P. 17
AWEMainta Dialuna, 4 September 2017 17
Parlamentario Clarisca Velasquez
Aruba ta cumpliendo
cu norma di AUCTION
presupuesto 2017 ex. 3:268 Civil Code of Aruba
SEPTEMBER 28, 2017
On Thursday September 28, 2017, at 11 AM, at the Conference Room
of the Chamber of Commerce, Irausquin Boulevard 10, Aruba, will be
auctioned in public:
1. A residential house locally known as
standing on a parcel of full property land, ca. 272 m2 in size, situated
at Picaron in Aruba, being part of "Park Picaron", as further described
in measure document CSCS 105-2004 dated Oktober 22, 2004, being
a part of the parcel locally recorded as Third Division Section D number
“NOS Gobierno ta haciendo tur loke mester haci
pa haci nos finanza uno sostenibel. E caminda no Starting bid: Afl. 86.900,--
tabata uno facil, pero ta cumpliendo cu presupuesto
on the dot. 2. A residential house, locally known as
Y esaki ta riba e bon caminda pa yega balance budget.
Ningun Gobierno a logra esaki apesar cu tabatin mas PRIMAVERA 6-D
recurso economico e tempo aya.
E modelo cu e Gobierno aki a scoge di stimula nos standing on a parcel of public land, 808 m2 in size, situated at
economia enbez di austeriza a duna Aruba e resultado Primavera in Aruba, locally recorded as "kadastrale meetbrief nummer
cu awe nos economia ta creciendo”, segun e miembro 202 d.d. 23/10/1992". The lease rights expire on February 25, 2053.
di fraccion di AVP, Clarisca Velasquez.
Starting bid: Afl. 195.300,--
E modelo cu Hulanda y tur e “profetanan di desas- 3. A residential house, locally known as
ter” a critica, pero awe nos mester duna credito na
nos Gobierno pa a tuma e modelo cu nos Gobierno a SABANA LIBER 306
pensa cu ta mihor pa nos pais y awe nos tin e resul-
tado bunita aki cu Gobierno cumpliendo cu norma
di presupuesto cu pa aña 2017 ta baha e deficit na standing on a parcel of full ownership land, ca. 222 m2 size, situated in
Sabana Liber in Aruba, being a part of the parcel locally recorded as
0.5 % y na mitar di aña 2017 ya caba nos ta na 0.7%. First Division Section L number 93, with indexnr. D5783.
Esaki ta nifica cu pa prome biaha den historia di nos
pais Aruba cu nos ta bay tin balance budget. Starting bid: Afl. 148.240,--
“Esaki ta un bon noticia y semper nos tabatin con-
fiansa den nos Gobierno cu lo logra esaki. E modelo • The auction is subject to the general conditions for foreclosure auctions and
cu a scoge pa Aruba a duna su frutonan. special auction conditions which will be determined by civil law notary T.R.
Aruba riba e bon caminda pa balance budget y cu un Johnson.
economia recupera y un desaroyo inmenso tur rond • A private written bid can be submitted until September 13 2017,5 P.M.
Aruba. Aruba padilanti nos ta bay y ki mihor noticia • The auction will take place by raising bids (in Dutch: “bij opbod”) and by
cu un finanza publico sanea y sostenibel. decreasing bids (in Dutch: “bij afmijning”), in one session.
Ningun Gobierno cu mas placa den caha a logra esaki • Seller has the right to not accept any bid, at his sole discretion.
y pesey mester felicita nos Gobierno p’e milestone • Each bidder must be able to submit a bankguarantee issued by a reputable
bank in Aruba to the amount of the highest bid increased with an amount equal
aki y muy en especial nos Minister di Finanza Angel to the auction costs.
Bermudez y tambe nos Prome Minister Mike Eman
p’e vision grandi aki pa Aruba.
Pabien Aruba! Nos ta riba e rumbo corecto cu nos For more information:
pais! Ban sigi padilanti!”, Clarisca Velasquez di AVP WWW.JOHNSONNOTARY.COM/AUCTIONS
a finalisa su mensahe.