Page 10 - AMIGOE MRCH 21
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S e r v i c e & E810ZATERDAG                                                                                                                                                                                                 AMIGOE
       19 MAART 2016
                                                                                        ntertainment                                                                  Colofon

Televisieprogramma's                                                                                                                                                  UITGEVERIJ AMIGOE NV                                   Elize Augusta
                                                                                                                                                                      Telefoon (centrale): 767- 2000                         Medewerkers: Norwin Reineta,
Nederland                           Zondag 20 maart                        Zondag 20 maart                                                                            Kaya Fraternan di Skèrpènè z/n                         Angelique Fidanque-Paula.
                                    1:55 Jacobine op zondag                1:30 Kabouter Plop                                                                         Curaçao N.A.
16:35   De kwis                     2:25 Adieu God?                        1:35 Mike de ridder                                                                                                                               Ñapa:
17:30   Studio sport Eredivisie     2:55 De wandeling                      1:45 Pieter Konijn                                                                         Directie:                                              E-mail:
18:30   Studio sport                3:25 De verwondering                   2:00 Wickie de Viking                                                                      Fax: 767-2060                                          Linda van Eekeres (bladmanager)
18:55   Journaal                    3:55 Bakkie troost                     2:10 De wereld van Zappelin                                                                E-mail:                            Tel: 736-9050
19:10   Studio sport                4:10 Nederland zingt op zondag         2:25 Kindertijd                                                                            Ernest Voges
20:00   Studio sport                4:55 De kapel                          2:50 Shaun het schaap                                                                      Michael M. Voges                                       Opmaak:
22:05   EenVandaag                  5:05 Metterdaad                        3:00 The jungle book                                                                       Elham El Hage (secretaresse)                           E-mail:
22:30   Journaal                    5:15 Geloofsgesprek                    3:15 Twisted whiskers                                                                      Karin Wooning                                          Hoofd: Lillian Cordilia
22:40   Journaal                    5:30 Eucharistieviering                3:25 Studio snugger                                                                                                                               Wendela Ataliede
22:59   Tekst-tv                    6:35 De nieuwe wereld                  3:40 Zappsport                                                                             Redactie:                                              Stephanie Heyer
                                    7:19 Wilde ganzen                      4:00 Ik ben Willem                                                                         Fax: 767- 4744                                         Ludwig Rama
Zondag 20 maart                     7:25 Bakkie troost                     4:15 Weekend met Willie                                                                    E-mail:                            Edseline Angelo
3:05 Nederland in beweging          7:55 Fryslân dok                       4:25 Beestieboys                                                                                                                                  Marisa Eduarda
3:30 Tijd voor MAX                  8:35 Ondersteboven -                   4:50 Taarten van Abel                                                                      Eindredacteur:                                         Freddy Jiménez
4:30 WNL op zondag                                                         5:20 SpangaS                                                                               Liesbeth Mantel                                        Andre Nagtegaal
5:30 VPRO Vrije geluiden                         Nederland                 6:10 Taart marathon                                                                        Verslaggevers:
6:20 VPRO Boeken                                 in de jaren 60            7:45 Brugklas                                                                              Raily Polonius,                                        ICT:
7:00 Journaal                       9:25 Andere tijden                     8:35 Peperbollen                                                                           Marija Stojanovic,                                     E-mail:
7:10 Buitenhof                      10:00 De vloer op                      9:05 Peperbollen                                                                           Jomaira vd Meulen-Angela,                              Shernon Haynes
8:10 Studio sport                   10:30 Point taken 5                    9:30 Hip voor nop                                                                          Nelly Rosa,
10:15 Studio sport                  11:20 100% Hindoe?                     10:00 Willem Wever                                                                         Shelley Tjauw-Foe,                                     Drukkerij:
11:20 Studio sport                  11:52 Socutera                         10:35 Het huis met de krokodillen                                                          Jeroen Baldwin (sport)                                 Barbara Blom
12:20 Studio sport                  12:00 Journaal                         12:05 Zappsport                                                                            Johannes Visser                                        E-mail:
13:00 Journaal                      12:10 Jacobine op zondag               12:20 De magische winkel                                                                   Marcy Rozendal
13:10 Studio sport                  12:40 Kunstuur                         12:35 Thunderbirds are go!                                                                                                                        AMIGOE (BONAIRE)
14:00 Studio sport Eredivisie       13:10 Podium Witteman                  13:00 Caps club                                                                            Bureauredactie:                                        E-mail:
15:00 Journaal                      14:15 Close Up: Robin de Puy -         13:30 Zapp weekjournaal                                                                    Ad van Loon,                                           Redacteur: Janita Monna
15:20 De reünie                                  Ik ben het allemaal zelf  14:00 Welkom in de                                                                         Nathaly Dalnoot (secretariaat),                        E-mail:
16:25 Eén tegen 100                 15:15 Op zoek naar Frankrijk                                                                                                      Correctie: Ari Manse (coõrdinator),                    (+5999)795-0307
17:15 Studio voetbal                16:05 VPRO Tegenlicht                               Gouden Eeuw                                                                   Ingrid Kerstjens,                                      Advertentie en incasso:
18:15 De kwis                       17:00 Nieuwsuur                        14:25 Zapp echt gebeurd                                                                    Ellen Rink (bureauredactie/correctie)                  Eric Beeldsnijder
                                    17:35 De monitor                       14:47 Socutera                                                                                                                                    E-mail:
                                    18:05 Kruispunt                        14:50 3 op reis                                                                            Correspondenten:                                       +599-7861542
                                    18:35 Adieu God?                       15:25 Project Orpheus                                                                      Curaçao: Judith Ramautar                               Abonnement:
                                                                           16:20 Draadstaal                                                                           Bándabou: Xavora Ricardo-van der Biest
                                    Nederland                              16:50 Missie Aarde                                                                         Nederland: Otti Thomas                                 Persagentschappen:
                                                                           17:25 Ronald Snijders:                                                                                                                            ANP
                                                                                                                                                                      Advertentie:                                           AP
                                                                                        One man show                                                                  Fax: 767-4524                                          Samenwerkingsovereenkomst:
                                                                           18:25 Studio sport                                                                         E-mail:                         The Daily Herald (St. Maarten).
                                                                                                                                                                      Contactpersoon: Marloes Tak                            De Ware Tijd (Suriname)
                                                                                                                                                                      Acquisitie:                                            Foto’s: AFP/AP
                                                                                                                                                                      Yolène Hollander,
                                                                                                                                                                      Joyce Gijsbertha,                                      Distributie/abonnementen:
                                                                                                                                                                      Karin van der Lubbe,                                   Office manager: Arletty Lacroes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Tel: 747-0630/747-0631
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Fax: 747-0651

Nederland                                                                                                                                                             vents                                                  ‘Sigui Stima’
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             starring Levi Silvanie
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             March 27, 4.30 PM and 7 PM

16:20   Andere tijden               16:20   Empire                         TeleCuraçao                                                                                NIGHTLIFE                                              ART & CULTURE
17:00   Nieuwsuur                   17:05   De Zwarte Lijst
17:35   Whitechapel                 17:55   Kanye West live                16:00  Arte pa Tur (r)                                                                     Urban Night                                            Givingism Dinner & Auction
18:30   Movies that matter: Man             from Glastonbury               17:00  KPEK (r)                                                                            March 19, 10 PM                                        March 19, 7 PM - 11 PM
        dela: long walk to freedom  19:35   Mr. Robot                      18:00  Vive la Salud                                                                       Mojitos & Bites                                        Centrale Bank van Curaçao
20:47   De nachtzoen                20:30   Gomorra                        18:30  Curaçao On                                                                                                                                 en Sint Maarten
21:00   Nieuwsuur                   21:20   Weekendcrashers                19:00  Desiree’s Gourmet                                                                   Club 1850 Invites Lady Bee
21:35   Nieuwsuur                   21:45   Het beste van 101TV            20:00  TeleNotisia                                                                         March 19, 10 PM                                        Farm to Table Workshop
22:09   Tekst-tv                    23:48   Tekst-tv                       20:30  Don’t Stop                                                                          Club 1850                                              March 19, 9 AM
                                                                           21:00  Wega di Number Kòrsou                                                                                                                      Hofi Cas Cora
BVN                                                                        21:10  Partsispashon di Morto                                                              27 Live: Plane
                                                                           21:15  De Frente ku Lupe                                                                   March 19, 10 PM                                        Workshop Easter
13:55:  Het Familiediner            05:30:  Koken met Van Boven            22:30  Caribbean Passport (r)                                                              27                                                     Decoration
14:35:  Landinwaarts                06:00:  De Kennis van Nu               23:00  ISIS Documetary                                                                                                                            March 21, 10 AM
15:00:  Puberruil Zapp              06:25:  EenVandaag                                                                                                                Karaoke bij Café de Tijd                               Mundo Mio
15:25:  BinnensteBuiten             06:50:  NOS Sportjournaal              Zondag 20 maart                                                                            March 19, 8 PM
15:50:  Weekoverzicht SpangaS       07:00:  VRT Journaal                   7:00 Youth Experience (r)                                                                  Café de Tijd                                           Fashionshow at BijBlauw
16:45:  Sesamstraat                 07:30:  Kalmte kan u redden            8:00 2 Mi, Bo, Nos Salu (r)                                                                                                                       March 24, 7 PM
17:00:  NOS Journaal                08:25:  NOS Journaal                   9:00 Ban Papia di Salú (r)                                                                 Jill Frans                                             BijBlauw Concept Store
17:05:  Caps Club                   08:40:  Weerbericht                    10:00 Herensia – Max Martina                                                               March 23, 7.30 PM
17:30:  Koken met Van Boven                 Europa/Afrika                  11:00 Vaye di Alabansa                                                                     Zanzibar                                               The taste of Santa Martha
18:00:  De Kennis van Nu            08:45:  Ik Vertrek                     11:30 Santu Sakrifiso di Misa                                                                                                                     March 26, 4 PM - 8 PM
18:25:  EenVandaag                  09:30:  De Stoutste Jongen             13:00 Den Nos Kas (r)                                                                      Après Ski/Sun Party                                    Landhuis Klein Santa Martha
18:50:  NOS Sportjournaal                   van de Klas                    14:00 Herensia – Oscar Mack (r)                                                            March 25, 9 PM
19:00:  VRT Journaal                10:15:  Rambam                         15:00 Levie Silvanie                                                                       Café de Tijd                                           April Fool’s Comedy Show
19:30:  Kalmte kan u redden         10:40:  NOS Studio Sport               17:00 Destinos                                                                                                                                    March 26
20:25:  NOS Journaal                        Eredivisie                     17:30 Wega di Number Kòrsou                                                                27 all stars ft. Michael Dev-                          WTC
20:40:  Weerbericht                 11:35:  Nieuwsuur                      17:45 Sorteo Ekstra                                                                        lin & Gus Wisselink
        Europa/Afrika               12:05:  Weerbericht                    18:00 Before & After Magazine                                                              March 25, 10 PM                                        Sigui Stima
20:45:  Ik Vertrek                          Amerika/Caribiën               19:00 Home Te                                                                              27                                                     Documentary Concert
21:30:  De Stoutste Jongen          12:10:  NOS Studio Sport               19:30 Pagina Sosial Sbil (r)                                                                                                                      March 27, 4.30 PM
        van de Klas                 12:35:  Iedereen beroemd               20:00 TeleNotisia                                                                          27 Live: Charming Bastards                             WTC
22:15:  Rambam                      13:00:  VRT Journaal                   20:25 Partisipashon di Morto                                                               March 26, 10 PM
22:40:  NOS Studio Sport            13:30:  De Zevende dag                 20:30 Otro Kara                                                                            27                                                     Workshop Paint your own
        Eredivisie                  15:35:  Buitenhof                      21:00 Muhé                                                                                                                                        Driftwood with
23:35:  Nieuwsuur                   16:30:  Willem Wever                   22:00 Curaçao Vive                                                                         The Loading Band                                       Mirjam Griffioen
                                    16:55:  De week van karrewiet          23:00 Gevaarlijkste wegen Ned.                                                             March 26, 5 PM                                         Every Friday, 10 AM - 3 PM
Zondag 20 maart                     17:05:  NOS Journaal                                                                                                              Zanzibar                                               Pirates Nest
                                    17:10:  De Magische Winkel
00:05:  Weerbericht                 17:25:  Podium Witteman
                                    18:30:  Nederland Zingt
        Amerika/Caribiën                    op Zondag
                                    19:10:  VRT Journaal
00:10:  NOS Studio Sport            20:05:  NOS Studio Sport
00:35:  Iedereen beroemd            21:05:  NOS Journaal
                                    21:20:  Weerbericht
01:00:  VRT Journaal                        Europa/Afrika                                                                                                                  HOUD UW
                                    21:25:  De Ridder                                                                                                                        EILAND
01:30:  Fans of Flanders            22:15:  De Reünie                             RQ                                                                                        SCHOON!
                                    23:05:  Missie Aarde
01:55:  Het Familiediner            23:30:  Andere Tijden                                                                                                             ǁǁǁ͘Ņůď͘ŽƌŐ

02:35:  Landinwaarts

03:00:  Puberruil Zapp

03:25:  BinnensteBuiten

03:50:  Weekoverzicht SpangaS

04:45:  Sesamstraat                                                                                           Horoscoop Voor morgen

05:00:  NOS Journaal

05:05:  Caps Club

                                                                           sudoku 17 mrt                      ARIES (March 21-April 19): Accept the inevitable        LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Take a stance on what
                                                                                                              and put your energy into something you can get          you want rather than giving in to someone who
                                                                                                              concrete results from. Your fortitude and quick mind    doesn’t think the same way as you. Keeping the
                                                                                                              will help you reach your goal and dodge anyone          peace is fine, but not when it causes agitation and
                                                                                                              trying to get in your way. You deserve to be re-        stress. Showing a little strength could have a posi-
                                                                                                              warded.                                                 tive impact.
                                                                                                              5 stars                                                 4 stars

                                                                                                              TAURUS (April 20-May 20): An opportunity must           SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You’ll face some op-
                                                                                                              not be disregarded just because it comes from an        position, but as long as you feel good about what
                                                                                                              unusual source. Take advantage of anything that         you are doing, you should move forward. Your in-
                                                                                                              can offer you knowledge, connections or inside in-      tuition will not let you down and will help you make
                                                                                                              formation. Make love and romance a priority.            crucial decisions that can influence your personal
                                                                                                              2 stars                                                 life. Love is encouraged.
                                                                                                                                                                      2 stars
                                                                                                              GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Don’t feel you have to
                                                                                                              share with someone who is continually taking and        SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Rely on your
                                                                                                              never giving anything back. Protect against being       own initiative and information to get your ideas up
                                                                                                              used and consider how you can change your ways          and running. Protect against loss, theft and poor in-
                                                                                                              to better protect yourself from poor influences. You     vestments based on someone else’s get-rich-quick
                                                                                                              deserve better.                                         schemes. Look for positive changes and discard
                                                                                                              4 stars                                                 what isn’t working for you.
                                                                                                                                                                      5 stars
                                                                                                              CANCER (June 21-July 22): Embrace change
                                                                                                              instead of worrying about it. Be willing to contribute  CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Make a couple of
                                                                                                              and be a part of what is going on around you, and       personal alterations to the way you look or how you
                                                                                                              you will be in a better position to control the out-    live and you will enjoy the outcome. Spending time
                                                                                                              come. A pick-me-up will enhance your attitude and       with people who can open your mind to new ways
                                                                                                              your appearance.                                        of doing things will encourage positive lifestyle
                                                                                                              3 stars                                                 changes.
                                                                                                                                                                      3 stars
                                                                                                              LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Share your ideas and put
                                                                                                              them into play. The more intent you are, the easier     AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Fix anything that
                                                                                                              it will be to turn your plans into a reality. Positive  has been slowing you down. Making sure that your
                                                                                                              changes at home or to the way you live will attract     world is running smoothly will help you make your
                                                                                                              attention. Share your feelings.                         way to a better future. Embrace new possibilities
                                                                                                              3 stars                                                 and enjoy yourself.
                                                                                                                                                                      3 stars
                                                                                                              VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Learn through obser-
                                                                                                              vation and try your hand at implementing what           PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): You’ll be tempted
                                                                                                              you discover into your daily routine. Taking better     to do things that may put you at risk physically.
                                                                                                              care of your health will make a big difference to the   Choose your activities carefully and stay prepared
                                                                                                              things you can do in the future. Get moving and get     in order to avoid a setback. Being honest about
                                                                                                              fit. 3 stars                                             what you are capable of doing will help you achieve
                                                                                                                                                                      success. 3 stars
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