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                                                                                                               Saturday 24 October 2015

Loyal Visitors Honored at the Divi Phoenix Beach Resort!

PALM BEACH - Recently        10-to-19 consecutive years.  second home where the
the Aruba Tourism Author-    The honorees were  Mr.       people are like family to
ity had the great plea-      Walter and Mrs. Vira Myskin  them, and the Divi Phoenix
sure of honoring a group     of Mahopac, New York.        is truly their ‘home-away-
of loyal and friendly visi-  Walter and Vira are loyal    from-home.’
tors of Aruba at the Divi    members of the Divi Phoe-    The certificates were pre-
Phoenix Beach Resort as      nix and they love Aruba      sented Mr. Ernest Giel
Distinguished Visitors. The  very much because of the     representing the Aruba
symbolic honorary title is   friendly people, the weath-  Tourism Authority togeth-
presented in the name of     er, the beaches, the res-    er with Mrs. Avril Culley
the Minister of Tourism as   taurants, the Casinos, and   and Mr. Daniel Ras repre-
a token of appreciation to   just about everything else!  senting the Divi Phoenix.
guests who visit Aruba for   They say Aruba feels like a  Congratulations!q
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