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P. 28


  LOCALWednesday 19 July 2017

   Loyal Guests Honored at the Casa del Mar Beach Resort

PALM BEACH - Recently ity had the great pleasure couples who are loyal and
the Aruba Tourism Author- of honoring two very nice friendly visitors of Aruba as

Distinguished Visitors and     loyal members of the Casa
Goodwill Ambassadors at        del Mar and they love Aru-
the Casa del Mar Beach         ba very much because of
Resort. The symbolic hon-      the friendly people, fun in
orary titles are presented     the sun, the climate, the
in the name of the Minister    beaches and the restau-
of Tourism as a token of ap-   rants. They say that be-
preciation to guests who       ing on Aruba and staying
visit Aruba for 10-to-19 and   at the Casa del Mar is like
20-to-34 consecutive years.    being at their vacation
The honorees were Mr. Wil-     ‘home-away-from-home.’
liam and Mrs. Susan Childs,    The certificate was present-
celebrating their 15th con-    ed by Ms. Emely Riddersta-
secutive annual visit to Aru-  at representing the Aruba
ba, and Mr. Tim and Mrs.       Tourism Authority together
Virginia Wuennemann, cel-      with General Manager Mr.
ebrating their 26th consecu-   Bob Curtis and Ms. Shahai-
tive annual visit to Aruba!    ra Morris from the Casa del
These special visitors are     Mar.q
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