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Dialuna 18 Januari 2016                                                                                                         Pagina 23

Rudy Richardson di MEP:

            Politics and Calypso Culture

                                                                 Calypso music was               their imagery and cultural      in the entire Carnaval
                                                                                                 heritage was lost. With the     season. The Carnival
                                                                 developed in Trinidad in        influx of slavery during the    Committee is encharge of
                                                                                                 seventeenth and eighteenth      organising the events, but
                                                                 the 17th century from the       centuries, African beliefs      if by whatever reason they
                                                                                                 and superstitions were          can’t organize the events
                                                                 West African Kaiso and          assimilated, some of which      its the Prime Minister and\
                                                                                                 are evident in the traditions   or Minister of Culture to
                                                                 canboulay music brought         of Dera Gai, Dande, and         intervene for the benefit of
                                                                                                 harvest feasts.                 general interest. Mr. Eman
                                                                 by African slaves imported                                      once again showed that
                                                                                                                                 San Nicolas is only good
                                                                 to that Caribbean island to                                     for votes with no dignified
                                                                                                                                 representation from his
                                                                 work on sugar plantations.                                      side. What a shame to see
                                                                                                                                 after 51 years our ancestors
                                                                 The slaves, brought to toil                                     favorite SocialPoltical event
                                                                                                                                 has been cancelled by the
                                                                 on sugar plantations, were                                      AVP Government, a bloody
                                                                                                                                 shame to say the least.
                                                                 stripped of all connections     Aruba’s Calypso and             I hope the people finally
                                                                                                                                 awake and see what’s at
                                                                 to their homeland and           Roadmarch Contest was           stake here. Not only did we
                                                                                                                                 (Aruban people) loose on
                                                                 family and not allowed to       successfully organized for      this issue, but it affected
                                                                                                                                 the whole Carnival season;
                                                                 talk to each other. They        51 years by the Aruban          in my opinion it’s not
                                                                                                                                 acceptable to have the new
I was born on the island of      that represented at every       used calypso to mock            Carnaval  Committee             Carnival Committee stay in
St. Kitts and Nevis (British     single Calypso contest. As I                                                                    power, they should resign
Caribbean), that’s also the      grew older I realised it was    the slave masters and to        (SAC) until when the AVP        and the Government should
birthplace of my mother.         protest music that came                                                                         learn from this painful
Little do I know about that      out of the enslavement          communicate with each           government and their            lesson and have SAC return
island because I was raised      of African people in the                                                                        as the organizing body and
on the island of Aruba           West. So I naturally like       other. Many early calypsos      Minister of Culture went        the musicians have to get
(Dutch Caribbean) from           it more, because it now                                                                         their act together. From
childhood. I recall going        had a revolutionary touch       were sung in French             interfering with a sovereign    ASOMA to MUSICA and
to visit my grandparents         to it. Calypso is a style of                                                                    now they are proposing a
twice and visiting the capital   Afro-Caribbean music that       Creole by an individual         entity although subsidized      new musical organisation.
Basseterre and spending          originated in Venezuela                                                                         After they fought SAC
time in the mountains and        and Trinidad and Tobago         called a griot. As calypso      partially by public funds.      for many years and SAC
getting acquainted with          during the early to mid-20th                                                                    succeeded to them to
some of my roots. My father      century. Its rhythms can be     developed, the role of the      Since 2013 a new Carnaval       organise the festival for 5
was a native of St. Maarten      traced back to West African                                                                     years. In merely three years
(Dutch Caribbean). At home       Kaiso and the arrival of        griot (originally a similar     commite was installed and       they can’t handle it anymore
we listen to all forms of        French planters and their                                                                       how pathetic is this. Life is
music, I was never thought       slaves from the French          traveling musician in West      I must say it’s literally a     about discovering who we
about the contemporary           Antilles in the 18th century.                                                                   are; leading is about striving
history of Calyspo Music.                                        Africa) became known as a       copy paste of the former.       to become better than we
My parents some how              Calypso drew upon African                                                                       are, and helping everything
seem to like all forms of        and French influences, and      chantuelle and eventually,      It was all a game plan for      and everyone around us
genres, English of course        became the voice of the                                                                         to become better too. I
been they both had English       people. It was characterized    calypsonian.         Modern     more power and greed by         can only hope we all have
as their primary language.       by highly rhythmic and                                                                          learned a bitter lesson that
During my formation years        harmonic vocals, which was      calypso, however, began in      the incumbent Government.       politics should stay out and\
in San Nicolas I realised        most often sung in a French                                                                     or have limited influence in
that the Calypso genre had       creole and led by a griot.      the 19th century, a fusion of   The musicians the heart of      certain aspects of modern
something to do with the         As calypso developed, the                                                                       life. The greatest leader is
Diasporan experience. So         role of the griot (originally   disparate elements ranging      the Carnival Festival was       not necessarily the one who
as a seeker of knowledge I       a similar traveling musician                                                                    does the greatest things.
started to study this art form.  in West Africa) became          from the masquerade song        never please with their         He is the one that gets the
Growing up it wasn’t my firts    known as a chantuelle and                                                                       people to do the greatest
choice I must admit. I some      eventually, calypsonian. As     lavway, French Creole           participation. Prior to a       things. I finalize with an
how leaned towards Urban         English replaced "patois"                                                                       excerpt of a Calypso song
American music, but was          (Antillean creole) as the       belair and the calindastick-    new musician association        form Le Groove: Calypso is
conscious enough to know         dominant language, calypso                                                                      muse and gossip, so where
that Calypso had something       migrated into English, and      fighting      chantwell.        MUSICA their was ASOMA          the frans you all come from
to do with Caribbean             in so doing it attracted                                                                        to stop it???
people in general. I grew        more attention from the         Calypso's early rise was        and there was always issues
up jumping the Lago Sport        government. It allowed the
Park wall to attend the          masses to challenge the         closely connected with the      back and forth like anything
Calypso and Roadmarch            doings of the unelected
Contest ever since I was         Governor and Legislative        adoption of Carnival by         that has e economic
permitted to by my parents.      Council, and the elected
I always had an allowance        town councils of Port of        Trinidadian slaves, including   structure behind it. SAC the
to attend, but like most         Spain and San Fernando.
young boys, it was part of       Calypso continued to play       canboulay drumming and          organizing commite for the
the adventure to jump in and     an important role in political
buy soft drinks and snacks       expression, and also served     the music masquerade            last 60 years got pushed
with the money we had. My        to document the history of
good friend Anthony Brooks       Venezuela and Trinidad and      processions. The French         aside with the help of
and me was them boys             Tobago.
                                                                 brought Carnival to Trinidad,   incompetent polticians and

                                                                 and calypso competitions at     after two years the biggest

                                                                 Carnival grew in popularity,    Cultural event of Aruba

                                                                 especially after the abolition  has been cancelled. This

                                                                 of slavery in 1834.             makes me very angry of

                                                                 Today’s Arubans are             course looking at the history
                                                                 generally of mixed ancestry
                                                                 of Caquetio Indian, African     and cultural heritage this
                                                                 and European roots. In the
                                                                 early 20th Century with         means to the Afro English
                                                                 immigration to Aruba from
                                                                 the British Caribbean the       speaking population in
                                                                 Calyspo music couldn’t
                                                                 stay behind. Influenced by      Aruba. What a disgrace to
                                                                 American tourists and the
                                                                 Latin Americans working in      see a Prime Minister that
                                                                 Aruba, Halloween is now
                                                                 observed and to a lesser        got elected by this same
                                                                 extent the celebration of Dia
                                                                 de Los Muertos among the        demographic has let the
                                                                 Latin Americans. The first
                                                                 beliefs and superstitions       people of San Nicolas down
                                                                 in Aruba date from Pre-
                                                                 Columbian times, when           once again. Not only did his
                                                                 Indians roamed on Aruba.
                                                                 After 1820, with the            Government do a terrible
                                                                 disappearance of the Indians
                                                                                                 disastrous job governing

                                                                                                 our tiny island nation but

                                                                                                 he also destroyed a cultural

                                                                                                 event that has it roots deeply

                                                                                                 embedded in San Nicolas

                                                                                                 and its natives. So the big

                                                                                                 question is who’s fault is

                                                                                                 it. It wouldn’t be fair to say

                                                                                                 its totally the Governments

                                                                                                 fault, but the Government

                                                                                                 has a symbolic gesture
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