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                                                                                           TECHNOLOGY Thursday 6 augusT 2020
            Facebook launches its new TikTok clone, Instagram Reels

            By  MAE  ANDERSON,  TALI                                                                                            school groups or check up
            ARBEL and BARBARA ORTU-                                                                                             on  parents  and  grandpar-
            TAY                                                                                                                 ents,  Instagram  to  follow
            Associated Press                                                                                                    their passions and TikTok for
            Facebook's Instagram is of-                                                                                         entertainment.
            ficially launching its answer                                                                                       "Instagram  has  put  a  lot
            to  the  hit  short  video  app                                                                                     of  effort  into  developing
            TikTok — Instagram Reels.                                                                                           Reels and making it attrac-
            The new Instagram feature                                                                                           tive to TikTok users and the
            will let users record and edit                                                                                      creators  who  work  on  the
            15-second  videos  with  au-                                                                                        app, but I'm not sure it can
            dio,  and  will  let  users  add                                                                                    replace  TikTok,"  Williamson
            visual  effects.  Users  will  be                                                                                   added. "Even if TikTok were
            able  to  share  Reels  with                                                                                        to  be  banned  in  the  U.S.
            followers  in  Instagram  in  a                                                                                     (which  I  think  is  unlikely  to
            dedicated  section  called                                                                                          happen),  users  would  find
            Reels  in  Explore,  or  in  the                                                                                    a way to keep using it. They
            Story  feature  where  posts                                                                                        are  incredibly  loyal  and
            disappear after 24 hours.                                                                                           protective of TikTok."q
            The  Reels  option  will  be
            available  in  the  Instagram
            app.  The  company  has
            been  testing  Reels  in  Bra-
            zil  since  November  and  in
            France,  Germany  and  In-
            dia  since  earlier  this  sum-
            mer.                         Instagram Reels is displayed on a mobile phone on Wednesday, Aug. 5, 2020 in New York.
            Facebook  has  a  long  tra-                                                                       Associated Press
            dition  of  cloning  competi-
            tive services. The Instagram  Snapchat  was  difficult  to  Instagram.  In  response  to  ators for their material.
            "Story"  feature,  which  lets  figure  out  for  new  users.  published  reports  that  Ins-  TikTok,  however,  is  under
            people  share  photos  and  They  were  already  com-     tagram  is  paying  TikTok  in-  fire,  possibly  opening  an
            videos  that  expire  in  24  fortable with Instagram. But  fluencers  to  join  Reels,  Ins-  opportunity for Facebook.
            hours,  is  similar  to  Snap-  TikTok  is  very  easy  to  use  tagram said in a statement  Microsoft  is  in  talks  to  buy
            chat. Facebook CEO Mark  --  easier  than  Instagram  that the company "have a  part of TikTok in what would
            Zuckerberg  faced  tough  -- and part of its appeal is  long history of reaching out  be  a  forced  sale,  follow-
            questioning    about    the  that you're able to sit back  to  emerging  creators  and  ing  threats  from  President
            company's  habit  of  copy-  and scroll endlessly with just  working to break new stars  Donald  Trump  to  ban  the
            ing rivals before a congres-  swipes, without the need to  on Instagram."              Chinese-owned video app,
            sional hearing on July 29.   follow anyone or post any-   "As with previous products,  which claims 100 million U.S.
            Facebook earlier launched  thing.                         we  remain  committed  to  users  and  hundreds  of  mil-
            a  TikTok  knockoff  called  Even  with  the  success  of  investing  in  both  our  cre-  lions globally.
            Lasso  in  2018,  but  closed  Stories,  Snapchat  remains  ators  and  their  overall  ex-  Experts think Facebook has
            that  down  in  July.  It  also  popular with younger peo-  perience,  and  in  certain  an  opportunity  to  lure  in
            tried  services  similar  to  ple,  though  the  Instagram  cases, we may help cover  young users with Reels, but
            Snapchat  called  Slingshot  feature  has  likely  limited  production  costs  for  their  its  success  is  not  guaran-
            and Poke before Instagram  its  growth.  Snapchat  has  creative  ideas,"  the  com-   teed.  "Social media users,
            Stories caught on. But those  more daily users than Twit-  pany said.                  especially  younger  users,
            were  separate  apps  —  it  ter.                         TikTok,  in  turn,  launched  a  tend  to  use  social  plat-
            might  have  more  success  For Reels to succeed, Face-   $200  million  "creator  fund"  forms  for  different  things,"
            with a feature built into In-  book will have to lure video  in July that it says will grow  said   eMarketer   analyst
            stagram.                     creators  away  from  Tik-   to over $1 billion in the U.S.  Debra Aho Williamson. This
            In fact, copying Snapchat's  Tok. This might be easier to  in the next three years and  means  Snapchat  to  mes-
            features was successful for  do  with  Reels  since  many  more  than  double  that  sage      friends   privately,
            Instagram in part because  creators  are  already  on  globally, to pay video cre-     Facebook to keep up with
            'Save Space Camp' drive prompted by

            virus reaches $1.5M goal

            HUNTSVILLE, Ala. (AP) — A fundraising  drive in the week it took to reach the  have attended Space Camp since it
            drive has reached its goal of bringing  goal, and donations will continue to  opened in 1982, and a dozen people
            in  $1.5  million  to  save  Space  Camp  be accepted.  Located in Huntsville,  who went on to become astronauts
            from closing because of the corona-    Alabama, Space Camp is an interna-    or cosmonauts participated.
            virus pandemic, organizers said.       tionally known educational program  The  Space  and  Rocket  Center  was
            A corporate donation of $250,000 by  run  by  the  state-owned  U.S.  Space  closed from mid-March through late
            the  technology  company  SAIC  Inc.  and Rocket Center. Leaders said the  May because of the shutdown to slow
            pushed  the  effort  over  the  top,  offi-  pandemic has hurt revenues so badly  the spread of COVID-19, and Space
            cials said in a statement Tuesday.     that donations were needed to con-    Camp, which features students work-
            Nearly  8,000  people  and  compa-     tinue operating the museum and to  ing in groups on simulated space mis-
            nies from three dozen countries con-   reopen Space Camp in the spring.      sions,  did  not  reopen  until  late  June
            tributed  to  the  "Save  Space  Camp"  Nearly  1  million  youths  and  adults  with a limited capacity.q
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