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A4   U.S. NEWS
                Monday 6 noveMber 2017

             Brazile stirs Dem party strife as bellwether gov race nears

            By HOPE YEN                                                                                                         overturning the will of Dem-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    ocratic voters. “It is particu-
            WASHINGTON       (AP)   —                                                                                           larly troubling and puzzling
            Democrats  are  struggling                                                                                          that  she  would  seemingly
            to put the bitter 2016 elec-                                                                                        buy  into  false  Russian-fu-
            tion  behind  them  as  the                                                                                         eled propaganda, spread
            party’s  current  chairman                                                                                          by  both  the  Russians  and
            and his predecessor bicker                                                                                          our  opponent,  about  our
            over Hillary Clinton’s failed                                                                                       candidate’s    health.”On
            campaign,  further  expos-                                                                                          Sunday, Perez echoed the
            ing  deep  divisions  two                                                                                           complaints,  saying  Brazile
            days  before  the  closely                                                                                          never had authority under
            watched  Virginia  gover-                                                                                           DNC  rules  to  replace  the
            nor’s race that could fore-                                                                                         ticket because Clinton was
            tell  Democratic  prospects                                                                                         not incapacitated.
            in 2018 and beyond.                                                                                                 Under  party  rules,  a  DNC
            The dueling across Sunday                                                                                           head  can  call  a  special
            news  shows  was  triggered                                                                                         meeting to fill a “vacancy”
            by  the  disclosure  that                                                                                           on the national ticket in the
            Donna  Brazile,  the  interim                                                                                       event  of  disability  in  coor-
            Democratic  leader  dur-                                                                                            dination  with  Democratic
            ing the final months of the                                                                                         leaders  of  Congress  and
            campaign,  considered  an                                                                                           Democratic governors, but
            effort  to  replace  Clinton                                                                                        only the full DNC can fill the
            as  the  presidential  nomi-                                                                                        vacancy. At the time, Clin-
            nee  because  of  health     This July 26, 2016 photo shows former head of the Democratic National Committee Donna Bra-  ton had revealed she was
                                         zile speaking in Philadelphia. Brazile says she considered replacing Hillary Clinton as the party’s
            concerns.”The charge that    presidential nominee with then-Vice President Joe Biden. She makes the revelation in a memoir   suffering from pneumonia.
            Hillary  Clinton  was  some-  being released Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2017. This is according to The Washington Post, which obtained   “I don’t know what Donna
            how incapacitated is quite   an advance copy of the book.                                                           Brazile  fell  for,”  Perez  said.
            frankly   ludicrous,”   said                                                                (AP Photo/Paul Sancya)  “Hillary  Clinton  was  any-
            Tom  Perez,  who  took  over   sions  between  establish-  sidered  initiating  Clinton’s  ure.”                    thing  but  incapacitated.
            as  Democratic  National     ment  and  insurgent  wings  removal  after  the  candi-  But, she says, “I thought of   She was tireless.”
            Committee  chairman  af-     that  will  set  the  party’s  fu-  date collapsed while leav-  Hillary,  and  all  the  women   “I  think  people  who  read
            ter Donald Trump won the     ture  course  on  issues  from  ing a 9/11 memorial service  in  the  country  who  were   that  charge,  which  is  just
            election.                    its  platform  to  the  primary  in New York City, and Bra-  so  proud  of  and  excited   without  merit,  are  going
            Brazile,  who  claimed  “tre-  schedule and use of super-  zile contemplated a dozen  about  her.  I  could  not  do   to  perhaps  start  wonder-
            mendous  pressure”  to  de-  delegates — party leaders  combinations  to  replace  this  to  them.”The  revela-     ing  about  other  claims
            vise  a  backup  ticket  led   and  elected  officials  who  Clinton  and  her  running  tions elicited a strong week-  in  the  book,”  he  added.
            by then-Vice President Joe   get a say in the nomination  mate, Virginia Sen. Tim Kai-  end rebuttal from Clinton’s   The   book’s   revelations
            Biden after Clinton fainted   —  in  the  2020  presidential  ne.  Brazile  wrote  that  she  former  campaign  staffers.   come  just  before  Tues-
            at an event, pushed back:    race.“One of the things, as  settled  on  Biden  and  New  An  open  letter  signed  by   day’s  Virginia’s  governor
            “Go to hell. I’m going to tell   we  go  forward,  is  to  give  Jersey Sen. Cory Booker as  more than 100 people said   race,  where  Republicans
            my story.”                   more  power  to  the  grass  having  the  best  chance  they “do not recognize the     have not won a significant
            The  dispute  was  spurred   roots in all this,” said House  of  defeating  Republican  campaign”    that   Brazile   statewide  election  since
            by revelations by Brazile in   Democratic  leader  Nancy  Trump.                       “portrays in the book.”      2009.   The   Democratic
            a  memoir  being  released   Pelosi  of  California,  urging  Brazile says the larger issue  The  Clinton  staffers  re-  candidate,  Lt.  Gov.  Ralph
            Tuesday  and  reported  on   Democrats  not  to  “reliti-  was that Clinton campaign  sponded       they    were    Northam,  is  casting  the
            by The Washington Post. It   gate elections.”             was  “anemic”  and  had  “shocked  to  learn”  that       race to voters as a way to
            reflected  simmering  ten-   Brazile writes that she con-  taken on “the odor of fail-  Brazile   would   consider   repudiate  the  policies  of

             Pelosi supports training to prevent, report harassment                                                             Trump against Ed Gillespie,
                                                                                                                                a  former  Republican  Na-
                                                                                                                                tional  Committee  chair-
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The  ments  come  after  current  cently gone public with an  example  the  removal  of        man.  But  Northam  has  re-
            House  Democratic  leader  and  former  members  of  account  of  being  sexually  nondisclosure  clauses  that     ceived  lukewarm  support
            hopes  Congress  will  move  Congress  told  The  Associ-  assaulted  by  a  male  chief  prevent victims from talking   within  his  own  party  from
            quickly  to  pass  legislation  ated  Press  how  they  had  of  staff  while  she  was  a  publicly  of  sexual  harass-  the  progressive  group  De-
            requiring  lawmakers  and  experienced sexual harass-     congressional staffer. She’s  ment.                       mocracy for America.
            their  staff  to  complete  ment  from  fellow  lawmak-   sponsoring  legislation  that  She  tells  CNN’s  “State  of   A win for Democrats could
            training  to  prevent  sexual  ers.                       would require the training.  the  Union”  that  she  be-  help  defuse  Brazile’s  book
            harassment.                  Democratic  Rep.  Jackie  Pelosi  says  Congress  can  lieves Congress is at a “tip-   and  give  the  party  impor-
            Rep.  Nancy  Pelosi’s  com-  Speier of California has re-  do  more.  She  cites  as  an  ping point” on the issue. q  tant momentum. q
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