P. 18

                                                                                               CLASSIFIED Thursday 17 augusT 2017
                                                                                                                                  dOCTOR ON dUTY
                                                                                                                                         Dr. Aljaf
                                                                                                                                         Tel. 582 8337
                                                                                                                                           San Nicolas
                                                                                                                                          Dr. Wever
                                                                      Time Share Resale            VACATION SPECIAL                       Tel. 584 5155
                                                                      Marriott Ocean Club          Aruba Beach Club
                                                                      1 Br Ocean View gold season    week 30 July 29/ aug.5th      EMERGENCIA 911
                                                                      $5,500                       units 4 pers. kitchen
                                                                      2 Br Ocean View Platinum     2 qsize bedr
                                                                      $16,500                      Close to the beach $650
                                                                      Call:(297)630-1307           Call: 583 4403 /560 3297
                                                                   ________________________________207904  POLICE       100
                                                                                                                                ORANJESTAD     527-3140
                                                                                                   TIME SHARE FOR  SALE RENT    NOORD            527-3200
                                                                      Time Share Resale            Complete renovated           STA. CRUZ        527-2900
                                                                      Marriott Surf Club           Divi Dutch Village           SAN NICOLAS     584-5000
                                                                      2Br Ocean View gold season    wk 27, pool floor studio unit   POLICE TIPLINE    11141
                                                                      $8,500                       13, all special  asessment pd,   FIRE DEPT.      115
            Food Network star Anne Burrell shows off some of her creations for   3Br Ocean View gold season                     FIRE DEPT.       582-1108
            an all-Cheetos menu for a three-day pop-up restaurant, during                          $4200 week 26 divi Villa and   HOSPITAL       527-4000
            a  press  preview,  Tuesday  Aug.  15,  2017,  in  New  York.  Menu   $15,000          golf unit 5509, 1 br 6/25 start   DENTAL CLINIC    587-9850
            includes,  Cheetos  meatballs,  Cheetos  crusted  fried  pickles,   Call:(297)6301307  $3900 and week 29 unit 5503,   AMBULANCE      582-1234
            Cheetos tacos, Mac n’ Cheetos and Cheetos cheesecake.       July 16                      IMSAN            524-8833
                                          (AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews)                             RED CROSS        582-2219
             Dangerously cheesy? Cheetos                              Time Share Resale            508 651 0016                 Women in Difficulties
                                                                      La Cabana BRC
             pop-up restaurant opens in NY                            1 Br week 31 or 32 room #241   ________________________________207549  PHARMACY
                                                                                                   HOUSE FOR SALE
            By KAREN MATTHEWS            “I really tried to think about   a                        This beautiful family home   Oranjestad:
                                                                                                                                Eagle Tel. 587 9011
                                                                      Ocean View Friday check in
            Associated Press             the flavor of each Cheeto    date                         Features 3 bedrooms, 2 bath-  San Nicolas
            NEW YORK (AP) — Gourmet  and  what  would  pair  re-      Price:$4,500                 rooms, kitchen fully fenced   San Lucas Tel. 584 5119
            fun or just plain cheesy?    ally  well  with  it.”  But  the   Call:(297)6301307      backyard, pool entertainment
            A  three-day  pop-up  res-   question  seemingly  on  ev-      areas. Property land $247,000
            taurant  devoted  to  Chee-  eryone’s   orange-coated                                  For info call 00297 594 1496  INFORMATION   118
            tos,  yes  Cheetos,  opened  lips is: Why? Makers of the   Paradise Beach Villas      PROF. TAXI    588-0035
            in  Manhattan  on  Tuesday,  popular  puffed  cornmeal    2 Br Penthouse week 31       ________________________________207737  TAXI D.T.S.   587-2300
            with  every  table  already  snack say the pop-up was     room#219                     FOR RENT                     SERVICE AUA   583-3232
            booked  with  diners  ready  the  deliciously  shrewd  re-  Pool/Ocean View  $9,500    an executive 2 bedroom       A1 TAXI SERVICES 587-8850
            to  pay  between  $8  and  sult  of  whimsy  and  mar-    2 Br week 32 room #311       + 2 bathroom. home in Pos                       280-2828
            $22  for  such  creations  as  keting   after   executives   Pool/Ocean View  $9,500   Chiquito fully furnished with    CruIsE shIP
            Cheetos  meatballs,  Chee-   noticed Cheetos fans post-   Call:(297)6301307            a big garage, alarm system,
            tos  crusted  fried  pickles,  ing  their  own  recipes  in-   camara, jacuzzi. Complete aC
            Cheetos  tacos,  Mac  n’  corporating  the  crunchy                                    for $1,600
            Cheetos  and  even  Chee-    treat on social media. “So   Are you ready to Sell your   Call 563 1449
            tos cheesecake. “I worked  we thought it was a great      Timeshare
            hard to incorporate Chee-    trend to try to capitalize on   In Aruba? We get the whole   ________________________________207904  August 17
            tos into every dish and not  and bring to life an idea, a   job done,                  PARADISE BEACH VILLAS                Carnival Vista
            just  say,  ‘Oh  here’s  a  dish  concept like this really that   Free listing, gaurantee sale, 31   Aug. 5-12 wk 31  Aruba Airport   524-2424
            with  a  sprinkle  of  Cheetos  spoke  to  how  you  could   years                     aug.12-19 wk 32              American Airlines 582-2700
            on  top,’”  said  spiky-haired  use Cheetos in such a vari-  doing honest Business, Free   two bedroom, pool ocean/view   Avianca    588-0059
            celebrity chef Anne Burrell,  ety of different ways,” said   Info and                  Call 941 -343-1088 usa       Aruba Airlines  583-8300
            who was given the task of  Ryan  Matiyow,  a  market-     appraisal, Call:(297)6301307  or 587 4000 Fred            Jet Blue      588-2244
            coming  up  with  the  menu  ing  manager  for  Frito-Lay,    _________________________________207903  Surinam   582-7896
            for  The  Spotted  Cheetah.  a unit of PepsiCo.q          _________________________________207943                   Venezolana    583-7674
                                                                                                                                Aruba Foundation
             FOR SALE                                                                                                           For those Visually Incapasitated
                                                                                                                                Tel. 582-5051
             Great Deal!!!
             renaissance                                                                                                        AL-ANON group
             Wks 32, 33 & 34                                                                                                    Sabana Liber #8, Noord
                                                                                                                                Tel. 736-2952 or 593-7081
             1 Bedroom
             Only : $ 3, 500.00                                                                                                 FUNDACIONS
             save $$$$$$$$$$                                                                                                    Respetami
             Call 7373006                                                                                                       Tel. 582-4433
                                                                                            Centro Diabetic Arubano
                                                                                            Tel. 524-8888
                                                                                                                                Narcotics Anonymous
             FOR SALE                                                                                                           Tel. 583-8989
             Casa del Mar
             wk 1 +deed                                                                                                         QUOTA Club
                                                                                                                                Tel. 525-2672
             2bedroom and 2 bath #1313
             Presidential / ocean view                                                                                          Women in Difficulties
             $21,000                                                                                                            Foundation
             e-mail:                                                                                          Tel. 583-5400
                                                                                                                                Bloodbank Aruba
                                                                                                                                Tel. 587-0002
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