Page 3 - Breitling
P. 3
Wednesday 3 June 2015
Grand Opening for The Breitling Boutique a Spectacular Affair!
manager and hundreds of of watches. Pass by the
friends and family, enjoyed brand new boutique and
a fabulous party till late in the team will gladly tell you
the evening. all about all world famous
The honor of cutting the Breitling watches.
official ribbon was done The Breitling boutique is lo-
by the Minister of Tour- cated in the Harbor Bou-
ism followed by a cham- tiques, downtown, adja-
pagne toast and introduc- cent to the Omega store
tion to the different styles and Gemani Juwelers.q
ORANJESTAD - The entire
L.G. Smith Boulevard was
closed off and transformed
into an elegant party place
with a beautiful dance
floor, live music, mouth-
watering snacks and free-
flowing champagne this
weekend for the spectac-
ular grand opening of the
Grand Breitling boutique!
The proud boutique own-
ers Dinesh & Varsha
Mahtani, together with in-
vited guests, including Min-
ister of Tourism Otmar Odu-
ber, Minister of Justice Ar-
thur Dowers, Mr. Diaz and
Linzey from the Breitling
corporate offices, Octa-
vio Hodge, Julio the store