Page 3 - ATA SEPT 17 2015
P. 3
WORLD NEWSThursday 17 September
North Korea gears up for major fete for ruling party Japan’s ruling bloc
to vote on military
ERIC TALMADGE with a rocket launch? A To pretty up the capital, fireworks might not hap- bills amid protests
Associated Press nuclear test? Or both? Pyongyang now even has pen in Pyongyang at all.
PYONGYANG, North Ko- North Korea is already in bicycle lanes. On Monday, the head of MARI YAMAGUCHI
rea (AP) — China just put high gear as it prepares What exactly is in store for North Korea’s space agen-
on a big military parade, to mark the 70th anniver- the Oct. 10 anniversary re- cy said the country has the Associated Press
right to launch rockets any
time it sees fit and suggest- TOKYO (AP) — Opposition
ed Pyongyang is preparing
to put its second satellite lawmakers and thousands
into orbit. He didn’t ex-
plicitly state a launch was of demonstrators staged
in the works, and open-
source satellite imagery last-ditch protests in a po-
doesn’t show a rocket is
being readied. But a new litical showdown Wednes-
space mission would have
great domestic propagan- day as Japan’s ruling party
da value, and many North
Korea watchers have been began a final push to pass
expecting one around the
time of the anniversary. security legislation to ex-
The North claims its rockets
are meant for scientific pur- pand the role of the coun-
poses. Washington, Seoul
and their allies believe try’s military.
they are used as a pretext
for testing long-range mis- The bills would allow the
sile technology, which it is
banned from doing under military to defend Ja-
U.N. sanctions.
The rocket remarks were pan’s allies even when the
followed Tuesday by a se-
nior nuclear official’s claim country isn’t under attack,
that the North has “rear-
ranged, changed or read- work more closely with the
justed” the plutonium and
highly enriched uranium U.S. and other allies, and
facilities at its main Nyong-
byon nuclear complex. He do more in international
said it has started normal
operations and scientists peacekeeping.
have improved the capa-
bilities of the country’s nu- Prime Minister Shinzo Abe
clear weapons “in quality
and quantity.”q says Japan needs the
bills to bolster its defense
amid China’s growing as-
sertiveness and to share
North Koreans gather in to prepare for events to be held during the 70th anniversary of the the global peacekeeping
founding of their country’s ruling party in October, in Pyongyang, North Korea. Students and
workers are being mobilized by the thousands to practice their parts in the grand show - some effort. Opponents say the
carrying wooden torches, others bouquets of red plastic flowers.
legislation violates Japan’s
(AP Photo/Wong Maye-E)
war-renouncing constitu-
tion, while putting Japan
a few months after Russia sary of the founding of its mains a mystery. The gov- at risk of being embroiled
did the same. But there’s ruling party. Students and ernment has been typical-
no country more adept at workers are being mobi- ly mum on its plans, though in U.S.-led wars.
putting on elaborate, mas- lized by the thousands to a military parade and ap-
sive displays of state power practice their parts in the pearance by leader Kim Opposition lawmakers
than North Korea, the un- grand show — some car- Jong Un would seem to be
disputed goose-stepping rying wooden torches, oth- pretty safe bets. staged delaying attempts,
capital of the world, and ers bouquets of red plastic Adding to the buzz, se-
next month, Pyongyang flowers. Shock brigades of nior officials speaking in including preventing col-
will stage what is likely to soldier-builders are toiling interviews with the North’s
be its biggest celebration around the clock to paint state-run media over leagues from entering an
in years. bridges, build stages and the past few days have
Question is: Will it come finish high-rise apartments. dropped hints that the real upper house committee
chamber, saying more
discussion is needed be-
fore a vote is held. Oppo-
sition lawmakers filled the
hallway outside the room,
blocking the chairman
and holding up a prelimi-
India: nary question-and-answer
session for hours. They
Hospitals warned not to turn away dengue patients planned to propose a se-
ries of no-confidence votes
against Abe’s Cabinet
NIRMALA GEORGE killed themselves when he can cause internal bleed- ister Arvind Kejriwal, have and its key members — a
Associated Press passed away after being ing and death. made “surprise” visits of
NEW DELHI (AP) — As In- rejected at five hospitals. In many state-run hospitals, government and private process likely to take more
dia’s capital struggles with “No patient arriving at two patients were sharing hospitals to check on their
its worst outbreak of den- a hospital with dengue each bed. preparedness to deal with than half a day — before
gue fever in five years, of- should be turned away,” “There are 20,000 beds the outbreak.
ficials threatened Wednes- Health Minister Satyendra available. And we will in- State-run hospitals have a house vote, expected
day to cancel private hos- Jain told reporters. crease the number of hos- canceled vacations for
pitals’ licenses if they turn He said he has ordered pri- pital beds by another 1,000 doctors and ordered them Thursday.
away patients. vate hospitals in the capi- by this weekend,” Jain back to work.
More than 11 people have tal to hire more doctors said. The city government has They were backed up by
died from the mosquito- and increase the number The health minister tried to also ordered laboratories
borne disease in New Delhi of beds available for den- calm people’s fears that to cap the cost of dengue thousands of protesters
this year and about 1,900 gue patients. Hospitals the outbreak was spread- fever tests at 600 rupees
cases have been record- have reported a shortage ing rapidly, with more than ($10) to prevent them from who gathered outside the
ed at city hospitals. of beds and staff as they try 600 cases reported last charging exorbitant fees.
The families of two young to cope with the throngs of week alone. Jain also advised people parliament building.
boys said they succumbed patients. “It is not an epidemic. But with milder forms of den-
after being repeatedly de- Dengue’s symptoms in- people are panicking,” gue to consult doctors, but The protesters shouted
nied treatment. The par- clude severe muscle and Jain said. to stay at home instead of
ents of one of the boys — joint pain, high fever and Jain and New Delhi’s top adding to the burden of “Scrap the bills right now”
an only child — reportedly rash. Its most acute forms elected official, Chief Min- overstretched hospitals.q
and “No to war bills,” while
flashing placards with anti-
Abe and anti-war messag-
While the bills were being
debated in parliament,
new faces were joining the
ranks of protesters typically
made up of labor union
members and graying left-
wing activists.q