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              Wednesday 18 OctOber 2017
            Loyal Guests Honored at the Renaissance Ocean Suites

                                                                      The symbolic honorary title  35  consecutive annual vis-  home-away-from-home.
                                                                      is  presented  in  the  name  it to Aruba!                The  certificate  and  com-
                                                                      of the Minister of Tourism as  Garvin  and  Elizabeth  are  memorative  Emerald  Coin
                                                                      a token of appreciation to  regular  guests  at  the  Re-  were  presented  by  Ms.
                                                                      guests  who  visit  Aruba  for  naissance  Ocean  Suites  Emely  Ridderstaat  repre-
            ORANJESTAD  -  Recently  friendly visitors of Aruba at    35-or-mopre    consecutive  and  they  love  Aruba  very  senting  the  Aruba  Tourism
            the  Aruba  Tourism  Author-  the  Renaissance  Ocean     years.  The  honorees  were  much  because  of  the  Authority       together   with
            ity  had  the  great  pleasure  Suites  as  Emerald  Ambas-  Mr.  Garvin  and  Mrs.  Eliza-  safety,  the  beautiful  sun-  family  and  friends  and  as-
            of  honoring  a  very  nice  sadors.                      beth Akeung from Trinidad  sets,  friendly  locals,  variety  sociates  from  the  Renais-
            couple  who  are  loyal  and
                                                                      & Tobago, celebrating their  of food and the feeling of  sance Ocean Suites.q

              Located in the Riu Antilles Resort (Formerly the Westin Resort)
                 CALL 525-7777 FOR MORE INFORMATION
                                            LIVE POKER

                              GAMES START 8 PM TO THE WEE HOURS                                    Promoting Aruba in Germany

                               1-2.....2-5......5-5            1-3.....2-5......5-5                ORANJESTAD  -  During  the  zowiak-    instagramer    &
                                                                                                   first  week  of  September,  blogger  Goldie  Berlin;  and
                                  $100 HIGH HAND BONUSES EVERY HOUR                                four  prominent  influenc-   Milena  Heißerer  –  blogger
                      OVER $20,000 PER WEEK GIVEN OUT IN HIGH HAND BONUSES                         ers  in  the  German  market  Amaze shared their impres-
                                                                                                   visited  Aruba,  enjoying  a  sions  online  with  videos
                                                   CRAPS                                           diverse itinerary that show-  and  articles.  Aruba  was

                              ONLY CASINO IN ARUBA TO OFFER 3, 4 & 5 TIME ODDS                     cased    everything   from  also showcased in tour op-
                                                                                                   beaches  and  nature  to  erator  FTI’s  Latin  America
                                                                                                   food and the island’s peo-   Caribbean  roadshow  visit-
                                                                                                   ple.                         ing  Cologne,  Dortmund,
                                              SPORTSBOOK                                                                        Wiesbaden,     Nuremberg

                                        LIVE SIMULCAST OF ALL MAJOR TRACKS                         Andrea  Dittmer  -  youtuber  and Stuttgart. Representing
                                                                                                   & instagramer Andrea Mor-
                                                                                                                                Aruba, Fame Creative Lab
                                           THROUGHOBRED AND HARNESS                                genstern;  Marion  Vicenta  had  an  information  booth
                                                                                                   -  instagramer  &  blogger  and trained about 80 travel
                                                                                                   Lady  Venom;  Sylvia  Mat-   agents in each city. q
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