Page 18 - MIN TTC 19 AUG 2015
P. 18


LOCALWednesday 19 August 2015

Alicia Ras

Completes Five

Years of Service!

NOORD – As the only wom-       at first as a contractor at
an in her department,          the resort, and later as a full
painter Alicia Ras feels very  time employee.
much at ease as a mem-         Alicia, who was born in Co-
ber of the Maintenance         lombia and still love visiting
Team at Caribbean Palm         the country of her birth of-
Village Resort where she       ten, appreciates her work
just celebrated her 5th an-    environment at Caribbean
niversary.                     Palm Village Resort and
Painting, she explains, re-    she continues to paint and
quires patience and preci-     sew, also in her time off, at
sion, two qualities she has    the home she shares with
plenty of, and that is how     her husband.
she found herself working      Management praised Ali-

                                                                cia’s performance over      We hope to have your
                                                                lunch with Assistant Chief  company here at the re-
                                                                of Maintenance Franklin     sort for many more years,
                                                                Olive in attendance, pre-   said Olive.
                                                                senting the honoree with    Pictured here, Alicia with
                                                                a plaque and a customary    members of management.
                                                                envelope.                   q
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