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LOCALThursday 11 February 2016

   Cuba’s Cookin’ Brings the Salsa to the Dinner Table!

ORANJESTAD - It’s been 16     breaking work in the sugar-    salsa, bolero, cha-cha-cha
years since Cuba’s Cookin’    cane fields. Many of those     – and, of course, the great
opened its doors here in      Arubans also married and       food and art!
Aruba and we feel it has      returned to their home-        Therefore tonight at Cu-
always been our mission       land with Cuban wives,         ba’s Cookin’ there will be a
to bring Cuban hospital-      strengthening those deep       live steamy hot Salsa dem-
ity, art, music and dance     ties between the big and       onstration given with real
to Aruba. The history of the  the small islands.             Latin dancers.
compatibility of these two    In our years as proprietors    Come and join Cuba’s
island cultures goes way      of Cuba’s Cookin’ we have      Cookin’ tonight at 7:00pm
back to the turn of the cen-  had a great time meet-         for this special Salsa per-
tury when many Arubans        ing so many of you and         formance, enjoy dinner
went to Cuba in search of     sharing our love of this rich  and some truly thrilling mo-
opportunities. What many      culture: a love for dance,     ments that only this culture
of them found was back-       traditional Cuban music –      has to offer. q
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