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                                                                                                                          Tuesday 12 January 2016

Legendary musician David Bowie dies of cancer at 69

MESFIN FEKADU                  lin that produced “Heroes.”      crass, it was sexy and it was  in heaven.”                                   British Prime Minister David
AP Music Writer                He had some of his biggest       confusing,” Byrne said.        On the iTunes albums chart,                   Cameron tweeted that
NEW YORK (AP) — David          successes in the early 1980s     Bowie kept a low profile in    which updates frequently                      Bowie’s death is “a huge
Bowie, the chameleon-like      with the bombastic “Let’s        recent years after report-     throughout the day to re-                     loss.” He wrote he had
star who transformed the       Dance,” and a massive            edly suffering a heart at-     flect digital purchases from                  grown up listening to and
sound — and the look —         American tour. Another           tack in the 2000s. He made     users, Bowie’s “Blackstar”                    watching Bowie and called
of rock with his audacious     one of his definitive songs                                                                                   the singer a “master of rein-
creativity and his sexually    was “Under Pressure,”            In this 1980 photo, David Bowie listens during a news conference             vention” and a pop genius
ambiguous makeup and           which he recorded with           after a rehearsal at the Booth Theater in New York. Bowie was                who kept on getting it right.
costumes, died of cancer       Queen; Vanilla Ice would         appearing in the Broadway production of “The Elephant Man.”                  The Rolling Stones wrote
Sunday. He was 69 and          years later infamously use       Bowie, the innovative and iconic singer whose illustrious career             they were “shocked and
had just released a new al-    the song’s hook for his          lasted five decades, died Sunday, Jan. 10, 2016, after battling              deeply saddened to hear
bum.                           smash hit “Ice Ice Baby.”        cancer for 18 months. He was 69.                                             of the death of our dear
Bowie, whose hits in-          “My entire career, I’ve                                                                                       friend David Bowie. As
cluded “Space Oddity,”         only really worked with                                                  (AP Photo/Marty Lederhandler, FIle)  well as being a wonderful
‘’Fame,” ‘’Heroes” and         the same subject matter,”                                                                                     and kind man, he was an
“Let’s Dance,” died sur-       Bowie told The Associated        a moody album three years      peaked at No. 1 on Mon-                       extraordinary artist, and a
rounded by family, repre-      Press in a 2002 interview.       ago called “The Next Day”      day. “Best of Bowie” was                      true original.”
sentative Steve Martin said    “The trousers may change,        — his first recording in a     No. 2, pushing Adele’s “25”                   Singer Mick Jagger, in a
early Monday. The singer       but the actual words and         decade, made in secret in      to No. 3. And two other                       statement, said Bowie was
had fought cancer for 18       subjects I’ve always cho-        New York City. “Blackstar,”    Bowie albums reached the                      his inspiration and “a true
months.                        sen to write with are things     which earned positive re-      Top 10.                                       original.”
Long before alter egos and     to do with isolation, aban-      views from critics, repre-     His music has also been                       “He was wonderfully
wild outfits became com-       donment, fear and anxiety        sented yet another stylistic   electrifying audiences this                   shameless in his work we
monplace in pop, Bowie         — all of the high points of      shift, as he gathered jazz     winter in New York in the                     had so many good times
turned the music world up-     one’s life.”                     players to join him.           sold-out new off-Broadway                     together,” Jagger said. “He
side down with the release     Bowie lived in West Berlin in    “David always did it his way   musical “Lazarus,” led by                     was my friend. I will never
of the 1972 album, “The        the late 1970s and Mayor         and his way was the least      Michael C. Hall of “Dex-                      forget him.”
Rise and Fall of Ziggy Star-   Michael Mueller said Mon-        obvious way,” said Tony        ter” fame and inspired by                     Former Beatle Paul Mc-
dust and the Spiders from      day that “Heroes” became         Visconti, Bowie’s longtime     the 1963 science-fiction                      Cartney has also paid trib-
Mars” which introduced         “the hymn of our then-di-        producer. “He was a true       novel “The Man Who Fell to                    ute, calling Bowie “a great
one of music’s most famous     vided city and its longing       genius who proved it over      Earth.” Tributes poured in                    star.”
personas. “Ziggy Stardust”     for freedom.”                    and over again through         for the singer after the an-                  “His music played a very
was a concept album that       Germany’s Foreign Min-           groundbreaking albums.”        nouncement of his death.                      strong part in British musi-
imagined a rock star from      istry added Bowie was            Bowie released a music         British astronaut Tim Peake                   cal history and I’m proud
outer space trying to make     “now among heroes” and           video on Friday for the        tweeted about his sadness                     to think of the huge influ-
his way in the music world.    thanked him for “helping to      new song “Lazarus,” which      from outer space aboard                       ence he has had on peo-
The persona — the red-         bring down the wall.”            shows a frail Bowie lying in   the International Space                       ple all around the world,”
headed, eyeliner wearing       Bowie’s performance of           bed and singing the track’s    Station, saying “his mu-                      McCartney wrote on his
Stardust — would become        “Heroes” was also a high-        lyrics. The song begins with   sic was an inspiration to                     website. Bowie felt uneasy
an enduring part of Bowie’s    light at a concert for res-      the line: “Look up here, I’m   many.”                                        about some of his greatest
legacy, and a touchstone       cue workers after the 2001                                                                                    material, once embarking
for the way entertain-         World Trade Center at-                                                                                        on a “greatest hits” tour
ers  packaged themselves       tacks.                                                                                                        saying it would be the last
for years to come.             “What I’m most proud of                                                                                       time performing much of
Bowie turned 69 on Friday,     is that I can’t help but no-                                                                                  his old material. He later re-
the same day as he re-         tice that I’ve affected the                                                                                   lented, however.
leased a new album called      vocabulary of pop music.                                                                                      “I’m not a natural perform-
“Blackstar.”                   For me, frankly, as an art-                                                                                   er,” he said in the 2002 in-
“While many of you will        ist, that’s the most satisfying                                                                               terview. “I don’t enjoy per-
share in this loss, we ask     thing for the ego,” Bowie                                                                                     forming terribly much. Nev-
that you respect the fam-      said. He was inducted into                                                                                    er have. I can do it and, if
ily’s privacy during their     the Rock and Roll Hall of                                                                                     my mind’s on the situation,
time of grief,” said a state-  Fame in 1996, but he didn’t                                                                                   do it quite well. But five or
ment issued via his social     attend the ceremony.                                                                                          six shows in, I’m dying to
media accounts. No more        Madonna, another art-                                                                                         get off the road and go
details were provided.         ist who knew something                                                                                        back into the studio.”
Born David Jones in Lon-       about changing styles to                                                                                      Bowie was married twice,
don, the singer came of        stay ahead of the curve,                                                                                      to the actress and model
age in the glam rock era       accepted for him and re-                                                                                      Mary Angela “Angie” Bar-
of the early 1970s. He had     counted how a Bowie con-                                                                                      nett from 1970-80, and to
a striking androgynous look    cert changed her life when                                                                                    international supermodel
in his early days and was      she attended it as a teen-                                                                                    Iman since 1992. He had
known for changing his         ager. David Byrne, of the                                                                                     two children — Duncan
appearance and sounds.         art rockers Talking Heads,                                                                                    Jones and Alexandria Zah-
After “Ziggy Stardust,” the    inducted Bowie and said                                                                                       ra Jones — one with each
stuttering rock sound of       he gave rock music a nec-                                                                                     wife. The two-time Grammy
“Changes” gave way to          essary shot in the arm.                                                                                       Award winner was remem-
the disco soul of “Fame,”      “Like all rock ‘n’ roll, it was                                                                               bered by The Recording
co-written with John Len-      visionary, it was tasteless,                                                                                  Academy as a “”Renais-
non, to a droning collabo-     it was glamorous, it was                                                                                      sance man and visionary
ration with Brian Eno in Ber-  perverse, it was fun, it was                                                                                  artist.”q
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