed by a federal
            judge at the request of me-
            dia organizations, including
            The Associated Press.
            Authorities  say  the  high-
            stakes  gambler  amassed
            an  arsenal  of  assault-style
            weapons  and  opened  fire
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