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                                                                                                      science Wednesday 20 May 2020
            Study: World carbon pollution falls 17% during pandemic peak

            By SETH BORENSTEIN                                                                                                  grees (1 degree Celsius) of
            AP Science Writer                                                                                                   warming  that  leaders  are
            KENSINGTON,       Maryland                                                                                          trying  to  avoid,  LeQuere
            (AP) — The world cut its dai-                                                                                       said.  That  level  could  still
            ly carbon dioxide emissions                                                                                         occur anywhere from 2050
            by 17% at the peak of the                                                                                           to 2070, the authors said.
            pandemic  shutdown  last                                                                                            The  study  was  carried  out
            month, a new study found.                                                                                           by  Global Carbon Project,
            But  with  life  and  heat-                                                                                         a consortium of internation-
            trapping  gas  levels  inch-                                                                                        al  scientists  that  produces
            ing  back  toward  normal,                                                                                          the  authoritative  annual
            the  brief  pollution  break                                                                                        estimate  of  carbon  diox-
            will likely be "a drop in the                                                                                       ide emissions. They looked
            ocean"  when  it  comes  to                                                                                         at 450 databases showing
            climate  change,  scientists                                                                                        daily  energy  use  and  in-
            said. In their study of carbon                                                                                      troduced  a  measurement
            dioxide  emissions  during                                                                                          scale  for  pandemic-relat-
            the coronavirus pandemic,                                                                                           ed  societal  "confinement"
            an  international  team  of                                                                                         in its estimates.q
            scientists  calculated  that
            pollution  levels  are  head-
            ing back up — and for the
            year  will  end  up  between
            4% and 7% lower than 2019    In this Nov. 14, 2018, file photo, a cleaner wearing a mask against pollution sweeps a street in
            levels.  That's  still  the  big-  Beijing.                                                        Associated Press
            gest annual drop in carbon
            emissions  since  World  War  when the world was spew-    By  April  30,  the  world  car-  the study, said in an email.
            II.  It'll  be  7%  if  the  strictest  ing 18.7 million tons (17 mil-  bon  pollution  levels  had  "We  need  fundamental
            lockdown  rules  remain  all  lion metric tons) of carbon  grown by 3.3 million tons (3  structural change."
            year  long  across  much  of  pollution a day less than it  million  metric  tons)  a  day  If the world could keep up
            the  globe,  4%  if  they  are  was  doing  on  New  Year's  from its low point earlier in  annual emission cuts like this
            lifted  soon.  For  a  week  in  Day.  Such low global emis-  the month. Carbon dioxide  without  a  pandemic  for  a
            April, the United States cut  sion  levels  haven't  been  stays in the air for about a  couple decades, there's a
            its  carbon  dioxide  levels  recorded since 2006. But if  century.  Outside  experts  decent  chance  Earth  can
            by about one-third. China,  the world returns to its slow-  praised  the  study  as  the  avoid  warming  another
            the  world's  biggest  emit-  ly increasing pollution levels  most  comprehensive  yet,  1.8 degrees (1 degree Cel-
            ter of heat-trapping gases,  next  year,  the  temporary  saying  it  shows  how  much  sius) of warming from now,
            sliced  its  carbon  pollution  reduction  amounts  to  ''a  effort is needed to prevent  study authors said. But get-
            by nearly a quarter in Feb-  drop  in  the  ocean,"  said  dangerous levels of further  ting the type of yearly cuts
            ruary, according to a study  study  lead  author  Corinne  global  warming.  "That  un-  to reach that  international
            Tuesday  in  the  journal  Na-  LeQuere,  a  climate  scien-  derscores  a  simple  truth:  goal    is  unlikely,  they  said.
            ture Climate Change. India  tist at the University of East  Individual  behavior  alone  If next year returns to 2019
            and  Europe  cut  emissions  Anglia.  "It's like you have a  ... won't get us there," Penn-  pollution  levels,  it  means
            by 26% and 27% respective-   bath  filled  with  water  and  sylvania  State  University  the world has only bought
            ly. The biggest global drop  you're  turning  off  the  tap  climate  scientist  Michael  about  a  year's  delay  in
            was from April 4 through 9  for 10 seconds," she said.    Mann,  who  wasn't  part  of  hitting  the  extra  1.8  de-

              Google backs off on AI for oil and gas extraction

              By MATT O'BRIEN                                                                     have looked for new tech-
              AP Technology Writer                                                                nology to get more oil and
              Google says it will no lon-                                                         gas out of the ground.
              ger  build  custom  artifi-                                                         But the group applauded
              cial  intelligence  tools  for                                                      Google  on  Tuesday  for
              speeding  up  oil  and  gas                                                         taking  a  step  away  from
              extraction,  separating  it-                                                        those deals.  "While Google
              self from cloud computing                                                           still has a few legacy con-
              rivals  Microsoft  and  Ama-                                                        tracts with oil and gas firms,
              zon.    The  announcement                                                           we  welcome  this  indica-
              followed  a  Greenpeace                                                             tion  from  Google  that  it
              report Tuesday that docu-                                                           will no longer build custom
              ments how the three tech                                                            solutions  for  upstream  oil
              giants  are  using  AI  and                                                         and  gas  extraction,"  said
              computing power to help                                                             Elizabeth  Jardim,  senior
              oil  companies  find  and   In this April 21, 2020 file photo, a pumpjack is pictured as the   corporate campaigner for
              access oil and gas depos-   sun sets in Oklahoma City.             Associated Press  Greenpeace USA. Google
              its  in  the  U.S.  and  around                                                     said it will honor all existing
              the  world.  The  environ-  have  been  undermining  with  major  oil  companies  contracts  with  its  custom-
              mentalist group says Ama-   their own climate change  including  Shell,  BP,  Chev-  ers, but didn't specify what
              zon, Microsoft and Google  pledges    by   partnering  ron  and  ExxonMobil  that  companies.q
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