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obituario/u.s. news Diahuebs 25 November 2021
All 3 men charged in Arbery’s death convicted
of murder
“Un cos so mi a roga Señor, esei so mi ta anhela:
cu mi por biba den cas di Señor tur dia di mi bida
y sigui stima tur cu a stima mi riba e mundo aki”
A fayece:
Mario A. Koolman
Mihor conoci como Mario, Mai, Yayo
Na nomber di su:
Esposa: Eugenia Koolman-Thiel
Yuinan: Eumar y Marilu Koolman (AP) — Jurors on Wednes- seeing him running outside the house and recorded cellphone
Mayenne y Danilo Kock day convicted the three white Georgia port city of Brunswick video of Travis McMichael blast-
men charged in the death of in February 2020. Bryan joined ing Arbery at close range with a
Nieto nan: Dervin Kock – Nyah Koolman – Ahmaud Arbery, the Black the pursuit in his own pickup shotgun as Arbery threw punch-
Darwin Kock - Xiëlle Koolman – Darvienne man who was chased and and recorded cellphone video of es and grabbed for the weapon.
Kock fatally shot while running Travis McMichael fatally shoot-
through their neighborhood ing Arbery. On the 911 call the jury re-
Rumannan: Almira Koolman y famia in an attack that became part viewed, Greg McMichael tells
Louis y Sharron Koolman y famia of the larger national reckon- The graphic video leaked online an operator: “I’m out here in Sa-
Maria y Remy Kelly y famia ing on racial injustice. two months later. Though pros- tilla Shores. There’s a Black male
Gerard y Silvia Koolman y famia ecutors did not argue that racism running down the street.”
Roland Koolman The convictions for Greg Mc- motivated the killing, federal au-
Jozef Koolman Michael, son Travis McMichael thorities have charged them with He then starts shouting, appar-
Sra. Vda. Swinda Tromp Koolman and neighbor William “Roddie” hate crimes, alleging that they ently as Arbery is running toward
Antonieta Koolman y Donny Boekhoudt y famia Bryan came after jurors delib- chased and killed Arbery because the McMichael’s idling truck
George y Tessely Koolman y famia erated for about 10 hours. The he was Black. That case is sched- with Bryan’s truck coming up
men face minimum sentences of uled to go to trial in February. behind him: “Stop right there!
Cuñanan, primo y primanan, subrino y life in prison. It is up to the judge Damn it, stop! Travis!” Gunshots
subrinanan y demas famia kier a invita tur bisiña, to decide whether that comes Soon after returning to court can be heard a few second later.
amigo y conocir pa asisti na e acto di despedida with or without the possibility of Wednesday morning, the jury
cual lo tuma lugar diabierna 26 di november 2021 parole. sent a note to Superior Court Defense attorneys contend the
di 9or pa 11or di maina ta Pray Funeral Home Judge Timothy Walmsley ask- McMichaels were attempting a
San Nicolaas. Travis McMichael stood for the ing to view two versions of the legal citizen’s arrest when they
verdict, his lawyer’s arm around shooting video — the original set off after Arbery, seeking to
Nos ta lamenta cu Despues di entiero NO ta his shoulder. At one point, Mc- and one that investigators en- detain and question him as a sus-
ricibi bishita di Condolencia na cas. Michael lowered his head to his hanced to reduce shadows — pected burglar after he was seen
chest. After the verdicts were three times apiece. running from a nearby home
read, as he stood to leave, he under construction.
mouthed “love you” to his moth- Jurors returned to the court-
er, who was in the courtroom. room to see the videos and listen Travis McMichael testified that
again the 911 call one of the de- he shot Arbery in self-defense,
Moments after the verdicts were fendants made from the bed of saying the running man turned
announced, Arbery’s father, a pickup truck about 30 seconds and attacked with his fists while
Marcus Arbery Sr., was seen cry- before the shooting. running past the idling truck
ing and hugging supporters out- where Travis McMichael stood
side the courtroom. The disproportionately white with his shotgun.
jury received the case around
Arbery’s mother, Wanda Coo- midday Tuesday and spent about Prosecutors said there was no
per-Jones, thanked the crowd six hours deliberating before ad- evidence Arbery had commit-
gathered outside the courthouse journing without a verdict. ted crimes in the defendants’
and said she did not think she The McMichaels told police they neighborhood. He had enrolled
would see this day. suspected Arbery was a fleeing at a technical college and was
burglar when they armed them- preparing at the time to study
The McMichaels grabbed guns selves and jumped in a pickup to become an electrician like his
and jumped in a pickup truck truck to chase him. Bryan joined uncles.
to pursue the 25-year-old after the pursuit when they passed his