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                                                                                    PEOPLE & ARTS Tuesday 22 augusT 2017
                    Trump to skip Kennedy Center Honors awards program

            By DARLENE SUPERVILLE        It will be the fourth time in
            Associated Press             the awards’ 40-year history
            BRIDGEWATER,  N.J.  (AP)  —  that  a  president  will  miss
            Acknowledging  that  he  out on the ceremony.
            has  become  a  “political  Trump long has had a con-
            distraction,” President Don-  tentious  relationship  with
            ald  Trump  has  decided  to  the  arts  world  and  some
            skip the festivities surround-  of those being recognized
            ing  the  annual  Kennedy  for  lifetime  achievement
            Center Honors arts awards  in  their  fields  had  already
            later  this  year,  the  White  made  clear  they  would
            House  announced  Satur-     boycott a White House re-
            day  amid  the  continuing  ception  presided  over  by
            fallout over Trump’s stance  Trump.
            on last weekend’s white su-  His  decision  capped  a
            premacist demonstration in  week in which he was put
            Charlottesville, Virginia.   on  the  defensive  over  his
            The Kennedy Center said it  Charlottesville remarks.
            respected Trump’s decision  Elected  and  former  elect-
            and the show will go on.     ed  officials  in  both  parties
            Trump and first lady Melania  urged Trump to more force-
            Trump  reached  their  deci-  fully  denounce  the  neo-
            sion Friday, a White House  Nazis  and  white  suprema-
            official said, the same day  cists who marched through    In this July 7, 2017 photo, President Donald Trump, left, and first lady Melania Trump smile prior to
            that the entire membership  Charlottesville,  while  oth-  a concert on the first day of the G-20 summit in Hamburg, northern Germany.
            of the President’s Commit-   ers  openly  questioned  his                                                                       Associated Press
            tee  on  the  Arts  and  the  competence  and  moral      to  celebrate  without  any  the  National  Endowment  age of a Cuban immigrant
            Humanities resigned in pro-  leadership.                  political distraction,” White  for the Humanities.        like herself being honored is
            test  over  Trump’s  remarks  Corporate  titans  whom     House  press  secretary  Sar-  Dancer  Carmen  de  Laval-  important  when  Latino  im-
            about Charlottesville.       Trump  enjoyed  schmooz-     ah Huckabee Sanders said  lade  said  on  her  website  migrants in particular have
            The official was not autho-  ing with at the White House   in  a  statement.  Sanders  Thursday that she was hon-   “taken a beating in the re-
            rized to publicly discuss in-  fled  advisory  boards  they   said  the  Trumps  offer  their  ored to be recognized, but  cent  past.”  Estefan  once
            ternal  deliberations  and  had  agreed  to  serve  on,   “sincerest  congratulations  would not go to the White  hosted a Democratic fund-
            insisted  on  anonymity  to  while  uniformed  leaders    and  well  wishes  to  all  of  House.                    raiser  attended  by  Presi-
            comment.                     of  the  armed  services  de-  this year’s award recipients  “In  light  of  the  socially  di-  dent  Barack  Obama.  She
            Trump  has  blamed  “both  nounced  racism  and  ha-      for their many accomplish-   visive  and  morally  caustic  said she and her husband,
            sides”  for  the  Aug.  12  vio-  tred  without  naming  their   ments.”               narrative  that  our  existing  Emilio,  are  not  affiliated
            lence that left an anti-rac-  commander in chief.         Television  writer  and  pro-  leadership  is  choosing  to  with a political party.
            ism activist dead.           One  of  Trump’s  evangeli-  ducer     Norman      Lear,  engage  in,  and  in  keep-  Representatives  for  the  re-
            Presidents traditionally host  cal  advisers  also  stepped   among  the  five  honorees  ing with the principles that  maining  honorees  —  hip-
            a  light-hearted  and  often-  down,  and  the  number    announced      earlier   this  I and so many others have  hop  artist  LL  Cool  J,  who
            times  humorous  gathering  of  major  charities  that    month,  had  questioned  fought for, I will be declin-    had  not  yet  said  whether
            for  the  honorees  at  the  are  canceling  fundraisers   whether Trump would want  ing the invitation to attend  he  would  show  up  at  the
            White  House  before  the  planned  for  Trump’s  prop-   to  attend  the  gala  “given  the reception at the White  White House, and singer Li-
            awards  ceremony  at  the  erty in Palm Beach, Florida,   his  indifference  or  worse  House,” she said.           onel Richie, who described
            performing    arts   center.  has been rising.            regarding the arts and hu-   Singer  Gloria  Estefan  had  himself as a maybe — did
            Trump will not hold that re-  “The president and first lady   manities.”  Trump  has  rec-  said she would set her per-  not respond to requests for
            ception  this  year,  and  he  have  decided  not  to  par-  ommended     eliminating  sonal  politics  aside  to  ac-  comment.
            and the first lady will not at-  ticipate in this year’s activi-  funding for the National En-  cept  the  honor,  now  in  its  Some celebrities supported
            tend the gala.               ties  to  allow  the  honorees   dowment  for  the  Arts  and  40th year. She said the im-  Trump.  “Wise  solution.q

            A reptilian tail? A solar eclipse.

            Taylor Swift teases fans

            By The Associated Press      Monday.  As  for  the  video  with  all  the  snake  emojis
            Who     can   eclipse   an  clip  that  appears  to  be  a  that took front and center
            eclipse? Why, Taylor Swift.  twitchy  reptilian  tail,  well,  last  year  on  Swift’s  social
            Just  days  after  going  dark  we’re  not  sure  how  that  streams,  including  when
            on  social  media,  the  pop  might  play  into  Swift’s  an-  anti-Swifties  used  them  in
            star  put  out  another  clue  ticipated sixth studio album  Instagram  comments  af-
            Monday leading to a possi-   that all of her social media  ter  Kim  Kardashian  West
            ble song drop on the same  shenanigans  seem  to  be  released       audio   record-
            day as the big solar eclipse.  leading  up  to,  possibly  in  ings  she  said  proved  Swift
            And  if  the  lyric-sharing  site  October  to  coincide  with  gave West’s hubby, Kanye    In this Feb. 4, 2017 file photo, Taylor Swift performs at the DIREC-
            Genius was to be believed,  the  anniversary  of  the  re-  West,  the  go  ahead  for  a   TV NOW Super Saturday Night Concert in Houston, Texas.
            the  tune  is  titled  “Time-  lease of her  “1989.”      Swift reference in the song                                           Associated Press
            less.”  The  title  was  teased  The  tale  may  or  may  not  “Famous.”  Swift  wiped  her   gram  and  website  on  Fri-  of the release of her “Shake
            there but taken down later  have  something  to  do  Facebook,  Twitter,  Insta-       day,  the  third  anniversary  It Off” single.q
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