Page 9 - AHATA OCT 22 2020_Neat
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                                                                                                           LOCAL Thursday 22 OcTOber 2020

            Recovery through Creativity and Innovation

                                                                                      vation, at both the individual and  utes  to  building  open,  inclusive
              ORANJESTAD — Recovery is important for survival. The COVID-19 pan-      group  levels,  have  become  the  and pluralistic societies. Both heri-
              demic has devastated the world and crippled developing communi-         true wealth of nations in the 21st  tage  and  creativity  lay  the  foun-
              ties. Complete recovery on all fronts is what our focus should be on.   century, according to the findings  dations for vibrant, innovative and
              Recovery  in  regaining  peace  of  mind,  recovery  in  diversifying  our   of the special edition of the Cre-  prosperous  knowledge  societies.
              economy,  recovery  in  increasing  the  health  and  well-being  of  our   ative Economy Report “Widening  UNESCO is convinced that no de-
              people, recovery in providing our children the education and social     local  development  pathways”.  velopment  can  be  sustainable
              interaction they need to develop, recovery in being able to see our     Creativity and innovation is what  without  a  strong  culture  compo-
              loved ones and spending time with each other. Recovery of this pan-     we can describe entrepreneurs to  nent. Indeed, only a human-cen-
              demic will be a challenge, but we cannot push it aside, because it will   be.  According  to  Atwater  (2020)  tered approach to development
              cost us too much. Recovery will require us to be creative and to in-    “entrepreneurial  leaders  share  based  on  mutual  respect  and
              novate. It will but, how can Aruba leverage in this technological world   three  defining  traits  that  make  open  dialogue  among  cultures
              we live in?                                                             them  different  from  other  lead-  can lead to lasting, inclusive and
                                                                                      ers:  they  are  amazing  risk  man-  equitable results. Yet until recently,
              Many studies confirm the breakthrough role of creativity throughout     agers, they are great uncertainty  culture has been missing from the
              this pandemic. The use of creativity in how we deal with the crisis on a   navigators, and they thrive in ex-  development equation. To ensure
              personal level, academic level, business level, and governance level    ploring  ambiguity.  Consequently,  that culture takes it rightful place
              reached new levels. New levels that require we think outside the box    entrepreneurial  leaders  can  in-  in  development  strategies  and
              to solve everyday issues and help us transition to this new normal. Cre-  novate their way into the future”.  processes, UNESCO has adopted
              ativity builds resilience especially in helping local NGOs and local en-  What  happens  to  entrepreneurs  a  three-pronged  approach:  it
              trepreneurs adapt to the current and upcoming changes posed by          who are in a society that does not  spearheads  worldwide  advoca-
              COVID-19  and  help  deal  with  the  increased  socio-economic  need   leverage  on  culture,  technology  cy  for  culture  and  development,
              within our society. Today we will focus on how creativity can help Aru-  and or creativity? Think about it.  while  engaging  with  the  interna-
              ban neighborhoods and communities not only overcome, but recov-                                            tional community to set clear poli-
              er.                                                                                                        cies  and  legal  frameworks  and
                                                                                                                         working on the ground to support
              There may be no universal understanding of creativity. The concept                                         governments  and  local  stake-
              is open to interpretation from artistic expression to problem-solving in   Creativity and Culture          holders  to  safeguard  heritage,
              the context of economic, social and sustainable development. There-                                        strengthen creative industries and
              fore, the United Nations designated 21 April as World Creativity and    In  today’s  interconnected  world,  encourage cultural pluralism.
              Innovation Day to raise the awareness of the role of creativity and     culture’s  power  to  transform  so-
              innovation in all aspects of human development. Creativity and inno-    cieties is clear. Creativity contrib-            Continued on Page 10
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