Page 7 - aloe oct 15
P. 7
Wednesday 7 October 2015
Aruba Aloe Invites the Community to Team Up in the Fight Against Breast Cancer
ORANJESTAD - This Octo- awareness ribbon to show Month is a chance to raise particularly the importance crease awareness.
ber, as part of Breast Can- their support and spread awareness about the im- of early detection. Aruba Aloe is the island’s
cer Awareness Month, awareness within the local portance of early detec- “Because We Care, We sole producer of beauty
Aruba Aloe will launch its community. tion of breast cancer, as Share” is a great opportu- and healthcare products
annual “Because We Care, �Breast cancer is by far the well as raise funds for re- nity for Aruba Aloe’s clients based on 100% pure Alo-
We Share” campaign to most common cancer in search into its cause, pre- to team up with Aruba Aloe evera gel from Aruba. For
support Aruba’s Mary Joan women worldwide. One in vention, diagnosis, treat- to spread breast cancer the past 125 years, the
Foundation and promote eight women will be diag- ment, and cure. Aruba awareness while also en- company has sourced its
breast cancer awareness. nosed with breast cancer Aloe will support this cause joying a special “125-year- Aloe gel from its own Aloe
With every purchase of in their lifetime. Since 2008, by contributing to Aruba’s Anniversary-edition” gift plantation in Hato, Aru-
$75, Aruba Aloe will donate worldwide breast cancer local breast cancer orga- from Aruba Aloe. Aruba ba. Today, locals, island
$4.50 to the Mary Joan incidence has increased by nization, the Mary Joan Aloe invites the community guests, and the internation-
Foundation. The purchaser more than 20 percent while Foundation, which gives to visit its stores this October al community can enjoy
will receive a free special mortality has increased by support to those suffering to participate in this special several unique collections
“125-year-Anniversary-edi- 14 percent. One-third of from breast cancer, breast campaign. It also encour- of hair and skincare prod-
tion Ultra-Intensive Cream” cancer deaths could be cancer survivors, and their ages the local commu- ucts, including the Aruba
as a gift (value of $18) for decreased if detected and families and friends, and nity to visit and share the Aloe classic collection, Is-
their contribution, as well treated early. also helps spread aware- Mary Joan Foundation’s land Remedy, and Desert
as a pink breast cancer Breast Cancer Awareness ness about breast cancer, Facebook page to help in- Bloom. q