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LOCALFriday 12 February 2016
Loyal Visitors Honored by the Aruba Tourism Authority
EAGLE BEACH - Recently cana Beach Resort and tokens of appreciation to
the Aruba Tourism Author- Caribbean Palm Village as guests who visit Aruba for
ity had the great pleasure Distinguished Visitors and 10-to-19 and 20-to-34 con-
of honoring a group of Goodwill Ambassadors. secutive years.
loyal and friendly visitors The symbolic honorary titles The honorees for Distin-
of Aruba at the Renais- are presented in the name guished Visitor were Mr.
sance Ocean Suites, Tropi- of the Minister of Tourism as Richard and Mrs. Linda
Katz and Mr. Sheldon and
Mrs. Wendy Katz from Mas-
sachusetts. The honorees
for Goodwill Ambassador
were Ms. Deanna Zazulka,
Ms. Connie Anne Benson,
Mr. Larry Franco, and Mr.
Phil and Mrs. Donna Bova
of Cleveland, Ohio.
All of the honorees are loy-
al members of their respec-
tive resorts and they love
Aruba very much because
of the friendly people, the
weather, the beaches, the
restaurants, the Casinos,
and just about everything
else! They say being on
the island is like being in
paradise, that the people
are like family to them,
and that Aruba is truly their
The certificates were pre-
sented by Mr. Jonathan
Boekhoudt representing
the Aruba Tourism Author-
ity, together with friends
and associates from the
Renaissance Ocean Suites,
Tropicana Beach Resort
and Caribbean Palm Vil-
Congratulations to all!