Page 8 - HOH
P. 8
CLASSIFIED Friday 11 august 2017
Politicians blocking people on dOCTOR ON dUTY
social media ignites debate Dr. Mungra
Tel. 585 2239
San Nicolas
By BRADY McCOMBS al town halls or in-person VACATION SPECIAL TIME SHARE FOR SALE RENT Dr. Linden v/d
Tel. 584 6427
Associated Press meetings. Aruba Beach Club Complete renovated
SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — An “People turn to social me- week 30 July 29/ aug.5th Divi Dutch Village EMERGENCIA 911
emerging debate about dia because they see their units 4 pers. kitchen wk 27, pool floor studio unit
whether elected officials vi- elected officials as be- 2 qsize bedr 13, all special asessment pd,
olate people’s free speech ing available there and Close to the beach $650 $4200 week 26 divi Villa and
rights by blocking them on they’re hungry for opportu- Call: 583 4403 /560 3297 golf unit 5509, 1 br 6/25 start
social media is spreading nities to express their opin- ________________________________207904 $3900 and week 29 unit 5503, POLICE 100
across the U.S. as groups ions and share feedback,” HOUSE FOR SALE July 16 NOORD 527-3200
sue or warn politicians to said Anna Thomas, spokes- This beautiful family home STA. CRUZ 527-2900
stop the practice. woman for the ACLU of Features 3 bedrooms, 2 bath- 508 651 0016 SAN NICOLAS 584-5000
The American Civil Liber- Utah. “That includes peo- rooms, kitchen fully fenced ________________________________207549 POLICE TIPLINE 11141
ties Union this week sued ple who disagree with backyard, pool entertainment FIRE DEPT. 115
Maine Gov. Paul LePage public officials.” Most of areas. Property land $247,000 FIRE DEPT. 582-1108
and sent warning letters to the officials targeted so far For info call 00297 594 1496 DENTAL CLINIC 587-9850
Utah’s congressional del- — all Republicans — say AMBULANCE 582-1234
egation. It followed recent they are not violating free ________________________________207737 IMSAN 524-8833
lawsuits against the gover- speech but policing social FOR RENT RED CROSS 582-2219
nors of Maryland and Ken- media pages to get rid of an executive 2 bedroom Women in Difficulties
tucky and President Don- people who post hateful, + 2 bathroom. Home in Pos
ald Trump. violent, obscene or abu- Chiquito fully furnished with PHARMACY
Trump’s frequent and often sive messages. A spokes- a big garage, alarm system, Oranjestad:
unorthodox use of Twitter woman for Maryland Gov. camara, jacuzzi. Complete aC Dakota Tel. 588 7364
and allegations he blocks Larry Hogan called the for $1,600 San Nicolas
Aloe Tel. 584 4606
people with dissenting Aug. 1 lawsuit against him Call 563 1449
views has raised questions “frivolous” and said his of- ________________________________207904
about what elected of- fice has a clear policy and INFORMATION 118
ficials can and cannot do will “remove all hateful and DIVI PHOENIX 31 WK’S TAXI-TAS 587-5900
on their official social me- violent content” and “co- Plus 40 more years! PROF. TAXI 588-0035
dia pages. ordinated spam attacks.” 1 bdr 2 ba week 31 $13,500 TAXI D.T.S. 587-2300
Politicians at all levels in- The ACLU accused Ken- BLdga room 650 SERVICE AUA 583-3232
creasingly embrace social tucky Gov. Matt Bevin of Call 203 494 5332 280-2828
media to discuss govern- blocking more than 600 CruisE sHiP
ment business, sometimes people on Facebook and _________________________________207920
at the expense of tradition- Twitter.q FOR SALE
Casa del Mar
wk 1 +deed
SPECIAL PRICE 2bedroom and 2 bath #1313
For Time Share Rental Presidential / ocean view
us$400 only at Caribbean $21,000 August 14
Palm Village from 12th to 19th e-mail: Freewinds
august. 1 bedroom, kitchen &
dinning for 4 persons. _________________________________206677 Aruba Airport 524-2424
Contact 593 2552 American Airlines 582-2700
Avianca 588-0059
Aruba Airlines 583-8300
Jet Blue 588-2244
Surinam 582-7896
Venezolana 583-7674
Aruba Foundation
For those Visually Incapasitated
Tel. 582-5051
AL-ANON group
Sabana Liber #8, Noord
Tel. 736-2952 or 593-7081
Tel. 582-4433
Centro Diabetic Arubano
Tel. 524-8888
Narcotics Anonymous
Tel. 583-8989
Tel. 525-2672
Women in Difficulties
Tel. 583-5400
Bloodbank Aruba
Tel. 587-0002