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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 25 OctOber 2017
            GOP senators blister Trump, reveal party at war with itself

                                         tion,  has  a  narrower  and
            Continued from Front         nior  adviser  to  the  Great  my Senate term doing just  Trump  himself  made  a      of accomplishments so far
                                         America  Alliance  “Today’s  that.”                       rare  visit  to  the  Capitol  to   on the regulatory front and
                                         narrower  path  to  nomina-
                                         announcement  from  Sen.  Earlier  Corker  had  said  join  GOP  senators  for  their
            “I  think  the  debasement  tion in the Republican Par-                                                             others.  At  one  point,  he
                                         Flake that he would not run  of  Trump,  “His  governing  weekly policy lunch. Sena-
            of  our  nation  will  be  what  ty,” he said.                                                                      essentially  polled  senators
                                         for  re-election  is  a  monu-
            he’ll   be    remembered  Corker’s  retirement  plans     model  is  to  divide  and  to  tors  said  he  did  not  joust   on whom he should nomi-
            most for and that’s regret-  mental  win  for  the  entire  attempt  to  bully  and  to  with Corker or anyone else   nate  as  the  next  Federal
                                         also  underscore  the  ques-
                                                                and  use  untruths.”  He  said  that  — or spend much time talk-
            ful,”  Corker  said.  A  furious  tion of what the Republican                                                       Reserve  chairman,  ask-
                                         should  serve  as  another  he and others in the party  ing  about  a  tax  overhaul,
            Trump  didn’t  let  that  pass  Party  will  look  like  in  years                                                  ing  for  a  show  of  hands
                                         warning  shot  to  the  failed  had  attempted  to  inter-
            unremarked.  On  Twitter,  to  come.  Senate  Majority                                 the expected topic for the   on various candidates. He
                                         Leader Mitch McConnell of
            he  called  Corker  “incom-  Republican  establishment  vene  with  Trump  over  the  lunch.                        tweeted later that he had
                                         that backed Flake and oth-
            petent,”  said  he  “doesn’t  Kentucky has warned that    months,  sometimes  at  the  Tax  overhaul  is  an  ur-   received  “Multiple  stand-
                                         ers like them that their time  behest  of  White  House  of-
            have a clue” and claimed  some  candidates  running                                    gent  task  for  Republicans   ing  ovations!”  McConnell
            the  two-term  lawmaker  with                             ficials,  but  “he’s  obviously  who’ve  failed  to  notch  a   sidestepped   reporters’
                                         is up.” the backing of Trump
                                         Talking principle rather than  not going to rise to the oc-
            “couldn’t get elected dog  allies  could  not  win  gen-                               single  significant  legislative   questions  about  Corker’s
                                         eral  elections.  And  even
            catcher in Tennessee.”       politics,  Flake  said  on  the  casion as president.”    achievement  this  year  de-  characterization of Trump.
                                         Senate floor, “We must be  “Unfortunately I think world  spite  controlling  the  White
            An  overstatement  to  be  if they make it to the Sen-                                                              “We’re  going  to  concen-
                                         unafraid  to  stand  up  and  leaders  are  very  aware  House and both chambers
            sure,  but  White  House  ate,  certain  conservatives                                                              trate on what our agenda
            spokeswoman Sarah Huck-      speak out as if our country  that much of what he says  of  Congress.  Trump  did      is,  and  not  any  of  these
                                         could  make  McConnell’s
                                         depends  on  it,  because  it  is untrue,” Corker said.
            abee Sanders said in regard  job even harder as he tries                               discuss it, yet it was hardly   other distractions  that you
            to  the  impending  retire-  does.  I  plan  to  spend  the  In between the broadsides  his focus. Instead, senators   all  may  be  interested  in,”
                                         to  maneuver  legislation
                                         remaining  14  months  of  from  Corker  and  Flake,  said, he mixed in a review
            ments,  “The  people  both  through  a  narrow  majority                                                            he  said.  However,  even
            in  Tennessee  and  Arizona   Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker, R-Tenn., is questioned by reporters   for  Republicans  who  had
            supported  this  president,   about  a  derisive  exchange  of  name-calling  with  President  Donald  Trump,  on  Capitol  Hill  in   no  intention  of  seconding
            and  I  don’t  think  that  the   Washington, Tuesday, Oct. 24, 2017. In a remarkable Republican war of words, Corker says Trump   Flake’s comments, the im-
            numbers are in the favor of   is  “utterly  untruthful”  and  debases  the  nation.  Then  the  president  fires  back  that  the  two-term   port of the day’s develop-
            either of those two senators   lawmaker “couldn’t get elected dog catcher.”                                         ments was not lost. q
            in their states and so I think                                                         (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)
            this was probably the right  that now stands at 52-48.
            decision.”  Away  from  the  Steven  Law,  head  of  a
            cameras, Trump took cred-    McConnell-allied     super
            it for helping force the two  PAC  that  supports  GOP
            departures, according to a  incumbents  and  establish-
            White House official and an  ment-aligned  candidates,
            outside  adviser,  who  insist-  wasted  no  time  issuing  a
            ed on anonymity to discuss  statement  declaring  that
            private conversations.       Republican  former  state
            Until Tuesday, Flake had in-  Sen.  Kelli  Ward,  who  was
            sisted  he  had  no  plans  to  running  against  Flake  with
            retire. He was raising money  the encouragement of for-
            at a good rate and casting  mer  Trump  adviser  Steve
            his  re-election  campaign  Bannon,  “will  not  be  the
            as  a  test  case  of  conser-  Republican  nominee  for
            vatism  against  Trumpism.  this  Senate  seat  in  2018.”
            But he made clear Tuesday  Many  fellow  Republicans
            he’d  concluded  that,  for  had expected Flake to lose
            now at least, Trumpism had  the primary and hope they
            prevailed.                   will now be able to recruit a
            “It  is  clear  at  this  moment  stronger candidate.
            that a traditional conserva-  There  was  celebration  in
            tive who believes in limited  the  Bannon  anti-establish-
            government and free mar-     ment  camp.  Said  Andy
            kets, who is devoted to free  Surabian,   former   Ban-
            trade,  who  is  pro-immigra-  non  adviser  and  now  se-

            Senate passes $36.5B disaster
            aid bill; Trump signature next

            By ANDREW TAYLOR             Donald Trump is sure to sign
            Associated Press             it.
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The  The       measure    provides
            Senate passed a $36.5 bil-   $18.7 billion to replenish the
            lion  emergency  aid  mea-   Federal  Emergency  Man-
            sure  Tuesday  to  refill  disas-  agement Agency’s rapidly
            ter  accounts,  provide  a  dwindling  accounts,  and
            much-needed  cash  infu-     $16 billion so the flood insur-
            sion  to  Puerto  Rico,  and  ance  program  can  keep
            bail  out  the  federal  flood  paying claims. It brings the
            insurance program.           total  approved  by  Con-
            The  82-17  vote  sends  the  gress during this fall’s hurri-
            measure  to  the  White  cane season to more than
            House,  where  President  $50 billion.q
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